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Fish Felon
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Natives Use Guerilla Tactics To Win Battle Against White Man

Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:48 pm

With the Natives getting restless after the White man insulted them by thinking he could buy their peace for a few beads, trinkets and even gayer yet an honorary day permit the White Man just made up to allow them to harvest their own rice thinking they wouldn't realize it was a joke as if they had consumed too much firewater and were tricked to think the sun set in the East, the noble Red Warriors beat the White Man at his own game by tricking him into thinking they were harvesting rice with the squaws while they double backed and collected scalps in the form of setting a gill net and getting the ticket the Red Man coveted in order to get into the White Man's marble tipi of laws.

It was a great victory.

Gull Lake---Battlefront

ImageNative Americans Jim Northrup (left) and Todd Thompson, (right) set a gill net on Gull Lake Friday morning. The two were cited for taking fish by illegal methods, and the DNR pulled the nets.

Photo Gallery - Gallery: DNR and Indian protesters standoff at Gull Lake
August 28, 2015 - 4:40 PM

As several canoes gathered wild rice nearby, DNR stopped two tribal members from netting fish on Gull Lake.

NISSWA, Minn.- Two tribal members who attempted to net fish on Gull Lake Friday were chased off the lake and given citations by state conservation officers who then pulled the 200-foot long net from the water and carried it away.

The confrontation happened just 300 feet away from Hole-in-the-day Lake, where treaty rights activists were harvesting wild rice without a license in the second day of a planned act of civil disobedience.

A group of about 40 Chippewa band members, media and other observers of the ricing event raced across the four lanes of Highway 371 to watch the showdown on Gull Lake, where netting fish is illegal.

Three Department of Natural Resources conservation officers asked the fish netters to stop as they were paddling to shore. Instead, the two men landed their canoe and left the scene.

When two of the officers came ashore to look for the fishermen, they were taunted by some of the observing tribal members. They did not confiscate the canoe.

Photo gallery: Gallery: DNR and Indian protesters standoff at Gull Lake
Wild rice protest defused Thursday, may be revived Friday
“These are our rights,’’ someone in the crowd said to the officers.

Archie LaRose, chairman of the 1855 Treaty Authority, said the DNR officers would have played “hard ball’’ and seized the canoe if there weren’t so many media cameras at the scene.

The DNR later cited the two fishermen for “taking fish by illegal methods.” They were identified as Todd Thompson of the White Earth band and Jim Northrop of the Fond du Lac band.

The DNR officers returned the gillnet.

The gillnetting attempt was an extension of the ricing event. It happened about 11 a.m., 90 minutes after several canoes were launched on Hole-in-the-Day to gather rice. LaRose and others had been saying that the lack of a DNR presence at the ricing event was an indication that the agency was avoiding a conflict in front of media along a heavily traveled road just south of the retail district in Nisswa.

The DNR blunted yesterday’s protest by issuing an unasked for daily permit. The permit expired at midnight and the agency said it would be patrolling Friday for possible ricing violations at several locations, along with other duties.

“I hope we get a citation today,” Lew Murray said Friday morning before the fish-netting began. “That’s why we’re here.” Murray, a member of the White Earth Band was helping his 16 year old son, Will Gagnon, launch a canoe to harvest rice.

Activists have vowed to rice for many days to provoke a court challenge to the state’s insistence that Chippewa tribes gave up off-reservation hunting, fishing and gathering rights when they sold a giant patch of North Woods land to the federal government in an 1855 treaty. Some tribal members had been saying that the DNR wouldn’t step in unless someone in the activist group attempted to net walleyes.

This is a breaking news story. Please check back for updates.

Tony Kennedy • 612-673-4213
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Re: Natives Use Guerilla Tactics To Win Battle Against White Man

Fri Aug 28, 2015 8:30 pm

Sounds like it's time to renew the trail of tears...

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Re: Natives Use Guerilla Tactics To Win Battle Against White Man

Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:49 pm

I might start supporting the Fond du Lac tribe in their efforts to get elk in east central Mn. I couldn't care less what the band members do with ricing or netting. There's so few feather not dot Indians, that take advantage of the treaty rights anyways, it's just pot licking, strong arming and smoke and mirrors, it's all a media jackle, whoring for the cameras. There's little actually protein getting into the system with 90% of this showmanship, snake oil bad used car dealer manipulation going in here it's stupid to even concern yourself to much with it. It's just a fecal matter turd wrapped in a rose pedal wrapping. It seems like they really care, but if we don't, it kinda deflats a chubby faster than visualizing Hillary Clinton in a lude sex act.
DENNIS ANDERSON, Then, about five years ago, in 2020, there were no more ducks in the state,

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Re: Natives Use Guerilla Tactics To Win Battle Against White Man

Mon Aug 31, 2015 3:51 pm

They have used guerilla tactics for years and actually taught it to us during the Revolutionary War. As with any skill, if you don't use it, you lose it.

I could care less either about their ricing or gill netting. We have poachers and game hogs from other states that do us more harm than our native tribes.
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Re: Natives Use Guerilla Tactics To Win Battle Against White Man

Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:05 pm

Every day this shyte goes on with the indians... I gain more and more respect for them, their tribes, and their culture. I hope they win every court battle.
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

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Fish Felon
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Re: Natives Use Guerilla Tactics To Win Battle Against White Man

Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:36 pm

Trigger wrote:Every day this shyte goes on with the indians... I gain more and more respect for them, their tribes, and their culture. I hope they win every court battle.

Agreed, they've inspired me to fight the DNR for my rights too.

As a duck hunter in this state I feel I have the right to be able to partake and hunt in a teal season...and it's about time I manned up and demanded it.

I'm no longer going to tolerate the handful of dipshyte duck hunters in this state that spend more time emailing and calling the DNR than they do duck hunting dictate management decisions for people like myself who don't want to waste a weekend of their life at a gay symposium to give Landwehr an earful or write letters and emails lobbying the DNR in hopes they just to do their phucking job.

I just want to go duck hunt when the season dates are allowed to be open and the species populations are determined to be high enough to warrant a hunt...just like they do it in every other state other than this.

I've already got the ball rolling to make sure this bullshyte never happens again.
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Fish Felon
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Re: Natives Use Guerilla Tactics To Win Battle Against White Man

Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:06 am

get-n-birdy wrote:I might start supporting the Fond du Lac tribe in their efforts to get elk in east central Mn.


We're not just the only state East of the rockies that doesn't care about elk reintroduction and hasn't spent a penny on it when other states have invested millions to successfully create and grow herds.....

.....we're the only state that has native herds naturally increasing in population that tries to eradicate them. It's beyond idiotic. Especially when the success of restoring herds of a large ungulate like elk would be positive enough to help overshadow the rapid decline of another large ungulate (moose).

I've had many lengthy conversations with the guy in charge of the herd and he's a frickin' trigger happy idiot. I listed off a half dozen areas where elk would thrive (the Itasca area being the most obvious) and he said it'd never work, that the elk would migrate back to the NW where they're widely considered a nuisance. I asked him about transplanting cows with fawns down there and after a couple months only releasing the fawns from the quarantine pen (required in all transplants); nope, still wouldn't work. I asked him about bringing in elk from other states with no link to NW MN. Nope, still wouldn't work.

Since he wouldn't budge on elk elsewhere I'd focus the conversation on fixing the problem in the NW, which is mainly elk eating ranchers hay in the winter. I asked if he's ever put any effort into getting more funds allocated for the elk depredation fund from the DNR or through the legislature or approached sportsmen groups like RMEF to donate or try to do something about it. Nope, nope and nope.

I'm convinced he likes being the only guy in MN that gets to shoot elk indiscriminately. Any time a rancher calls with a complaint he'll be out there killing elk. He even got in trouble with Ontario for killing a big bull that was part of a research study that crossed into MN.
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Re: Natives Use Guerilla Tactics To Win Battle Against White Man

Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:35 am

Fish Felon wrote:Agreed, they've inspired me to fight the DNR for my rights too.

As a duck hunter in this state I feel I have the right to be able to partake and hunt in a teal season...and it's about time I manned up and demanded it.

I'm no longer going to tolerate the handful of dipshyte duck hunters in this state

I've already got the ball rolling to make sure this bullshyte never happens again.

Let's hear more. Are you going to start a movement or organize?

I'm all about trying a teal season in this state.

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Re: RE: Re: Natives Use Guerilla Tactics To Win Battle Against White Man

Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:15 pm

Trigger wrote:Every day this shyte goes on with the indians... I gain more and more respect for them, their tribes, and their culture. I hope they win every court battle.

The day I respect them is the day someone can get money from them for injuries or damages caused by one.

They can take you to court but you can't take them.

Team Power Dump
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Re: RE: Re: Natives Use Guerilla Tactics To Win Battle Against White Man

Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:23 pm

gimpfinger wrote:
Trigger wrote:Every day this shyte goes on with the indians... I gain more and more respect for them, their tribes, and their culture. I hope they win every court battle.

The day I respect them is the day someone can get money from them for injuries or damages caused by one.

They can take you to court but you can't take them.

Team Power Dump

That doesn't sound like its their fault.
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

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