Mergie Marauder
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Hunting 2023

Fri Aug 04, 2023 8:22 pm

29 days till teal season! Figured it’s time to get a 2023 hunting thread going.

I dropped the dog off at the trainer this week for a tune up before the season. Not sure she really needed it because she did awesome last year but I just haven’t had time to do any serious training this summer. Gonna pick her up the week before teal opener after I get back from a Canada fishing trip.

Anyone got any big plans for the season?

The only out of state trip on the books so far is ND pheasant hunting. I am not a huge upland guy. Typically I just do some walks in between duck hunting and scouting and some walks around my house after work. Dad doesn’t want to do the Canada duck and goose trip any more because it is too much of a grind for him and laying in a field is getting tough. I tried to talk him in to coming if I bought an A frame and it was a no go. He loves pheasants and dad is getting older so gonna do what he wants to do and enjoy trips with him while he is still able to do them. Canada is still up in the air and if I go it’ll probably be a last minute deal if it happens.

Was up at the duck shack to do some mowing and tree clearing last week and drove by a few spots and rice looks thick. Maybe too thick. Last year the high water in the spring kept the rice crop down. This year looks like it’ll be the polar opposite. I’ll have a better idea when we get up for teal season and drop a boat in. Hopefully we get some late season rain otherwise access may be tough or impossible in some of our spots. Water is very low.

How are conditions looking in your hood?

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Fish Felon
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Re: Hunting 2023

Sat Aug 05, 2023 7:30 am

Rice is looking good to great in my neck of the woods.

I'm going to try and hunt more this year....we shall see. No trips planned as of yet except ND brother drew a cow tag so going to help him out on the hunt.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Hunting 2023

Sat Aug 05, 2023 9:44 am

No out of state stuff for me this fall. Maybe Montana phez early December, but I’m likely going to be saving my PTO for Mexico in February.

I’m bow hunting some land my buddy has leased to farm just outside Monticello that I’m excited to hunt. Last year he had some 180 class pics out there. Gonna be a challenge because he’s gonna hunt it too and he’s the laziest, sloppiest deer hunter you’d ever meet.

Looking forward to teal season, especially after two days of limits last fall. I don’t have time to scout but I generally know where they are so if the water levels aren’t totally screwed up I should at least do okay.

Looking forward to fall and hopefully work slowing way down.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Hunting 2023

Sun Aug 06, 2023 12:57 am

Nothing crazy planned. Last year I got back into bow hunting a bit and bought 3 ladder stands I gotta get up. Never did get the food plots redone this spring as planned, next year for sure.

Would love to get to dads cabin duck hunting this year again a time or two been a couple years since dog and I went up there

Get the dog out for some pheasant in western MN few cool to maybe take him out to SD later in the year...we'll see

Hard to believe he's 5 this fall like to try and get him out a bit more this year. Only got so much time with them

Coot Commander
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Re: Hunting 2023

Sun Aug 06, 2023 9:36 am

I hope to get out more this fall. Past 3 years I've only made it out for opener due to surgeries and resultant nerve damage in my right hand. Shooting is a challenge, cold makes it worse. Honestly, a little scared to be out on my own with a gimp hand, if I fell out of a boat it would be trouble. Even have the same worries if I had issues while upland hunting. Been debating for a few months but think I am getting another lab. Mailed a fellow just last night, has a 6mo old black male available. Cole is 7 and the timing is right to add a dog. Have not been out for wild pheasants in 3 years, stuck to hunting the game farm, felt a little safer in case something went south. My shooting got better last fall, still not where it was or should be. A new dog may provide some motivation.

Have been able to deer hunt and was fortunate to get bucks the past couple years, last year I got a very heavy 8pt. Have to pull trigger with my middle finger. Will be heading up to the woods (Bemidji area public land) in Sept to work on the deer stands.

I think I understand Nershi's fathers thinking. When you can't perform at the level you had it's easier to walk away and have memories rather than struggle, do poorly or rely on assistance. Went through the same with my father, going through it myself.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Hunting 2023

Sun Aug 06, 2023 10:13 am

Sorry to hear man, I face those troubles and motivation issues as well. I don't hunt near as much as I used to. Hopefully gets better for ya!

Coot Commander
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Re: Hunting 2023

Sun Aug 06, 2023 11:27 am

Apologies, I did not mean to derail the intent of the topic.
Getting old sucks and I am not that old (59), crippling injuries added to the fun. Everyone has heard the mantra of 'do it now' before you get old, its pretty good advice. My plans of retiring and chasing birds on the prairie are pretty much scrapped. Age did not get me but nerve damage did, wasn't in the plans. I'm still able bodied, just have to make many distasteful accommodations and not nearly as independent. It's hard to describe but things are just not as fun when you can't perform. Its a personal thing, I know all about people with handicaps doing whatever. Hoping a new pup will add some motivation.
Looking forward to fall and the season of wearing hunting pants, gear bag at the ready in the truck. The fire remains.

Don't post much here but appreciate those that do. Felon in particular has some impressive fishing talents, I'm a bit jealous.

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Mergie Marauder
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Hunting 2023

Sun Aug 06, 2023 4:17 pm

Don’t apologize, Bigdog. This forum is an outlet for all of us to vent frustrations.

I used to be heavy into jiu-jitsu. In my 20s I beat the hell out of guys my age, now…. Guys in their 20s beat the hell out of me. Makes it hard to stay motivated when you’re past your prime in anything, which happens to everyone. My mindset has definitely had to shift and I have a way more casual approach to the sport now, which is fine.

I definitely think getting a dog will be a good motivator.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Hunting 2023

Sun Aug 06, 2023 8:00 pm

I am cutting back on my practice so hope to get a few more days in the duck blind, have to admit getting up at 4 is getting harder the older I get. My son and Grandson are getting more into duck hunting so that is fun. Heading to the Mississippi in November for our annual Father/Son hunt.
I want to get into the tree stand more this year for deer, haven’t gone the last 3 yrs. and look forward to sitting in the woods, recharging my batteries. Going to pull the plug on work in 1 1/2 yrs my brother and I are planning to hunt our way down to Texas then but who knows.
Good luck and be safe all

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Hunting 2023

Sun Aug 06, 2023 9:13 pm

I was going to duck hunt harder this fall but I drew a MT buck license so I’ve got 9-13 days out there planned.

Then I lost my old family bow/muzzleloader spot. So I did some door knocking and bought one of those Tactacam reveal cell cams and hung up some other cams.

Then I got these, 1 good buck at each new spot.
NEw broad heads are on, new sight is on and the bow is tuned
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"There's a feeling I get, When I look to the west, And my spirit is crying for leaving" - LED ZEP

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