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Matthew McConaughey

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 6:09 am
by Fish Felon
......what a F-A-G, Phaggot!!

Alright alright alright.....Matthew McConaughey is a Homo.

Re: Matthew McConaughey

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 7:56 am
by JayRo
Whether is is Jon Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, Meryl Streep or Robert Di Nero - nobody cares what you think. Your opinion holds no more sway than mine. Yet, the left continues to use this playbook year after year. I don't even think people on the left care what these elites think - DD can you confirm or deny?

And then you pick blaze orange as your banner color for gun control?? Do you even think about these campaigns before you start them?

Re: Matthew McConaughey

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 11:32 am
by Drunk_Dynasty
Confirm or deny what?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Re: Matthew McConaughey

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 8:46 am
by Fish Felon
I just really think if we made murder illegal, and the consequences for it really having the death penalty in a state like TX.....that it would stop all these shooters.

What a fukcing bunch of dumb liberal phags.....anyone who is pro-gun control is a fukcing moron. Why in the fukc would anyone willing to murder a bunch of kids be afraid of gun laws? Yeah, I'm sure if that sociopath wouldn't have been able to buy an AR-15 he wouldn't have figured out another way.

Do you know how I'd kill a bunch of kids if that's what I was after?

Well, first off.....thank God these dipshits only copy cat the shit Hollywood puts out.....thank God they haven't figured out that an SBE with an extended mag is essentially a lower capacity street sweeper.....

The dude would've killed more kids going up over the curb with his car when all these kids were leaving school and loading onto the busses.

Trust me.....anyone that evil, sadistic, and mentally ill would've found a way.....gun or no gun.

You can't "bubble wrap" society into being safe for everyone all the time. People lose their shit and kill people. It's as old as the days when man first started walking this earth.

If you can't handle that reality then turn your basement into a bunker and never leave your fukcing house.

Re: Matthew McConaughey

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 8:55 am
by Fish Felon
Chicago & DC have the strictest gun laws in the country.....and the highest murder rates. Funny how no one points out the 1000+ njggers dying every year from "gun violence" (AKA "violence") on the Southside?

But look at how banning drugs has worked in this country? America = Drug Free!

There are 10,000,000+ illegals walking and living amongst us. We can't stop illegal people who are wide out in the open from being here but they think it's possible to magically get rid of guns by writing some new rules on a piece of paper in DC? Yeah....Doh-Kay!

Criminals don't follow laws.....especially the ones who want to kill a dozen kids before they kill themselves. You can't stop a fukcer wanting to die from inflicting a bunch of harm.....besides making them happy enough to want to live.

Re: Matthew McConaughey

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 9:14 am
by Fish Felon
Did anyone else see that phaggot Biden on that phaggot Kimmel's show last night?

What a couple of cock smoking F-A-G, Phags!!!

Re: Matthew McConaughey

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 10:46 pm
by maplelakeduckslayer
I stopped watching tv quite a while ago...I promise life is so much better without constant external influences. I catch a few news stories that pop up on my phones home screen if it catches my eye...which is pretty rare. But it's bliss being completely in the dark on the daily happenings in this world

Re: Matthew McConaughey

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 12:27 pm
by Fish Felon
maplelakeduckslayer wrote:I promise life is so much better without constant external influences.

I agree.....been working on focusing on taking life as it appears in front of me. If I don't see it with my own eyes and experience it firsthand?

It's not something that I need to be aware's not something that matters.

Who gives a shit about places getting shot up, countries getting ultimately doesn't affect all. When I walk out my front door the world I experience isn't affected by any of it.

Re: Matthew McConaughey

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 9:47 pm
by maplelakeduckslayer's refreshing. Hop in my dad's truck yesterday and talk news about the markets crashing and says he's worried about the economy. That's exactly what they want you to do everything is out there to influence us it's not worth paying attention to at all.crrstes so much more stress for us. I dgaf burn the economy down I'll be just fine

Re: Matthew McConaughey

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 1:34 pm
by Nershi
maplelakeduckslayer's refreshing. Hop in my dad's truck yesterday and talk news about the markets crashing and says he's worried about the economy. That's exactly what they want you to do everything is out there to influence us it's not worth paying attention to at all.crrstes so much more stress for us. I dgaf burn the economy down I'll be just fine

Does that mean you aren’t day trading any more?