Mergie Marauder
Posts: 954
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Random thoughts on predators

Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:18 am

After what could be one of Minnesota's last wolf seasons for a while and a very frustrating time hunting them, I'm left struggling with peoples thoughts on predators.

Yesterday I had gathered up the eggs from our small chicken flock in the morning. As always, let them out and scattered some feed on the ground outside their coupe and pen area. They always follow me out very happy to stretch their wings and get out in the sun. Got to work on one of the four wheeler's that was having some issues. Tore into it and forgot I didn't give the chickens any fresh water. Was walking out with some water in hand and noticed they were no where to be seen, odd? Came up to a lone pine tree we have at the back corner of the garden and saw blood and feathers on the ground. Passing around the pine tree, a hawk had one of our chickens 95% dead and eating it's neck. I got 7' from the hawk before it lifted to a tree less than 15 yards away. Chased it off and picked up a good layer, one of my favorite chickens, still twitching but dead.

Some chickens made it to the coupe. Others were hiding, put them back in the pen. One chicken our kids have nick named Ginger was gone. There were no feathers or other signs of a take down. They stay in a relatively small area and I couldn't find any tracks outside of that area. With that and no feathers, I was more curious than anything to see what happened to her.

I was wandering around trying to see if she went in the corn field on the back of our property or through our neighbors yards. One neighbor saw me out wandering around and came out with her little dog that's smaller than the dead chicken. After talking to her for a while and explaining what was going on, my oldest son came home. We looked around and surmised that the chicken either got taken by a bird that left no sign or she flew into the corn field.

My neighbor just kept telling me to shoot the hawk if it came back, she was concerned for her dog. I'm not going to shoot a hawk I told her. She couldn't believe I would go wolf hunting, but not shoot a hawk. Told her it was against the law. She thought that was nuts. Told her it's nuts that wolves are back on the endangered species list and moose aren't. She looked at me and wondered why a moose should be on the endangered species list? I told her we have less moose in MN than wolves by a long shot and that wolves are having a major impact on moose cows and their calves. She was a little perplexed. I asked her straight up why do wolves hold such a precious plateau vs other fury, hairy critters, say like hawks or coyotes? She really didn't know.

Interesting how people think about wolves, that have no skin in the game. My son's fiance, who deer hunts, feels the same way as our neighbor about wolves. It bugs the piss out of me. I try to keep my cool and talk facts. The more I talk facts, the more I can see peoples short attention span float on.

After assuming that Ginger, the chicken, was dead and gone, I still kept checking throughout the day. Towards dark I saw an orange puff ball on the side of the pen. Went over to her and she was all fluffed up and couldn't move. Picked her up and put her in the coupe. Gave her some fresh water and food. Was amazed she made it all day out in the corn field.

Funny how when a neighbor feels threatened towards a specific critter and for the safety of her dog, how laws and predators lives don't matter at all. But a wolf, they've never seen or spent any time in their core area, that predator should be protected, why? I just don't get it? She'd kill a coyote and not think twice about it in the backyard. She would even kill coyote pups if given the chance. But not wolves, I am just at a loss for words with all the wolf sympathizers?
DENNIS ANDERSON, Then, about five years ago, in 2020, there were no more ducks in the state,

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 2508
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Location: Up in yo guts

Re: Random thoughts on predators

Wed Jan 07, 2015 12:56 pm

Waste of time to think about it. I ask the wolf people the same thing and they can never give me an answer besides the wore out apex predator bs.

Team Power Dump
Hate hate hate hate hate hate

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 2508
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Re: Random thoughts on predators

Wed Jan 07, 2015 3:55 pm

People who don't live in wolf country love wolves. People in wolf country, not so much.

If you run in to some one who thinks wolves should be protected you should inform them that a lot more are going to be killed by humans now that there is not a season. That should make them feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Mergie Marauder
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Location: Up in yo guts

Re: Random thoughts on predators

Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:22 pm

They don't get that if you make a animal a trophy species it gives the animal value and therefore people care about them and protect them.

Team Power Dump
Hate hate hate hate hate hate

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 923
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Re: Random thoughts on predators

Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:01 pm

Just shoot the gotdam hawks!
Dominate The Skies.

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 465
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Re: Random thoughts on predators

Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:24 pm

Just shoot the anti's. Naw shit them we would value them.
Ask Al how to successfully nest wood ducks, see you next season.

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 1460
Joined: Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:30 pm

Re: Random thoughts on predators

Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:39 pm

gimpfinger wrote:Waste of time to think about it. I ask the wolf people the same thing and they can never give me an answer besides the wore out apex predator bs.

Team Power Dump

X2. As the country song goes, "God is Great, Beer is Good, and People are Crazy!"

Who knows what drives their rationale....too many "Twilight Movies", too many Nat Geo shows, plush toys, Disney Channel, etc. Maybe we need a peaceful demonstration at MOA for WLM (Wolf Lives Matter).

Sorry to hear about your chickens. If you don't want to kill the Chicken Killer, then scare it away with a few warning shots. Do this a couple of times if necessary and the Chicken Killer should leave the area for someplace more quiet.
" God is great, beer is good, and people are just frickin crazy!."

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