Mergie Marauder
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Re: Life Changes

Sun Aug 14, 2022 8:33 pm

Sisters already got a showing scheduled for Fri and it doesn't go on the market officially til Fri...the posting online is just a "coming soon" with a front of house picture.

Guessing someone had already seen the interior photos of my listing and now seeing the 5k decrease in asking price and listed by an jumping on seeing it.

Hopefully my hunches are correct and this will be a hot commodity

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Life Changes

Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:20 pm

3 showings tomorrow and it goes "live" tomorrow bso hopefully more come in...and an open house on Saturday. Let's hope I can dump this thing early next week

Also had my dad's project manager call me today ask when I was coming to work to give a hand lol

Part of me feels bad that I want literally nothing to do with dealing with people or working at my dad's co. None of them probably know but his co is up for sale

The last 3 weeks my phone hardly rings...I go to bed whenever...wake up when I wake up no alarms usually 5:30-7...reach over to the nightstand grab my laptop open it up and make enough money to live a very good life. Without ever leaving home, dealing with people, driving in traffic, etc.

Id help my dad if it makes life easier on him/get more money for his co etc at my own expense...but never been happier in my life doing what I'm doing. It's a great feeling. Finding true happiness really is the key to life

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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Life Changes

Fri Aug 19, 2022 7:41 am

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:3 showings tomorrow and it goes "live" tomorrow bso hopefully more come in...and an open house on Saturday. Let's hope I can dump this thing early next week

Also had my dad's project manager call me today ask when I was coming to work to give a hand lol

Part of me feels bad that I want literally nothing to do with dealing with people or working at my dad's co. None of them probably know but his co is up for sale

The last 3 weeks my phone hardly rings...I go to bed whenever...wake up when I wake up no alarms usually 5:30-7...reach over to the nightstand grab my laptop open it up and make enough money to live a very good life. Without ever leaving home, dealing with people, driving in traffic, etc.

Id help my dad if it makes life easier on him/get more money for his co etc at my own expense...but never been happier in my life doing what I'm doing. It's a great feeling. Finding true happiness really is the key to life

Mad props dude.....sincerely.....good for you. You figuring out the market to where you can live off it is pretty freaking remarkable and one of the coolest things I've ever seen someone teach themselves. I taught myself how to paint, and you figured out how to not live the rest of your life....the majority of your life....without ever having to be a slave to someone else again, minus the girlfriend at times I imagine....and I mean that in a "women can be demanding in what they put on your honey-do chore list" kind of way.....not some weird sex slave way or some shiz.

My life is still largely a complete and total mess, but at least it's the result of me being confused....downright lost.....trying to figure out what to do.

I haven't drank in over a year, drugs are a once in a while recreational thing over a weekend...seriously, I've flushed a fair amount of drugs in the past year. I don't go looking for it, don't care one way or the other if it's around, would prefer it not being around.....but when you're out fishing with your brother and he pulls out a crank pipe and starts ripping it?

I'm only of those things that after doing it, it's impossible to not do it when someone does it right in front of you. On my own, and when around the majority of the people in my life? Never something I think about...... in the past year I've been 100% sober and high on life....29 out of 30 days in each month averaged out. About twelve days, or six weekends sounds right....maybe rounded down by a weekend or two.....but it hasn't been much, often, or for any prolonged period of time. I don't keep anything on me, since none of it is mine...I tell people I don't want any left behind.....anything that does gets flushed or chucked in the lake. You wouldn't think people leaving drugs you didn't pay for wouldn't be a thing, but you've never met my brothers.

I can tell you right now that hypothetically? If you did speed for six weekends throughout the year it'd be amazing for your health. This shit even cleans out my's amazing....all the grease and dirt that builds up and causes bad skin? One day after doing speed if you gently squeeze your skin all that shit comes out as a white goo....and out from deep, and then your skin looks great for the next month or two. It makes a world of difference if you've got skin that's a bit oily.

I guarantee if you did it six weekends a would be much healthier physically, cleans out so much shit all throughout your entire system.....cardiovascular, lymph, intestinal, the shit is amazing.

But also a pain in the ass to acquire often to a degree you most likely literally can't imagine, exposes you to the subterranean part of society that as a tourist....I find fascinating....makes you understand a lot of different things on a lot of different levels, and reminds you that even if you're like me and think you're life is a mess..... walk away feeling pretty good about yourself.

I wish I knew where I wanted to end up, and I wish I knew if I want to try to start a family and live that life.....and I wish I was in a better position to figure it out, and about 4-5 years younger.

I feel like I've made a lot of progress in the last year getting version of sober that will work for me. I.E. scratching the itch occasionally for a weekend doesn't effect my might have it's positives, but it also might have some neutral is a fair take. The Monday after a weekend of partying can suck....feel pretty tired and a little out of it....Tuesday you're still Wednesday an extra cup of coffee in the morning will have you right as rain.

I honestly don't know if (as an adult) I've ever felt as good physically as I do right now. I wake up and feel great every day......and by great.....I don't remember the last time I pulled a muscle, had nagging soreness, had anything at all be there as an annoyance when I woke up. I haven't even cut myself with a knife while being careless, hit any of my fingers while building or fukcing around on dumb shit......

I'm pretty sure the last time I took Tylenol/Ibuprofen/Advil/etc. was a year ago when I got my assed kicked by covid/Delta.

I wake up early, hop out of bed, can move freely at will....all the time.....I have a lot of energy, am in shape, have no ailments.....
So I'm like Forrest Gump after he breaks off his magic shoes.

There isn't any hike or chore i look at and talk myself out of because I don't feel up to it. I look around at other people and it scares that many people can be lazy enough to let their bodies go to shit to where walking across a parking lot or shoveling the walk to their door would be like me having to run five miles.....drop of the hat, no stretching, I'm in good shape and do some light if I had to run five miles unexpectedly? I could absolutely do it.

Would I want to?

Fugggggg No!

But like 90% of the population it seems......their body is their prison. In order to travel through the woods to a deerstand they purchase a phag-wheeler......a lot of fukcers are at risk of cardiopulmonary arrest if forced to walk a quarter mile through the woods.

So I'm extremely thankful I feel awesome physically.

I'm well liked in my community.....I can't buy groceries without having 2-3 people/couples go out of their way to come and say "Hi" to me.....because I'm fukcing awesome. The town I live and work in loves me. I moved to Winona/Rochester for the past two weeks.....and numerous little old ladies hugged me and starting crying when saying their goodbye my last day in town. I go to church every Sunday.....I am greeted like a rock star at every bar/restaurant I walk is good

It's slim pickings for least in terms of potential long-term, possibly being the mother of your children types, and I felt a little sheepish moving back so soon but I met a good chick......definitely not going to find anything better if I want to get married and have a family, not sure if I want that, but we're going to play things out over the next year semi-long distance since she lives in Rochester and works at Mayo.....but we both need a year realistically to get our shit together where me moving down there would make sense, start off on the proper footing, not drag lingering shit from our pasts into our shared new present, and a year gives us the time needed to have it feel comfortable....not freak people out......and I was this close [index finger next to thumb] from saying "fuggit" and moving in with her and her 9yo daughter when she offered.

What a relief she didn't push me on because Holy fukc.....I met her the Thursday before last.....marched on bumble and she drove 3.5 hours to come meet me and stay at my place....sight unseen.....saw her for the first time as she got out of her car in my driveway.

But if you want to meet someone.....that's the way to do it.....spent the entire week together. Told each other anything and everything.....nothing was off limits.....went over each other's finances......and we both think we can get our shit together in a year to where fully starting a life together and making babies is something we both want.

What I've realized is that I don't need much.....but I need something....someone.....out there who cares about me like my mom but who isn't my mom....and can be my date for weddings and reunions.....

So I went from hopelessly lost in not thinking I'd have the opportunities need to give me a chance at the quickly closing window for having a where I quit both my jobs I liked and was making decent money at to freaking move away to somewhere that dating is a thing you can do.....not enough people/women here....too desolate......and I went from that to finding the feeling like instead of a wife, kids, and a family as the only thing on my mind......

......I'm going to go chainsaw as much woods, clear cut the fukc out of it, and then torch it....scorched earth.

So.....all in's been a good year. Sure, I'm in the same exact place as I started.....but in a good way this time.....and despite being in the same place......I'm happy and in a much better place.

PMA = Positive Mental Attitude

You're either a children of God or a cosmic miracle......don't let a slow cashier while in line at the gas station when you're in a hurry affect your mood......or the by anything on the news.....AKA "CCP Subversive Propaganda"

If you worry only about the shit that's right in front of you....seen with your own eyes....your world that you experience?

If you worry about only that and don't worry at all about any shit you experience by seeing it on a screen?

It makes it a lot easier to live a happy and worthwhile existence.
Hate Speech is Free Speech

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 1395
Joined: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:44 pm

Re: Life Changes

Fri Aug 19, 2022 8:50 pm

Good job to both of you and continued good luck!

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 4792
Joined: Wed Nov 27, 2013 5:14 am

Re: Life Changes

Sat Aug 20, 2022 1:03 am

That's great felon. It really is freeing to find at least a starting point to where you feel you are starting to discover your true happiness. I feel thats an ever moving target that changes as you age/mentally mature and is never truly 100% achievable... because you as a person are constantly changing. But if you can at least get into a "range,"where overall you are happy with everything...I think as humans that's as good as we can get. It's a constantly changing target and we need to be able to change with it...and honestly I think that is one of the major downfalls of what we are all taught happiness is. We get it engrained in our heads that we need to marry, have children, make x amount, live certain lifestyles, have certain things. None of that fugging matters and when you realize that...and realize those mindsets are used to basically drive the entire economy. Things become ba lot clearer and happiness s lot easier to achieve

So I had an offer come in today full asking at 360k. VA loan. Which can be a bit stickier than other financings. Basically the appraisal needs to come in at or above asking or whole deal can fall through.

It's the first day on the market. 3 showings today, one and an open house tomorrow, and one scheduled Sunday.

I've thought about it a lot and think I'm going to accept this offer for a variety of reasons.

#1, they stepped up to bat and gave full asking hours after they viewed the property. They really want it and got in the ball right away. I knew people would love this house it's just a matter of actually getting people in the door. Which is a whole nother game I already went into a little bit

#2 The powers that control everything, completely f'd this market in a hurry. It's all a fake dip created by them and cramed down our throats by the media. Recession, rising interest rates, etc is all being talked about to create a fake dip buying opportunity in the markets. But none the less, it created instability in the housing market compared to 3 months ago. 3-6 months from now everything be a ok again and cruising. But I'm trying to sell in this market and gotta deal with what these f sticks did. I feel the risk of losing this offer far out weights the potential of a higher offer. Given the uncertainty of sentiment in the I risk losing an offer in hand of maybe getting a 5-15k higher offer? The risk reward isn't there. Last week I was ok selling this for 340k with no realtor fees...which equates to a 355k sale with realtors. This is a better deal. And while knowing people would love the house...had concerns I would maybe even have to come down to 340k WITH realtor fees to dump it. When I bought it I knew rates were gonna rise and thought I'd maybe have to sell towards 300k. So having an offer at 360k in hand...what is there to bauk at?

#3 They are veterans. No matter how much I hate people in life...try to act like Im a hard ass...etc. I still have a compassionate side for people. I can't shake it. And part of me feels I got an amazing opportunity on this property. Maybe that good fortune should be passed along down the line and I give veterans who served our country...the chance to own what is potentially their dream home that they are absolutely in love with. Even if it means turning down slightly more money.

So I ran all this past my sister and said ultimately I'd defer to her professional judgement...she recommended I go through with the open house tomorrow and the showing that was tomorrow...and she's going to try to move the Sunday showing up to tomorrow as well just to see where additional offers stand...if there are any. But we should still be ok getting the potential buyers an answer within 24 hrs without pissing them off while still feeling out where other buyers stand out of curiosity

So most likely...this is sold. Sister is gonna tell everyone offers by 4:30 tomorrow afternoon if anyone else has serious interest. It's tough to do that only being on the market a day...I think this property has a ton of interest and I knew people would love it.

But feel pretty good about the people, offer, etc. Think they'd fit in great in the neighborhood etc. Think it's a good deal for everyone. Bulls eat, bears eat, pigs get slaughtered.

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 4792
Joined: Wed Nov 27, 2013 5:14 am

Re: Life Changes

Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:52 am

Went ahead and signed the offer this morning. Let's pray an appraiser don't f me on this and everything goes smoothly. Hopefully good people get a good home and I make out pretty good on things myself

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 2508
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Re: Life Changes

Sun Aug 21, 2022 11:14 am


I wouldn’t worry too much about appraisers. I see a lot of appraisals and they almost always seem to magically come in around or slightly above the offer.

Have any next plans other than day trading? Gonna look for another to flip?

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 4792
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Re: Life Changes

Mon Aug 22, 2022 8:05 am

Thanks, we'll see. I'd love to just wrap.out the year trading and kinda decompress s bit. Do more hunting this fall. But if come across the right deal certainly not going to walk away from it.

Dad keeps asking"what I'm gonna do now" even though I've told him about my trading...think he might want help but is scared to ask. Like I said I don't really want to...but I owe him a lot I'll have to talk to him. If he genuinely needs my help I'll go help him even though I don't want to

I'm getting monthly payments from the business sale that covers monthly expenses for next 2.5 yrs so just in a very nice low stress position to really pursue anything I want

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 4792
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Re: Life Changes

Wed Aug 24, 2022 7:42 pm

Made it past inspections...they pissed me off a little bit asking for $700 for a home warranty plan. #1 all the appliances are brand new with manufacturers warranty. #2 all mechanicals we're gone through by professional cos. Had my sister send them those cos invoices and offered them $350 towards a warranty plan and they accepted. So appraisal final hurdle it's officially pending now

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 4792
Joined: Wed Nov 27, 2013 5:14 am

Re: Life Changes

Tue Sep 13, 2022 9:08 pm

Close Sept 20...a week

I'm having the time of my life right now but feeling pretty guilty watching my dad.

He was calling Rodgers Favre on Sunday. I don't know if he's that stressed out, if he's got an actual medical condition setting in, or what the deal is that's just an example of many where he just doesn't seem all there anymore and it's gotten increasingly worse last 3 years.

My entire goal in life at this point is to never deal with the general population again...

And I've found something I'm successful at and can accomplish that #1 goal and brings me immense happiness

But that happiness is weighed down watching what my dad is going through. I dunno I'm probably going to call and talk to him and see if there's anything I can do to help. I don't really want to give up what I'm doing and give up my happiness...but feel I owe it to him to see if he needs help

Gah dam it'd suck driving into the cities every day again dealing with homeowners. But...

He's my Dad

We'll see

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