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Hunting this week and the heat

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:04 am
by h2ofwlr
Today is the 1st day of Crow and Dove season. Anyone heading out in the jungle heat this week?

And this Sat is the early goose opener - here is the forecast for S Mn 70-75 for the low, 85-90 for high, dew point in the high 60s (sultry), the only saving grace is that there is to be a 10+ MPH S wind. Sunday it is to be stormy with similar temps. Monday winds shift to the NW and not as hot,

Imagine if we did have an early teal season and the Opener was this Sat.

Personally I have zero interest in hunting when it's like this for heat. But maybe someone like Hammer will invent a portable AC unit that fits into the blind and runs on a 12v battery system. :D

Good luck to all those heading out and don't forget the bug spray.

Re: Hunting this week and the heat

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:32 am
by HnkrCrash
There are two kinds of hunters in this world: those who piss and moan and wait for the "perfect" day, and those who just go kill shit.

Being stuck in purgatory, I won't be out this fall most likely. That said, my brother and our buddies we hunt with have killed a pile of geese already this season and are in the midst of another triple digit dove opener as I type this.

At some point it's time to pull up the big girl panties and start hunting. The old cliche is 100% correct in that you won't kill anything sitting on your couch. If a few spoil, oh well, the farm cats need to eat too.

Re: Hunting this week and the heat

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:35 am
by Hansen
I'll go. It's hot every year. The average temp is in the upper 70's anyway. We will kill a pile of geese heat or no heat.

Re: Hunting this week and the heat

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:43 am
by gimpfinger
Going after work.

Team Power Dump

Re: Hunting this week and the heat

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:12 am
Clean them right away and slice up the meat. Put some seasoning on them and put the meat on some trays out in the blind and start dehydrating them for jerky. Should be ready to go at the end of the day. ;)

Re: Hunting this week and the heat

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:24 am
by Quack
It was a hell of a lot hotter than this last year on regular opener, maybe we should bump that back to October 10?

Re: Hunting this week and the heat

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 3:34 pm
by h2ofwlr
HnkrCrash wrote:There are two kinds of hunters in this world: those who piss and moan and wait for the "perfect" day, and those who just go kill shit.
Actually there is a third, ones that just do not hunt in the heat. I've hunted many a crappy cold freezing my butt off days which I'll take over a day when just sitting the sweat is dripping off of my forehead. yuck.

Besides, Opening Day enthusiasm in this heat is for the young!

Re: Hunting this week and the heat

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 8:37 pm
by Fish Felon
I'll be out this weekend enjoying the heat and shooting stuff. It's not like you can avoid sweating by going fishing or grilling out at a picnic instead. The only way to avoid it is to sit inside in AC which would be really sad if that's your plans h2ofwlr.

I personally enjoy a good sweat, it's a million times better than freezing your azz off. As long as I have enough water I can stay out all day.

I've never been out fishing when it's this hot and in the midst of sweating profusely while cracking a beer fondly thought of the times my teeth were chattering while freezing my azz off hunting and not being able to regulate my body heat. When it's windy, 20 below and pitch black at 5:30pm in February and I'm scraping snow and ice off my windshield damn straight I've often thought about fishing and hunting in hot weather and how good the sun and humid air felt and how awesome it'd be to feel that type of warmth right then.

It's funny how many guys talk about how much they can't wait for late season hunting and breaking ice before the season starts and then when that rolls around none of them have a report to share from the last few weeks of the season. It's almost as humorous as the amount of ads in duck mags with photoshopped snow and ice....


Re: Hunting this week and the heat

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:16 pm
by get-n-birdy
I only hunt when the unicorns are out, and there's rainbows in the sky, with Lucy and diamonds in it. Anything less is uncivilized!

It'd be nice to only hunt in perfect weather, but that's a tad unrealistic. We had one of our best openers when it was 87, humid and windless. Have had plenty of bad days with perfect late season ducky weather. So just cause Les Kuba paints the perfect day at the butt crack of am doesn't guarantee success or a good day of slapping treats out of the trick or treating October sky.

Re: Hunting this week and the heat

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:17 am
by Fish Felon
h2ofwlr, I have a cut sweet corn field holding 150-200 geese and an open blind for Saturday. Want to go?