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2015 AIS Training Requirement

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 4:26 pm
by Nershi

Anyone see this yet?

$5 for the class and an additional $2 per sticker/trailer. Shouldn't they be paying us to take this class?

I might just have to boycott this one and see how many warnings I can get before they write me a ticket.

Re: 2015 AIS Training Requirement

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 4:47 pm
by triplecurler
This is just fricken stupid, how this going to keep me from not being lazy and hauling AIS around.

Re: 2015 AIS Training Requirement

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 5:55 pm
by gimpfinger
All about the dollar bills now.

your mom...

Re: 2015 AIS Training Requirement

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 6:53 pm
by Fish Felon
Pure and utter bullchit.

Re: 2015 AIS Training Requirement

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:43 pm
by StuStiltman
Wasn't there a regulation like this last year or maybe the year before, something like you had to have some ais info sticker in your boat. If I remember right (not 100% sure) that regulation got tossed. This sounds like a DNR fundraiser to me. Remember the lqp area permits you had to buy to shoot geese 10 or 15 years ago. Those went away, rumor was the proceeds paid for an extra secretary or something like that. My guess is something similar is going on with this, DNR needs more money, can't jack up license prices two years in a row. Won't do a single thing to stop the spread of ais. I'm worried in a couple years after zebras have spread even further some DNR genius will decide the real culprit is duck hunters with their decoy anchors, hope not.

Re: 2015 AIS Training Requirement

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 11:00 am
by Fish Felon
This crap has become so ludicrous I don't even care anymore. I just try to have some fun with it.

I've had some interesting conversations with the boat launch saviors. One snot nosed kid gave me the full sermon after fondling every inch of my anchor rope.

"Do you know how to check for zebra mussels on your boat?"

"Well, the veilgers are microscopic and can live for a week out of water...where's your microscope? Let's start checking for them."

Blank stare.

I got around to how I pretty much don't give a chit and think what he's doing is a total joke and won't prevent any of it...and that it won't matter anyways.

He then goes on to lecture me about how zebes have destroyed the walleye fishing on Mille Lacs. I then ask him if he's ever fished Mille Lacs,


"As a supposedly trained professional what you are telling people is a grossly negligent statement. You have no idea what you are talking about."

Blank stare.

Then he goes into asking me whether or not I could identify spiny water fleas and I told him,

"Of course I do. I fish Mille Lacs. Anyone who has ever fished that lake knows what they look like. Try trolling lead core in August some could fill an aquarium with them pulling them off your line if you wanted to. Speaking of which, have you even seen one outside of an aquarium?"

Blank stare before starting in on,

"...well, I don't want to waste your time..."

"It's too late for that kid. Have a good night. Keep up the losing fight."

I do not mind the chicks. They do their job quick and with a smile and goddammit most of them are pretty hot!

Re: 2015 AIS Training Requirement

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 5:12 pm
by NitroZ9 Duck Killin
I tell the kids at the ramp to leave me the eff alone.

I also inform them they are not to enter my registration numbers and license plate numbers into there hand held computer.

I tell all of them that I carry zebra mussels, milfoil and spiny water fleas in a secret compartment in my boat.

I stock then in every lake I fish.

I dumped several 5 gallon buckets of zebs in Christmas lake.