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Hey-How-Ar-Yuh! "Natives" Are Getting Restless

Sun Dec 15, 2019 2:42 am

This is pure comedic gold. Does anyone else think the activists/protesters in our society, and the media covering them, have made a decent portion of the news resemble an 'onion news story?' Or as your mentally picture the people you're reading can't picture them in any other context besides an SNL skit? ... forgotten/

This one cracks me up for obvious reasons:

“This government has been saying this to us for over 500 years, we’re going to do this, we’re going to do that and the only thing they do is take our land,” said a tribal elder.

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Re: Hey-How-Ar-Yuh! "Natives" Are Getting Restless

Sun Dec 15, 2019 9:27 am

Translation from indian...
"We want this piece of shyt property back so we have a place to dump all our piece of shyt members that are too fukcin' lazy to help themselves."
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Re: Hey-How-Ar-Yuh! "Natives" Are Getting Restless

Sun Dec 15, 2019 12:13 pm

Bullet21XD wrote:Translation from indian...
"We want this piece of shyt property back so we have a place to dump all our piece of shyt members that are too fukcin' lazy to help themselves."


But I guess as the old native saying goes,

"Fool me once---shame on you. Fool me countless times over five hundred years---shame on you."

You'd think they'd stop going back to the same well when all it's done is lie to them and then take their land?

Who knows? Maybe this will be the time they put their hands out and get everything they want?

If they didn't act like they're entitled to what they're pretending to want, which they really don't give a shit about it, it'd probably help gain them more sympathy. Acting like they've been shit on is obviously just their excuse to act all pissed off and be a public nuisance. Frey has bent over backwards with his feigned compassion for these degenerates....makes it hard for even the Minneapolis liberal type to feel for their "plight."

I am kind of rooting for these worthless fukcs to successfully turn Hiawatha back into the giant black eye for Frey and the city that it was......watching him get faced with the dilemma these natives might create would be awesome.

One where there's absolutely no other options to appease them, for Frey to walk the tight rope of being a liberal politician who has to solve a problem without looking like a fascist to his base, and be forced to remove a tent encampment full of degenerates that lack any ability to be reasonable and agree to leave on terms the city makes very favorable for them in exchange. Hopefully the degenerates are hell-bent on "their cause," are as unwilling to leave in a manner that doesn't result in them returning a short time later as they currently look, and it's realized the only thing that will stop them is a consequence that involves brutality..... yeah....I think it would be really entertaining to see this develop into an issue where Frey and the city reach the point where they're forced to go,

"Fukc You! **** You......we're DONE with You Fukcing Assholes! We tried over and over again to treat you with respect, have a two-way discussion about the issues in your community that was used to justify the tent encampment, find productive ways to address them, pay for the solutions we came to together......and you motherfukcers still came back over and over again choosing to live in your tents and be a blight to the community....

.....We're done with talking and trying to help you. Anyone in a tent off Hiawatha will be immediately removed via the police arresting them and using brute force if needed to anyone that resists......and then have to watch while cuffed in the back of a squad car as some cops douse their tent with gas and torch the fukcer before bringing their ass into county!"

I'm really hoping to see what happens when the MPLS liberals have to go "Neo-Con Fascist" on the bit. The chance of that happening is extremely small, but the natives are demonstrating there's definitely still a chance! Haha
Last edited by Fish Felon on Sun Dec 15, 2019 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hey-How-Ar-Yuh! "Natives" Are Getting Restless

Sun Dec 15, 2019 12:41 pm

The other thing that immediately comes to mind after reading the news story:

Why aren't the natives asking any one of their sovereign governments for help?

Instead of going to the various levels of government their own account states has done nothing but totally fukc them over.....why not ask the tribal governments for assistance?

The closest one owns Mystic Lake and has a shitload of money....might not be a bad one to start with by asking first?

I realize that's a Sioux nation and the Indians off Hiawatha are Ojibwe/Chippewa, but they are all still fellow "indigenous peoples" so I'm sure they're all about helping one another out and not giving preference to different groups of people.

Treating one group of people one way while treating another one differently is something the federal government is guilty of doing, and not something natives would ever do.....they're way above that. The Sioux and the Ojibwe/Chippewa lived in total peace and harmony until the evil white man showed up....they never treated a different group of people unfavorably when compared to how they treated their people. They always followed the golden rule and were noble savages.

I'm sure if the Hiawatha Ave natives asked their brothers and sisters down at Mystic to help them out they'd gladly take care of them immediately, and spare no expense or cost in doing so.
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Re: Hey-How-Ar-Yuh! "Natives" Are Getting Restless

Sun Dec 15, 2019 12:46 pm

Didn’t the state overpay the tribes like $29million?

Then the state realized it and asked for it back but, the tribes don’t have the money to repay...???
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Re: Hey-How-Ar-Yuh! "Natives" Are Getting Restless

Sun Dec 15, 2019 1:08 pm

Anything they receive from the state is an overpayment.

They had a chance to defend their lands and ways of life. They lost. We won this shit fair and square. I think it's time to remind them...and maybe finish the job.
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Re: Hey-How-Ar-Yuh! "Natives" Are Getting Restless

Sun Dec 15, 2019 8:53 pm

This is what happens when you start renaming lakes and streets for natives and the Universities state “our school is on Indian land”

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Re: Hey-How-Ar-Yuh! "Natives" Are Getting Restless

Sun Dec 15, 2019 9:11 pm

Bullet21XD wrote:They had a chance to defend their lands and ways of life. They lost. We won this shit fair and square.

Hit the Nail on the Head.....couldn't agree more.

They lost because they're fukcing losers. Not because it was an impossible challenge to successfully defend their lands, people, and cultures.

Do you know how hard it is to take out and conquer indigenous peoples?

It's hard as hell!

The United States were big underdogs in the Revolutionary war. The British were the world's biggest super power. They outmatched and outnumbered the American forces in every aspect in every way. They vastly outnumbered us and were marching trained troops into battle that had the best gear, weapons, training, were experienced.....and our side was marching in a handful of inexperienced troops and supplementing their numbers by sending in men....well, a lot of boys too, and a lot of the men were more like senior citizens....very gray, old, slow, and weak.....these men were farmers, millers, blacksmiths, innkeepers, common laborers, etc., that served in volunteer militias....and represented a much higher percentage of who we had going into battle than the men that were actual troops.....and their combined numbers were still usually dwarfed by the number of British troops.

Long story short, do you know why those rag-tag American patriots won their independence by defeating the British?

Because they were fighting on their home turf, and there are two implications resulting from that being the case that are very significant.

One, being familiar with the terrain and lay of the land offered our guys the opportunity to use guerrilla warfare tactics. Knowing they were grossly outmatched on a traditional battle field where the British preferred to fight.....our guys smartly forced the Brits to split their armies into small battalions, and made them come and get them. Separated into small groups and marching across a countryside unfamiliar and totally foreign to them.....we started taking hem out at their knees by ambushing them where they knew the result would be every last unsuspecting Brit being massacred.

Two, it's one thing to be shipped off to war and passionately fighting for your country while not being that afraid of giving it the ultimate sacrifice and laying down your life........and it's another to be fighting to defend your home from being burned, your wife being raped, before she joins your children and any other family member by some troops in an invading army dispatching them by shooting them like dogs. An army who's mission is to destroy your way of life by leveling the homes and buildings you and your community has built, taking anything of value then and going forward, killing as many of your neighbors and fellow countrymen until breaking your collective will in order to oppress and control the people they view as their subjects who's lives are worthless.

Those who are forced into fighting in order to defend their homes, people, way of life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness......they fight with much more heart.....the highest level and willingness to fight to the bitter end without giving up that can only come from the desperation of man knowing he has nothing to lose, because if he loses he has nothing.....what he is, what he has, and what he cares about becomes nothing.......he fights with the desperation of losing everything unless he's victorious, but he also fights without fear because he has nothing to lose if he loses.....and this makes him willing to fight so wholly and fully that no other man that fights for any other reasons will to win can even be comparable to his.

The Americans won the revolutionary war for the same reason why they later lost Vietnam----it is really fukcing tough to win a war when "winning" means defeating a homogeneous grouping of people while fighting them on their homeland.....while knowing if they lose it means the end for their people. Any that are left living after the initial war will have their freedom.replaced by the rule of those that conquered them, shortly before the conquering people have replaced their own people to inhabit, live, and thrive on the land that was once their homeland.

The natives put up an effort against the whites that was a fukcing joke!

Seriously, talk about a people with an utter lack of heart....

Whites didn't dominate the natives due to superior technology, and they sure as shit didn't dominate because they had the numbers. Eventually they did but there was a shitload of time where whites were grossly outnumbered in what is now MN and it would have been ridiculously easy for the natives to exterminate every last one....and then exterminate every one that came onto their homeland from then on out.

The natives lost because they had no heart and rolled over. They were total cowards, stupid to the point of being mentally inferior, or both.

A handful of whites stumble and limp onto your homeland and then decide to squat there....while looking around weak and weary not knowing how in the fukc to survive in such a strange land....and the natives don't find it alarming enough to do anything about more and more of them coming, and them increasingly getting acclimated and figuring shit out and learning how to thrive in their new home.....and the natives don't go, "fukc this shit....time to eradicate these cockroaches...."

Uh, Okay?

Most peoples would have had enough heart, intelligence, and foresight to draw the line at this point in history:

When the white invaders go to one of your more sacred sites and start building a giant fortress.

If the natives hadn't rolled over and let whites take their land without hardly putting up a fight....if they had been like the American patriots who only a few decades earlier defeated the British, or the Southeast Asians who defeated the US in Vietnam.......they would have not let the whites complete the construction of Fort Snelling. They would have instead decided to massacre all of them no later than when the Fort was halfway finished. Any person then, let alone the entirety of native people, should have had no problem seeing the half finished military fortress the whites were building and known it would be virtually impenetrable once completed with any chance of taking it from them costing them casualties in such a high amount....they should have known how imperative it was to never let the whites complete it. It wasn't some secret installation. Fort Snelling from it's inception was the entry point of white settlers, supplies, and [when needed] troops, onto the native's homeland.
Fort Snelling was ground zero for the infiltration and occupation of their homeland and strategically it granted whites military superiority that was used to conquer them.

Any native living back then to lay their eyes on the fort instantly realized this, since it was blatantly obvious. Even when it was nothing more than a location some guys were ordered to camp at prior to any structure being built to defend that location it was blatantly was Grand Central Station for whites to travel onto the frontier and then make where they wanted their stop.

If the natives in MN had half the heart and intelligence of the Southwest Asians did as a people to win Vietnam......they would have successfully defended their homeland by killing every white to dare set foot on it until about 1900. Who knows? Had the Ojibwe/Chippewa and the Sioux chosen to stop fighting and massacreing each other, settled on a truce, and then joined forces together to fight and massacre whites instead?

Shit....seriously, they could have held onto MN for a while. It sure as hell wouldn't have became a state in 1858.

The fact that it did illustrates just how pathetic the little the natives cared about what most other groups of people would have given the whites more than they could've handled for a loooong friggin' time. The natives truly didn't give a shit about their land, their way of life, or the welfare of their people.......

........and it's very apparent that was the case back then because of how evident it is nowadays they haven't changed as a people, whatsoever. They're the the ones who rolled over to the whites by throwing in the towel before ever making an actual effort to fight for what was theirs prior to losing it.

The Sioux uprising doesn't even deserve being labeled as, "Too Little---Too Late."

Uh, let's see....MN was already given statehood and thus ruled by the federal government, since there law superceded all others. The federal government split unto itself and is engaged in arguably the worst civil war in human history, totally strapped for troops and resources to the point twelve year old boys are some of the uniformed bodies being carted off battlefields to be thrown into the piles with the other dead.....

.....and then and only then, do the Sioux finally have their balls grow big enough to jump on some horses with their buddies, scream their high pitched war cries, and then ride around the prairie to massacre some whites.

Talk about a pathetic attempt to the point of being cowardly. It's like punching a guy your buddy beat the shit out of after he's already down on the ground and knocked unconscious......

"Ooooh.....such heart and courage.....way to go.....way to show how much of a "bad ass" you dbag."

That's basically the entirety of the effort to "fight" the native peoples of MN put up against the whites.

We won and conquered them fair and square, time to remind them of that fact.....and stress to remind them that more importantly.....we'll never brag about winning because it'd be like winning after getting paired up to race the kid with down syndrome in grade school gym class. You're happy that you won but it's not like you ever were challenged while battling the other party.
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Re: Hey-How-Ar-Yuh! "Natives" Are Getting Restless

Tue Dec 17, 2019 3:39 pm

Wait. So, the Russians backed the Native Americans?

I missed your discussion about similar era indigenous Vietnamese people not letting the French occupy/colonize Vietnam for about 100 years starting mid-1800's.

A couple add-ons: swaths of Native Americans pushed daisies after exposure to small pox, et al

Most tribes had trading affiations with European nation's either directly or through agents.

During the Civil War, many tribes picked sides and fought with/for both the settlers and Britts.

It is believed the first skirmish on North American soil happened at the first Norse settlements in the areas of Nova Scotia. Leif and his brother showed up, killed some "skraeldings", built a settlement, then fought and traded with indigenous people for a couple years before heading back to Greenland.

Add in the tribes lacked unifying affiliation and we're geographically seperated, it would be a bit like Louisiana calling up and saying, "Hey, MN. We got these bad hombres that threaten our way of life, if we lose, they're coming for you.". "How many are there?".... "I dunno, few hundred, maybe 1,000"..... That might not be a fight we choose if we don't have the geopolitical understanding of how freaking massive the hombre population is globally OR that we're essentially surrounded by colonization because we don't have a hotline to the West coast or the American Islands. Also, if we're getting along with the French it might be hard to understand why you can't get along with the Spaniards.

The colonization period also saw India, Africa and other "indigenous" land masses fall to Colonization. You ain't got Ghandi without it.

Russia, China and American interests in Vietnam were strictly geopolitical as Portugal/France had sucked most of the easy wealth. It was essentially a block fight over Asian New Jersey. Expansion of the Americas was based on wealth and supported by significant business interests under British, French and Spanish control/influence, and the land mass was greater than Europe.... It was a whole freaking continent!

Then, through treaty, set up rules/lines/relationship, encroach on them since the Indians have no real jurisdiction, take the good stuff, do another treaty, repeat.

Not saying they didn't get their ass kicked or that the Dakota War was late in the game, but it wasn't like any modern war that had a 10 - 20 year time frame. This sh!t was etched over a 1000 year period starting around 1012 after King Olaf sends Leif back to Greenland to Christianize the masses there. They need wood, so they sailed West to Vineland..... and that's when the fight started.

Dakota war is more like The Black Knight in Holy Grail that keeps swinging, even after his arms/legs are cut off.

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Re: Hey-How-Ar-Yuh! "Natives" Are Getting Restless

Tue Dec 17, 2019 8:11 pm

Is there a cib note version of all this for those of us with short attention spans?

DENNIS ANDERSON, Then, about five years ago, in 2020, there were no more ducks in the state,

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