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Re: RE: Re: Ode to h2ofwlr topic = "Drought"

Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:52 pm

Fish Felon wrote:Drought is the skies instead of overcast, little to no mowing, one mosquito to every hundred, rivers are low and fishing is awesome, better bird hunting.....what's not to like about drought?

Drought score of 257.....very impressive. My guess is that it'll drop next week since we got 2" of rain the other day, in my area of East Central that is.....

I bet the smallmouth fishing on rivers is awesome right now.

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Re: Ode to h2ofwlr topic = "Drought"

Wed Sep 13, 2023 6:10 am

I didn’t cut the grass at all in august and even the weeds didn’t grow too much.

Our road is getting reshaped and repaved so last fall they seeded the ditches with wheat, clover and grass… I mowed that $#!+ down on Saturday and a patch of grass that catches the wife’s garden water, and a few thistles… one hour of mowing will hopefully be it for Aug, Sept, Oct… drought is wonderful!

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Re: Ode to h2ofwlr topic = "Drought"

Thu Sep 28, 2023 9:46 am

Drought map is bullcheet. Some rivers are over their banks from the rain we have had the last couple weeks and we are still in a drought?! ... or.aspx?MN

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Re: Ode to h2ofwlr topic = "Drought"

Fri Sep 29, 2023 2:28 am

The drought monitor is somewhat of a joke. First off, it's produced by "climate scientists," so there's the first red flag. These people are stupid enough to sensationalize something very boring.....the weather. What pisses me off the most about these phags is that they're total dipshits, but think they're smart, yet don't even understand what an average is. The three concepts they shockingly don't understand that have caused the global scientific community to believe we're in a "climate crisis" are:

1. Weather/climate has never been stagnant and never will.

2. Averages are made up from a lot of numbers that are much higher and lower than what their average is.

3. Any deviation from an average is not abnormal---it's very normal and expected.

When observing anything and turning it into an average....if anything, getting future readings that are right on the average are most cases a rarity....coincidence....a fluke....a,

"Hey, would you look at that....the reading is the same number as the overall don't see that very often."

Every weather terrorist (AKA "meteorologist") who reports the weather relative to the average is a fraud.....they're not fukcing scientists....they're sleazy salesman. They're deliberately making something totally mundane into something dramatic to sell papers, increase ratings, and make money. They're not scientists and they've done a grave disservice to the populous as a whole.

Watch the news tomorrow and they'll tell you what the temperature is followed by how big of a deviation it is from the norm. If it's more than a five degree deviation from the average in either direction? They'll make a big out of it. If there's a minor trend of a few days in a row with a similar deviation? They'll chalk it to being caused by climate change.

This is false.

Any real scientist would report the weather without worrying about it being relative to anything....since climate has always been changing....and usually much more dynamic than it has in the past several thousand years.....since case in point....where in writing this was covered under a 2.5 mile sheet of ice 14,000 years ago, which all melted by 10,000 years ago, and raised the ocean level by 300 feet. These climate "scientists" have no idea what caused this very dramatic warming trend.....yet they pretend to have calculated how much the oceans will rise in the next two thousand years based off what amount of carbon is in the atmosphere.

Think of how truly regarded that is. They don't know what caused the oceans to rise 75' every millenia for four millennia in a row not that long ago......but they've somehow calculated down to the most minuscule carbon level how the oceans will rise 8' to 20' over the next thousand years.

These same fukcers who don't understand what an average is made from somehow created a model that specific and detailed......gimme a fuggin' break.

The news should have the weather listed to the 25th to 75th percentiles.....aka, "the normal range." Actually, you could argue that it should be the 5th and 95th percentiles....since really....any reading inside that is normal and not noteworthy. It isn't until a daily temperature gets within the top or bottom five percentiles that it's approaching anything noteworthy....a true deviation from is normal and should be expected.

Yet these fukcing dipshits act like hitting 92 degrees on a day when the average is 82 is some big deal. It's not. It's normal for that to happen. There are a whole shit ton of recorded days where the temp was north of ninety to get that '82,' just like there were a whole shit ton of days where the temp was in the high sixties and low seventies to get that '82' average. If you went and looked back at every temperature reading for that particular date do you know what temperature reading you're going to see very few of them listed?

82.....eighty-freaking-two. If a daily average temp is 82....if you go back and look at every day of that date where we've recorded the temp for the past hundred-and-thirty-some're most likely only going to see a handful of 82's recorded. Maybe ten total on the high's totally possible that in the recorded history of temps for that day with an average of 82......there literally hasn't been a single day where the temp was 82.


Take our beloved drought monitor......what is the very first benchmark referred to as?


WTF is abnormal about falling slightly behind the average precipitation amount per the calendar year? If we're supposed to have ten inches of precipitation by June but we're at eight one year......what the fukc is abnormal about that?

Absolutely is completely expected for that to happen on a very regular basis.....just like some years having 12" by June is expected.

"Abnormal" isn't a scientific very definition it is loaded with bias and science is supposed to remain free from bias.

Call it "dry" or "slightly below the average but still very much within the expected ("normal") range" or whatever......but loading it up with a word as sensationalizing as "abnormal" is a farce......the opposite of what any real scientist would do.

So the labels of "severe," "extreme," "exceptional," are all a joke and point to the drought monitor being ran by people who are fukcing morons more so than they are scientists.

And last but not least, the number one reason why the drought monitor is a joke.......

These fukcs don't understand that when you bottom out on the hydrological cycle-----THERE ARE NO NEGATIVE NUMBERS----the hydrological cycle can't go below zero---thus, it is impossible to have a deficit.

There's a certain point where things bottom out and the soil isn't going to get any drier. I mean, it's possible....eventually the sun will expand before collapsing and when it does it will bake the topsoil that is the current state of MN into a fiery charred crisp.....but for all practical purposes, the soil really only gets so dry. It dries out and won't get any drier.

After several months of this....let's call it being "at zero," the lack of precipitation doesn't do anything. Say we're supposed to get four inches of rain for each of those three months......once it starts getting wet again......

Those twelve inches of rain we didn't get DO NOT MATTER. If we get 4" to 6" of rain in a month.....there's no more drought.....since it's impossible to go below zero in the hydrological cycle.

Yet the assumption these dilshits are under is that we need to get back those 12" of precipitation we didn't get in order to get back to "normal," which is they're beloved average.....these dumb fukcs think that until we get that lost precipitation back we're still in drought. This is because again.....these dorks do their work pertaining to climate in a computer lab without ever going outside.

That's the great irony in all this climate hysteria......the people pushing this bullshit are the ones who go outside the least.....they hardly ever observe or experience the climate to which they're so concerned about. I don't know why these dipshits care so much about the climate when theirs is safely controlled by a thermostat.
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Re: Ode to h2ofwlr topic = "Drought"

Fri Sep 29, 2023 2:37 am

Aitkin has received almost 6" of rain in the past month and a half. How is that a severe drought....anywhere on the globe? Fugggg, besides comparing it to the Amazon during the wet season.....that amount of precipitation anywhere else is going to be the opposite of drought.


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Re: Ode to h2ofwlr topic = "Drought"

Fri Sep 29, 2023 10:26 pm

Man we had 3-4" last Saturday and I bet another 3-4" today. This morning and tonight it just keeps back building I don't like it with a big hole along my foundation

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Re: Ode to h2ofwlr topic = "Drought"

Fri Sep 29, 2023 10:44 pm

Been raining all day in the northern suburbs and still raining. I saw plenty of dry small sloughs in western mn last weekend but the mid and larger ones were fine.

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Re: Ode to h2ofwlr topic = "Drought"

Sat Sep 30, 2023 2:43 pm

The little lake I'm on has jumped a foot and a half since two weeks ago. 4" of rain in the past three weeks.....yet I'm supposedly in "severe drought," duh-duh-Duhhhhhh!!!

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Re: Ode to h2ofwlr topic = "Drought"

Sat Sep 30, 2023 5:05 pm

1.75” last night, more on the way tonight.
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Re: Ode to h2ofwlr topic = "Drought"

Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:13 pm

Over 6" of rain in the last month, yet still in a severe drought.....uhhhh....WTF?


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