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Re: Election

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:13 pm
by Mallard_maniac
Last two posts are spot on. How else do you explain electing a candidate, the leader of the free world, literally the most poweful position in the world...., that very likely has onset dementia in some form. I only know a handful of people (at least that broadcast it) that voted blue but all of them were more dissapointed with DJT than they were excited about JB.

Last time Rogan had Jocko W. on he was tryiing to get him to run as VP for Dwayne Johnson in 3rd party..... I bet that ticket would get some real consideration considering the age we live in. Unfortunately for us, Jocko seemed to have no interest

Re: Election

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:13 pm
by Mallard_maniac
double post

Re: Election

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:25 pm
by Drunk_Dynasty
I would vote for any ticket with Jocko on it.

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Re: Election

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 6:27 pm
by Quack
Harris will be the Teddy Roosevelt of the 21st century.

Mark my barfing words. Roosevelt was a progressive. Just with different issues at the time.

Crenshaw-Noem 2024

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Re: Election

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 10:49 pm
by maplelakeduckslayer
Definitely some shady stuff going on after fact checking some claims...but is it one off stuff or large enough to influence the election?

I don't think there's any way they can reverse this though even if it was nershi said it'd get bad...real bad

Re: Election

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:23 pm
by Fish Felon
Quack wrote:Harris will be the Teddy Roosevelt of the 21st century.

Mark my barfing words. Roosevelt was a progressive. Just with different issues at the time.

Crenshaw-Noem 2024

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I can assure you she will not be breaking up the big monopolies, which there are plenty of, or working with labor unions to do anything but cause less of them to have a job.

I try not to compare anyone from today with someone from over a hundred years ago without framing any argument for either under the context of the time they lived.

Roosevelt was a progressive, but he also was a wealthy businessman. He sided with business and got the coal miners off strike in 1902. He did an excellent job of providing leadership when dealing with foreign policy, and he implemented regulation in key industries like railroad when there were none. Having standardized railroad rates is seen today as anti-business and progressive, but the reality is it was a very good move for business at the time. It's not like Roosevelt decreased any of the railroad tycoon's fortunes....they all got wealthier. His conservation moves were more a necessity than they were him having some grand vision. You had all these western territories or new states with too much land and not enough people. He took what essentially was uninhabited wasteland and removed the burden of keeping it from becoming like Deadwood, American outlaw towns....towns that were technically in this country but either not under jurisdiction or under jurisdiction that had no means of controlling all the land they had jurisdiction over. Like most things Roosevelt, his conservation movement was a business move.....aimed at growing the economy by creating more commerce between states. Today Roosevelt is touted as this very progressive president but his moves were all about creating more commerce. See "Panama Canal" for the explanation point on this notion.

Whether you agree with that or you're extremely liberal and want to view him as this transformative thing that can't be argued is that the issues he dealt with were actual issues.

Harris thinks she's a progressive because she's "a fighter" of systemic racism.....whatever the fukc that means.

There isn't any such thing as systemic racism. It's make believe fantasy land bullshit.

There isn't a single institutionalized decision making process in this country that favors whites over blacks.

There aren't any banks discriminating against blacks on mortgage financing approval, or real estate agents only showing them listings in certain parts of town, or any of that stuff that did exist at one point. Yes, the average white family has significantly more wealth than a black family....blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Here's reality:

In 2020, a black kid who gets a 'C' average and graduates high school, and at some point gets some kind of postsecondary school, communications degree at any college...for that kid to make it in America all that kid has to do is stay out of trouble and show up. That's it. Don't become a felon and show up to work on time four out of five days each week and that kid will get good jobs and have plenty of opportunities for promotions, and will be able to buy a home, raise a family, retire, all the bullshit plus the white picket fence if they want it.

The only thing getting in the way of blacks advancing is themselves and white liberals....or in this case a Hispanic looking quasi-supposedly-black chick. No one is worse for blacks in this country than someone like Harris.

What needs to be done to stop blacks from being treated unfairly?

Stop being njiggers.

All the decent black people get this and shake their heads when they drive by some njigger barking at the cops as they kneel on him on the ground and put him in cuffs.

Harris thinks this country needs to stop treating njiggers like njggers is the way to help blacks. What the black community needs to hear more than anyone is no one is against you, take responsibility for your actions, hold yourself accountable, be parents to your children, there is honor in any honest paying work, and if you make a mistake it's not the end of the world so long as you don't resist arrest and keep your fukcing mouth shut besides "yes sir" & "no sir" and you do as you're told.

In short Harris will be nothing like Roosevelt. He dealt with real issues and made life better for the average American. Harris is going to deal with fake issues and make life worse for the average American.

Re: Election

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:27 pm
by Fish Felon
maplelakeduckslayer wrote:Definitely some shady stuff going on after fact checking some claims...but is it one off stuff or large enough to influence the election?

I don't think there's any way they can reverse this though even if it was nershi said it'd get bad...real bad

It's already gotten real bad. If there's any way possible to keep Trump in office---Do It.

All the same degenerates who would riot are going to be rioting anyways once Chauvin & Co. all get off scott free. I'd rather see Trump in and given the job of taking care of it sooner than later than Biden/Harris in and taking care of it never.

You only have to stomp these motherfukcers once and they won't be rioting again.

Re: Election

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 5:40 am
by cstemig
I agree, neither Biden nor Harris are currently equipped to deal with the pending riots following the Floyd trial. Hopefully they may listen to the professionals that do. It will a real test of their leadership to do what needs to be done.

Re: Election

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 9:03 am
by Drunk_Dynasty
Jake Frey sure as hell ain’t gonna solve any serious issues. He’s scrotumless.

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Re: Election

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 10:17 pm
by Fish Felon
I didn't photo shop this....this is the pic as is how it was released....