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Bullet, Were You at M.O.A.?

Sat Dec 20, 2014 5:08 pm

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Fish Felon
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Re: Bullet, Were You at M.O.A.?

Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:53 pm

I thought we had witnessed the most idiotic protesters in history after the Occupy Wall Street Movement---where a bunch of recent college grads came to the realization that racking up $100K in student loan debt wasn't a very good get rich quick scheme so they camped in parks and shouted chants on public transit. Because that's the best way to get a CEO with an eight-figure salary to notice your plight....screaming on a bus filled mostly with fellow broke people.

But then came these idiots.

They really should hire a good white PR guy to help them relay their message. The last time I checked the goal of protest is to expose a supposed societal wrong and push for social change. To accomplish that you generally are going to need most of the public to empathize with you. So how does shutting down major traffic arteries and illegally protesting at a private mall the weekend before Christmas accomplish that?

I'm pretty sure you're just pissing people off.

What happened to sit-ins and hunger strikes and other forms of protests that bring awareness to what you're saying along with respect? If some of these idiots staged a sit in outside a police station or city hall and didn't eat for a few days while sitting in the cold I still might not agree with them but at least I'd respect their devotion. I might even try to look at things from their point of view after wondering what injustice would push you to that level of commitment and sacrifice.

But these morons are all too lazy and stupid for that. They just want to show up and yell for a half hour before grabbing KFC on their way home to sit and watch TV and bitch about how the world hasn't handed them everything.

I never thought a true race war was possible in this country but I've recently reconsidered. With how alarmingly low the average intelligence is in the black community, the media's whoreish desire to pour gas on a fire for ratings, labeling any black person an Uncle Tom for having success and voicing a differing opinion, and geniuses willing to assassinate cops who probably saved more black lives than you could imagine.....a race war doesn't seem out of the question.

Scary times. As always.
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Re: Bullet, Were You at M.O.A.?

Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:09 pm

I don't disagree with your premise. The problem is the actual problem doesn't fit into a hashtag.

2 sides, same coin:

1) Socio-economic disparities, some self inflicted, some government inflicted, and all of it government supported.

2) JBT "war zone" mentality of police. Not quite to the same level, but it's Perch's point about cops shooting dog's whenever they walk into a yard, even if it's the wrong yard.

Now everyone is entrenched and the battle of #blacklivesmatter vs. #copslivesmatter will drive us all freakin' crazy until we just stop listening and then the media won't care and nothing will have changed.

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Re: Bullet, Were You at M.O.A.?

Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:48 pm

IMO cops shooting dogs while their tail is wagging is a whole world difference than one shooting a guy that tried for his gun and then rushes him or a fat guy resisting arrest to the point of giving himself a heart attack.


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Re: Bullet, Were You at M.O.A.?

Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:57 pm

gimpfinger wrote:IMO cops shooting dogs while their tail is wagging is a whole world difference than one shooting a guy that tried for his gun and then rushes him or a fat guy resisting arrest to the point of giving himself a heart attack.


Team Power Dump

You can bad mouth a mans gun, his shooting, and his women but bad mouth his dog them's fighting words.

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Re: Bullet, Were You at M.O.A.?

Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:17 pm

Fish Felon wrote:I never thought a true race war was possible in this country but I've recently reconsidered. With how alarmingly low the average intelligence is in the black community, the media's whoreish desire to pour gas on a fire for ratings, labeling any black person an Uncle Tom for having success and voicing a differing opinion, and geniuses willing to assassinate cops who probably saved more black lives than you could imagine.....a race war doesn't seem out of the question.

Scary times. As always.

X2. It's also sad that the black culture of "Thugs" & "Gangstas" is so openly promoted by our media and the entertainment industry. IMO, Hip Hop and Rap have done nothing but promote and romanticize a criminal life style that promotes physical violence and "F'n" the Police.
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Re: Bullet, Were You at M.O.A.?

Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:22 pm

....and there lies the challenge of it all. I don't disagree with you on that aspect, but that isn't where the questions need to be because the issue isn't the one dude in Ferguson and the one dude in New York.

If the system is structured to maintain unchecked power... say, "Cops put it all on the line, therefore, are above criticism....", we end up in some serious trouble.

I think the protestors are idiots. If they gave one damned rip about "black lives" they'd be this pissed off about the black on black crime. This is why they need Fish Felon's white PR guy. Al Sharpton, et al are leeches that make money from encouraging continued disparity. Their fight only pays if they have a victim to fight for. Thats' why he never shows up when a 3 year old is collateral damage in a drive by. In his eyes, it's not victimization.... or at least, it's not what he can profit from.

I also think some dudes deserve to get shot. There's also dogs that need it, too, in the right circumstances.

But if every time there is a police involved shooting the process is: paid administrative leave, DA looks at case, nothing to see here..... there is a serious risk to liberty~ including yours.

And I'm not jumping on the "black lives" matter band wagon. It would seem to me that there are enough officer involved shootings to take a look to see if there are more happening as a trend, what has changed, how these things are treated, and if the system in place makes sense. That's where the discussion needs to be, and that's why it isn't going to happen in the hashtag wars.

Meanwhile, the rest of us will stop giving a good honest shit because it only happens to criminals.... http://www.startribune.com/local/west/286391201.html .... and pets, or when the cops go to the wrong house http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=95475, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Aiyana_Jones, http://gawker.com/texas-cops-go-to-wrong-house-kill-elderly-man-blame-b-925332964, http://raleightelegram.com/201207172200

"We have the greatest opportunity the world has ever seen, as long as we remain honest -- which will be as long as we can keep the attention of our people alive. If they once become inattentive to public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, judges and governors would all become wolves." Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Bullet, Were You at M.O.A.?

Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:43 pm

91% of blacks are killed by other blacks

Black on black homicide is the number 1 cause of death for black males ages 15-34

Blacks attack whites at a level that is 25 times more frequently than vice versa

End of discussion
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Re: Bullet, Were You at M.O.A.?

Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:15 am

HnkrCrash wrote:91% of blacks are killed by other blacks

Black on black homicide is the number 1 cause of death for black males ages 15-34

Blacks attack whites at a level that is 25 times more frequently than vice versa

End of discussion

You forgot your hashtag....

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Re: Bullet, Were You at M.O.A.?

Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:32 am

gimpfinger wrote:IMO cops shooting dogs while their tail is wagging is a whole world difference than one shooting a guy that tried for his gun and then rushes him or a fat guy resisting arrest to the point of giving himself a heart attack.


Team Power Dump

I'm on the fat guys side on this one, I watched the video, wish I hadn't, but those cops were being little ******. Let's say they were right and he did sell an untaxed cigarette, is it really worth hassling him over to the point that they have to tackle him, and perform an illegal maneuver that leads to his death? Hell no. Write the guy a to ticket, throw it at him, and run away. It's easy for me not to hate cops bc I never do anything illegal, but the older I get the more I realize how douchy they really are. If they didn't have the power to cost me money or give me jail time, I would never stop mocking them in public.
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