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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Poaching advice

Tue Sep 13, 2022 10:32 am

What state?

I was going to say it's a factor, but maybe not....minimal one at best. ND I never gave a shit. My last duck opener as a resident we shot some ducks and geese field hunting in the central part of the checked by a state CO. The guy asked if we were all shooting non-toxic, we all said "Yes," dude was kicking around spent hulls outside my blind....and was apparently blind because on the side of all of them in remarkably bold and dark lettering since I splurged and didn't buy the cheapest lead 6's off the shelf and was shooting Kent,

"Fast Lead"

I remember those hulls being bright as shit....the brightest red of any shotgun hull I'd ever seen, with the clearest darkest writing I've ever seen on the side of a hull........

I didn't give enough of a shit to even try collecting all the "Fast Lead" hulls as the G&F pickup drove the almost a quarter mile into our spread in the center of a two section parce......I remember my heart rate staying flat as I stoically played it cool.....fuzz not freaking me out and figuring if he gets me? He gets me. It wouldn't be the first time I paid $25 for a "lead pass" in NoDak....I once had a buddy beat a warden that was in the process of handing him his ticket.....made sure his fifty dollar bill reached the Warden's hand before the ticket for shooting toxic shot reached his, and went:

"There's the $25 for this one and $25 for the next one."

Which he legitimately wanted to do....figured the warden didn't have change....wanted to have his account credited so the next one would be settled, and he wouldn't have to do shit, remember to pay it, or do anything other than tear up the ticket upon receiving it......I vaguely remember him offering the extra $25 as a tip so he could buy a case of beer or a bottle, which he laughed at and appreciated but couldn't accept......

My experiences with the ND G&F were all generally very positive. If they noticed an obvious violation they'd write you a ticket, but they weren't assholes about it like the MN DNR CO's are. In ND the times we got tickets for shooting lead always ended up laughing and joking with the CO about how it wasn't like we were going to stop doing it.....but then again every time I remember being cited we were field hunting, and could literally be walking through the same stubble hitting fencerows to shoot upland with lead the CO's in ND are smart enough to realize the requirements for lead/non-toxic shot were dumb and ultimately none of this shit matters. Like you or I shooting lead or steel one way or the other, anywhere, hunting anything, at any going to make any difference in fukcing anything. Who gives a fukc? We're talking about shit that isn't even as productive as rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.....hunting is a dying part of our culture that isn't even going to exist in a hundred years. So in the not too distant future there'll never be any lead shot used because there's going to be no shot used. Humans will have fully become pod people plugged into the "Gaytrix" where they miserably sit and bitch about shit......they'll probably be a bunch of assholes extremely concerned about lead in the environment.....push some lame agenda projecting their made up identity image of someone who cares about the environment, but hasn't left their house or even seen a wetland in twenty years......but will get some more retarded regulations added to the now Webster's dictionary sized hunting and fishing regulation books.....that the DNR will still print a shitload of copies to distribute to no one since hunting and fishing ended long ago, and even if it hadn't.......people don't read anything besides what they can pull up on one of the several screens we all stare at constantly. They should've quit printing the regs years ago since if someone is wondering what type of duck they shot but can't identify?

Odds are the last thing they'd ever consider using to try and figure it out will be the colored illustrated pages in the waterfowl regulation booklet....the supplemental one in addition to the regular hunting regulation booklet.....where the fukcing retards print off their interpretations of what the laws describe.......instead of printing the actual fukcing laws.

Why would a definition of wanton waste some fukctard in the DNR came up with be more beneficial to me in terms of following the laws over printing the federal statute.....where the similar thing that's written is the actual law....and the slight nuance differences in the MN DNR version are actually quite significant. Why would it even be legal for the DNR to do that? Change the laws and legal definitions they give to the public......despite the legal system they're supposed to be enforcing using theirs.....since those are the actual fukcing laws?

And further supporting evidence for why the MN DNR is the worst state department of the worst state government of any state in the nation. They can't even print off the federal regulations without fukcing them up.

Oh, and on that topic......

I made the chick working the AIS inspections at the boat landing cry a couple weeks back. We did a float in kayaks and a canoe and pulled out at the public landing she was stationed.....redhead bitch under twenty.....laying in the back of her SUV with the gate open reading a large hard covered novel when me, my mom & dad, and my brother pulled out, hopped in the car, and went back to the cabin.....where we dropped off my mom and my brother, who had to.pack his bag, showe, and hop a plane in three hour and a half hours out of MSP to go home to FL. My dad and I hooked up our utility/canoe trailer, drove back to the landing, to load the canoe and two kayaks. We park in the last spot in the lot.....opposite of the entry/exit, landing, and AIS chick.....literally the furthest we could possibly be away in an effort to not be dipshits getting in the way at the landing, and because I hate every dipshit AIS inspector at every landing and avoid them as much as possible. Why would I want to deal with a government employee when I'm trying to have fun and go fishing? The lowest of the low government employees who don't know shit from Shanghai, are morons who literally can't find any job other than being an AIS inspector, and collect a check for fukcing shit up at landings while not accomplishing anything towards their stated goals and reasons for existence......and have not a single shred of data, evidence, or any attempt made at trying to verify or gage any level of impact made. Thus they're totally pointless and truly a negative thing that is a pain in the ass I hate and don't want to deal with.....oh great, a dumb 17yo girl who has never fished, launched a boat, used a landing, or even go outside anymore......appointed to lecture me about shit they know nothing about, don't care about, but feel the need to try to spend time with me incorrectly regurgitating shit that is retarded and wrong even if they'd accurately quoted.......can't wait to spend five minutes with some dipshit kid that annoys the fukc out of me and messes up traffic and the effective use of the public landing I'm at.....but hey, it's only five minutes of them speaking on something that might as well be "air," I'm going to ramble incoherently for five minutes about what air is, and then I'll feel validated in doing my job, being too dumb to realize how insanely worthless the job they're performing actually is, but fukc yeah.....let's all work together to stop the spread of Air! If we all diligently keep taking the recommended precautions that haven't worked at all.....can't even argue they've made an impact of any kind whatsoever......if we all keep doing everything they keep telling us to do that has no signs or symptoms of doing anything........we will effectively stop the spread of Air to zero! No new air getting from here to there no more! Just clean, drain, dry....don't do the shit you love for the next week to ten days because we say that's how long your boat should dry. Based off of nothing scientific......just an arbitrary time period we came up with that seemed like not too long, but not too short, and that no one will ever challenge us.....or hold us accountable by going,

"What's your science behind why a boat shouldn't be used for a week after leaving a body of water with AIS? Kind of a pain since everything has an orange infected sign now. What supports having a seven day drying period as being an effective mitigation technique that will curb the spread of AIS? Oh, you can't provide a fukcing shred of anything for that management decision yet never shut the fukc up about how great the science behind all management I guess we can all go fukc off.....sorry for bugging you by asking you to provide the work you did for Us that is effectively limiting my ability to use my public resources."
Hate Speech is Free Speech

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Mergie Marauder
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Joined: Fri Nov 29, 2013 4:48 pm

Re: Poaching advice

Wed Sep 14, 2022 6:26 pm

When grouse hunting, my vest has orange shoulder patches. If I want to jump a slough/pond, I drop the vest with the lead in, throw a handful of steel in a pocket and reload to steel. After the jump, come back and pick-up vest. Resume hunting.

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