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Thu Dec 02, 2021 3:26 pm


An article in a recent edition of the Wall Street Journal has me scratching my head. It also has me wondering if this is how humanity creating the super virus that kills them through their effort to fight it?

Omricon has 32 mutations...that overlap with the 32 parts of the virus the current vaccine targets.

This thing (Omricon Strain) came from a vaccinated person becoming infected. Instead of the virus multiplying like it normally would and the person becoming quite ill.....the virus struggled to be able to replicate fast enough to do that as a result of the vaccine helping the immune system be programmed to attack it. A vaccinated person who tests positive but experiences less symptoms still has the virus replicating in their body. They are not covid free. Their immune system is able to kill off enough of them at a rate where there's never anywhere near the number of viruses in them compared to what would've occurred without being vaccinated. As the theory of evolution states....the virus was largely stopped from multiplying as is it was due to the what happened was the offshoots, the random genetic mutations that are always going to occur in biology were the ones to replicate with better success as the immune system is still effectively killing off enough of the original strain to fight off illness.

In biology class genetic mutation is often taught with fruit flies due to how quickly they reproduce and the short time length between generations they serve as an example for what occurs to animals like ourselves too slowly for us to see as easily.

Viruses are a lot more numerous and have shorter generations than fruit flies. It seems like it'd be pretty easy for genetic mutations to occur in the covid infection period.

In a person who isn't vaccinated the covid strain I'm assuming isn't going to end up becoming altered since the mutations aren't going to be at an advantage to the original strain. The original will successfully replicate in greater numbers and the body's natural immune system will kill all viruses equally....the rare offshoot genetic mutation virus cell will be insignificant....the original virus was successful....things stay the same.

This makes vaccinated people to the virus essentially something like the Gallupogos Islands.....the perfect location for genetic mutations to take place and prosper because they're the ones with the advantage and can replicate faster without the immune system being programmed to know how to kill them yet.

So I was pretty confused when later in the article the explanation they gave for all of Omricon's mutations lining up with to the parts of the virus on the regular strain the vaccine targets. The theory from the experts? came from someone who had HIV/AIDS.


Maybe I'm way off on this one, but doesn't my explanation make a lot more sense that this strain being created in a host person with HIV/AIDS? Why would the virus mutate in a way that creates a new covid virus where the new parts on it just so happen to be the parts the current vaccines target? What are the odds this happened coincidentally?

In the end Omicron will be the same old covid bullshit. How in the fukc is mankind this retarded?

More lockdowns?

We need to go back to the way it use to be....where your own health is your own personal choice. If people don't give a fukc then let 'em without shoving any more of this bullshit down our throats.

None of it is working. None of if would be worth it even if it did work.

The first case in the US?

A vaccinated person who had recently gotten their yet another win for the experts on this one.


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Re: Omicron

Thu Dec 02, 2021 5:16 pm

The only reason I know anything about it is because of following the markets. It's down right crazy how influencial and timed all of this iswirh regards to the markets. And even crazier how fast the amount of people wearing masks again ballooned at my little local hardware store last night.

It's been two fugging years if this crap and any time a headline comes out we are all sheep

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Re: Omicron

Thu Dec 02, 2021 6:04 pm

If the vaccine worked, not "worked worked" since it was sold as the end to in if you got the vaccine you wouldn't get it. That's what it was billed as.

Almost immediately vaccinated people were catching covid, and spreading covid.

So the narrative on the vaccine changed.....the vaccine wouldn't stop you from getting it, but your symptoms would be less severe when you got it.

Is that true?

Because if it is, then why are hospitalizations and deaths following the same curve as what the case counts are? Wouldn't the hospitalizations and deaths follow the case count curve before the vaccine, and then after the vaccine there'd be a flattening of those curves? The ratio of hospitalizations and deaths should be decreasing when compared to case rates the higher the percentage of the population became vaccinated?

Just pulled this from the NY Times showing US figures.....

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Re: Omicron

Fri Dec 03, 2021 12:08 am

So does anyone notice what's wrong with the covid hospitalization and death numbers in relation to case numbers?

There's something very wrong with them....impossible even when you think about it......



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Re: Omicron

Fri Dec 03, 2021 11:09 am

Fish Felon wrote:If the vaccine worked, not "worked worked" since it was sold as the end to in if you got the vaccine you wouldn't get it. That's what it was billed as.

Almost immediately vaccinated people were catching covid, and spreading covid.

So the narrative on the vaccine changed.....the vaccine wouldn't stop you from getting it, but your symptoms would be less severe when you got it.

Is that true?

Because if it is, then why are hospitalizations and deaths following the same curve as what the case counts are? Wouldn't the hospitalizations and deaths follow the case count curve before the vaccine, and then after the vaccine there'd be a flattening of those curves? The ratio of hospitalizations and deaths should be decreasing when compared to case rates the higher the percentage of the population became vaccinated?

Just pulled this from the NY Times showing US figures.....


Two weeks to flatten the curve.
July 4th we will be back to normal.
Get two jabs and we will be back to normal.
Get a booster now two jabs are not enough.
Wear a mask 24/7 even in jabbed.
Soon it will be get a third and a fourth booster. Bank it!

I got two jabs even though I really did not want to and I am done. i am not getting a booster or wearing a mask. I am over covid it has been two years and it is time to move on. Now some leftists will never move on and I predict will stilll be wearing mask 15 years from now. The media does not want to move on from Covid they are obsessed with it and you cannot even watch the news it is all they talk about.

My queston to all the hardcore mask wearing leftists would be if masks are so great and work so well why to all their leftist heros like biden an pelosi rip them off the second they are off of camera. Probably because biden and the leftists likely think masks are a joke simply used for control.

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Re: Omicron

Sat Dec 04, 2021 2:30 am

If the vaccine has an efficacy rate of 94% against severe symptoms (hospitalizations) and death, and 70% of the MN population is vaccinated.....

.....then why are the hospitalizations and deaths the same per the amount of cases as they were before and after the vaccine?

They all follow the same curve just like they did before the vaccine. If the vaccine worked there'd be a flattened curve on the hospitalizations and deaths counts in relation to the case counts.

The math doesn't add up. The vaccine doesn't work. Look at the charts. The first peak is the first one at the starting a year ago....November of vaccine.

Yet here we are a year later with 70% of the population vaccinated.....

....yet hospitalizations and deaths follow the same curve.....they're still the same ratio of case numbers.

How can it be possible for the numbers to stay the same when 70% of the population has been injected with something that is stated to be 94% effective at preventing them from being hospitalized or dying?
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Re: Omicron

Sun Dec 05, 2021 5:00 pm

Have mentioned this before, but the contagiousness of Delta changed the curve related to deaths/hospitalizations. Still thousands upon thousands of unvaxxed for it to burn through even with a 70% vaccination rate. Timelines coincide, and with vaccine efficacy tending to wear down after month 6, that piece also coincides.

To say people should just worry about their own health could certainly be considered as disingenuous when anti-vaxxers (which are still the overwhelming majority of patients in most locales) come to the hospital to get treatment from COVID and take beds from others who may be in car accidents, have strokes, heart attacks, etc. which is still totally expected and continuing to happen. It has always been about not overwhelming healthcare facilities. Really, it’s the ultimate paradox: people don’t trust the “corrupt” medical community that tells them to get a vaccine, but once so sick from COVID that they fear dying, they rush to this same “corrupt” medical community in hopes of saving their lives. I have an uncle who skirts the line as an example of this. He was not hardcore conspiracy theorist or anything like that, but chose not to get vaccinated because he did not trust the rollout and considered it experimental. Upon contracting COVID and knocking on death’s door, like literally hours away from being vented, he elects to take a super experimental drug cocktail that ultimately saved his life. He was in the hospital for almost a month and still has many weeks of recovery ahead of him. Now, he regrets not getting the vaccine and said he will be the first in line once he can receive it as he never wants to go through anything like that again. It’s out of sight, out of mind for the vast majority of people though. Friends that are nurses in local hospitals recently mentioned they are having to fly patients out of state because they are out of capacity in some areas, or send folks hundreds of miles away to different hospitals in others. Actuaries at some point determined the amount of beds needed and typical capacity related to care, profit margins, etc and that’s how these hospitals are/were designed. COVID has destroyed that formula. You can argue that’s not how it should be (and I could agree), but that’s reality. And, as I’ve mentioned before, very few, if any, are changing their minds about anything COVID at this point.

On to Omni. It’s going to be everywhere in virtually no time. Several experts agree it’ll overtake Delta within 3 months worldwide. Data out of South Africa is striking. Their COVID numbers are skyrocketing and most scientists at this point conclude it is at least twice as contagious as Delta. Essentially, we are all getting it at some point. So far, symptoms have appeared generally mild for those that are vaccinated, but not going as well for the unvaxxed and also now younger kids. It’s still very early, but definitely concerning when looking at hospital capacity limitations.

Mixed theories on origin, but to counter the HIV theory, there are also emerging theories that it’s either a recombined virus as it incorporates elements of the genetic sequence from the common cold (likely still from a patient with uncontrolled HIV), and/or it jumped back and forth from another species. Early reports that direction show genetic evidence tied to a rodent.

We’ll see what tomorrow brings regarding the latest during the situation update call from work. Omni could be the real deal though regarding virulence based on volume alone.
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Re: Omicron

Sun Dec 05, 2021 7:17 pm

HnkrCrash wrote:Have mentioned this before, but the contagiousness of Delta changed the curve related to deaths/hospitalizations. Still thousands upon thousands of unvaxxed for it to burn through even with a 70% vaccination rate. Timelines coincide, and with vaccine efficacy tending to wear down after month 6, that piece also coincides.

So you're saying that Delta changed the curve in regards to deaths/hospitalizations......

.....and this change to the curve just happened to mirror what the curve was prior to the vaccine?

By total coincident, the rate of hospitalizations and deaths per covid case was changed by Delta back to what they were prior to the vaccine?

Not higher, or lower, but the same.

You're saying the impact of Delta just happened to be right on the nuts as what would've been the margin of decrease to the amount of hospitalizations and deaths per amount of cases from the vaccine?

I don't know man.....that seems like an awfully big coincidence. Don't you think?

It seems really weird to me that nothing has changed. Doesn't it? Trying to be objective, not being emotional or biased in when looking at it.....

Doesn't it seem really fukcing bizarre that the curves all still line up? Hospitalizations and deaths still merely being a function of the amount of cases.....if the amount of cases double it means the amount of hospitalizations and the amount of deaths also double.......two years into into this pandemic and the shit is still the same.

It's pretty perplexing.

If you go back and look at the world pre-pandemic......the goal for rate of vaccinations amongst a local population for the flu for it to be an effective tool in decreasing the amount of hospitalizations and deaths was 40%. That was the threshold. They never made any attempt to try to get 100% of the population....or even 50% or 60% or 70% etc.....of the population vaccinated against the flu because it effectively reduced the effects of the seasonal flu significantly at 40%.

So it seems bizarre that the hospitalizations for the flu per amount of cases will have a significant decline realized when there's a vaccination rate of 40%......

.....yet 70% of the state's population has the covid vaccine and there's change.

And you're saying the reason for this is because a new and more viral strain occurred at just the right time, and accounted for just the right increase to cover up what would've been a giant decrease caused by 70% of Minnesotans being vaccinated seamlessly......Delta was perfect in occurring at the right time and perfectly more viral to change the keeping the curve perfectly the same?

Do you really believe that the curves have stayed the same and continue to mirror each other purely as the result of coincidence?

The coincidence you're using as your explanation seems like such an amazing Longshot. Just looking at different hospitalizations curves per flu strains that occur each flu season.....they're pretty different. It's obvious which strain is which, and when they hit and ended, and where they coincided with another strain, or didn't.....

If you took a group of doctors pre-Delta, and asked them when vaccines were rolling and millions in the country were taking the shot weekly.....if you asked them,

"What is the chance a new strain of covid comes along at just the right time, and is just enough more viral, that it'll render the vaccine to be totally irrelevant.....when you look at the curves of cases to hospitalizations and deaths in almost a year from'll literally look as if the vaccine was never administered....the peaks we saw before the vaccine will be occurring and the number of hospitalizations and deaths per number of cases is going to be unchanged......what do you think the odds are of such a strain to come along?"

What do you think their answers would all be?

They'd say the odds of a new strain coming along and perfectly negating the impact of the vaccine would be Powerball-esque odds.

What you're saying seems nearly impossible. It is possible, but probable? Like 0.0000000000001% probable.

If a new strain had offset some of the reduction in rates due to the vaccine?

No big deal. It would seem an unfortunate but not a big deal.....there'd still be a difference seem on the curves....not as much as there would've been......

....but to have a strain come along to where there's no where it's impossible to look at the curves and see any distinction before and after the majority of the population has received a vaccination that has a 94% efficacy rate in preventing hospitalization and/or death?

Again, do you honestly believe that's why the curves all still line up? Do you really think they're unchanged due to what would have to be one of the biggest coincidents in history? That explanation doesn't seem to be too convenient and easy for you?
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Sun Dec 05, 2021 8:08 pm

They give the figures every night on the covid cases, how many are in the hospital/ICU from it, and how many new deaths there are.....

There's all these numbers being tallied and figures compiled and reported to the public......

Isn't it weird that they never report any figures on how many of the cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are people who were vaccinated?

Why is that?

It seems like a pretty important figure.....the rate of total cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are people who are vaccinated in relation to people who aren't vaccinated.

The reason why I'm assuming you never hear it reported is because half or more of the people hospitalized and dying from covid are vaccinated. That's what I've heard from the lips of nurses at two different in Brainerd, and one from Winona.

So this notion that this is now a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" is total bullshit.

If that was true then they'd be reporting the rates of vaccinated to unvaccinated when reporting the nightly covid figures.....because it'd show the vaccine being effective, and encourage more people to get vaccinated.

If that was true then the curves would be different....they wouldn't mirror each other....because there'd be a bunch of positive cases who would've ended up in the hospital or dead but didn't because they got vaccinated. That's what would've absolutely happened if the vaccine was effective, and you'd be able to easily see it in a flattening of the curve when looking at the rate of hospitalizations and deaths per number of cases.

Yet here we are.....nothing has all
....the same amount of people are being hospitalizations and dying.....the likelihood of that happening when getting covid is exactly the same as it's always been......and the explanation we're supposed to take at face value is that the reason nothing has changed is pure coincidence.....

Look away and don't question anything.....the experts have it figured out. The experts are responsible for a vaccine that has a 94% efficacy rate. Hallelujah! We're saved! Our best and our brightest did it....they created a vaccine that not only works but is one of the most effective man has ever created. Amazing!

They tell you all that and everyone rejoices....

Despite the fact there are LITERALLY no results as of yet.


They can tell you about how effective all their bullshit is, but it's all talk. The experts and pro-vaccine, mask wearing crowd, the dipshits who shout, "We believe in science!"

Well......guess what?

I don't blindly believe in science. I believe in science that is created from being challenged and tested from every angle, and although I'm no expert....I can read a fukcig graph that charts a running number of something......

And at this point of the pandemic nothing has been accomplished. Not a fukcing thing. Covid still spreads the same as it always has, infects people like it always has, of those infected a certain number of people will be hospitalized the same as they always have, and the amount of people who will die is the same as it always has been.

The numbers don't lie. Those are facts.

You can give whatever excuses you want for why the facts I just listed haven't changed, but the facts are the facts.

At the end of the day nothing has changed.

And what I alarmingly no longer find that not only have we not held the people in charge accountable for this monumental failure, and not only have we failed to recognize and acknowledge this blatantly obvious monumental failure as a population/society, but the masses have instead praised these motherfukcers.

The vast, vast majority of Americans are truly dipshits. They actually feel enlightened for believing in people like Fauci. They think anyone who questions the effectiveness of the vaccine or the measures like masks and social distancing.....taking kids out of school....quarantining entire work forces for two weeks because one of their coworker's kids had a kid in their class test positive.....most people believe in all this bullshit, believe they're sophisticated smart people, and view anyone who asks questions about the effectiveness of what we're doing to fight covid is a backwoods inbred hick despite the fact that.....


There's zero change to the numbers, and as the charting of these numbers, there has been no change to the curve. None. They're all still the same and coincide no different than they did before.

How can anyone look at the curves and believe in a single fukcing thing that has been done to mitigate the effects of covid?

Because there is another explanation for why the curves hasn't changed......

......and that explanation is that nothing has changed.

When looking at stuff like those curves on a graph, no change typically means no change. The odds of a massive change occurring that would've caused a massive deviation from the norm, but then another massive development coming along that represents another massive change, and this massive change coincidentally being to the same exact degree as the first massive change, and coincidentally occurring at the same time as the first change is ramping up, to where the graph somehow seamlessly stays the same despite two massive shifts occurring simultaneously to cancel each other out as if nothing occurred....everything remains completely unchanged.....

Come on and I both know that shit doesn't just doesn't.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Sun Dec 05, 2021 10:40 pm

It would be interesting to see a true overlay of 2020 versus 2021. There definitely does seem to be some factor of seasonality present as well, and although comparing it to influenza is not a stretch, they are certainly not the same virus. Timeline wise, I still contend the dates line up pretty closely. COVID starts moving in Minnesota and continues rolling with a peak in Minnesota around this time last year. We start 2021, and vaccinations roll out en masse in March or so. Cases fall significantly during Summer to essentially nothing (again seasonality?). Delta then ramps up and really gets moving into September in Minnesota getting after the unvaxxed initially just as those early vaccinations are also losing their efficacy at the 6 month mark. Cases build again and deaths lag 2-3 weeks which is where we start seeing the recent spike we are in currently (albeit less than a year ago due to vaccines IMO) which just also happens to mirror what we saw in 2020. Again, how much seasonality? Probably a fair amount.

And…I’ve gotten to the point where I think who the hell knows anymore? I’m certainly not an expert. I’ve got a degree in Public Health, BS with a lot of doctors, and listen to our Chief Medical Officer every week on a call as it affects my occupation. That’s the extent of it. I’m hardly in the trenches of a virology lab somewhere or deep within an epidemiology department. Anecdotally though, I personally know well over a hundred people who’ve gotten COVID since the vaccines rolled out, and of those, 3 have been vaccinated. Caveat there being those who are vaccinated that have been obligated or felt sick enough to actually get tested. Overall, the numbers in Minnesota as a whole aren’t that far off, as it’s only like 5% (plus/minus a couple percent either way) who’ve been fully vaccinated and have had breakthroughs. There definitely are figures keeping track of breakthroughs and they are not difficult to find. I think the Strib publishes them at least a few times per week.
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