Mergie Marauder
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It happened...

Sat Dec 23, 2023 2:08 am

I've had concerns about Dad's mental state for 2-3 years now

I got a call from his office assistant this week...thats about to be laid off and she knows so...that several people close to him have expressed concerns about his mental state recently and dont know how or who to bring it up to

Nice lol

Granted he was hammered...but he was mumbling weird stuff at deer camp this year while passing out. Like I was concerned he was having a stroke or something. He's never mumbled weird stuff like this before

I caught him trying to put a metal pan in the microwave at camp

While helping me fix my garage foundation this fall...he made two separate trips to get mortar and bought the wrong stuff both times...this is a guy who has been in construction his entire life

He just turned 65.

From those who have helped aging parents or other individuals. Does this seem like normal aging or like something else going on?

It doesn't seem normal to me. There's plenty other examples those are just from this fall. And I'm pretty convinced he has a more significant something going on. I kinda assumed as you age you just have less physical ability...vs mental capacity unless you have something going on up there

I'm the oldest I'm planning on getting together with the next oldest sister to discuss this as we are kinda the heads and executors should anything happen

But it's a hard thing to bring up to your hey we are concerned about your mental state let's go to the doctor?

I dunno. I see changes in my mom too like she becomes easily overwhelmed by schedules outta the ordinary/,grandkids etc. But dads situation seems different and getting worse to me.

It's kinda a weird bridge to cross. I didn't think I'd have these concerns this early in his aging. And I'm a very overly concerned/over thinking individual so maybe that's part of it. But getting a phone call from his office assistant this week was kinda like...whoa. If others are seeing it maybe im.not just being someone with an overprotective nature

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It happened...

Sat Dec 23, 2023 11:51 am

My folks are the same age. What you’re going thru right now is the kind of sh!t that keeps me up at night.

Hard conversations will need to be had. I think the biggest thing is try to get him to drop the big hard hero act, if he’s that kind of 65 year old (by that kind I mean the type that hates asking for help, which seems like almost all of them). If other people are saying things, it’s probably time for him to see a doctor. I don’t know your dad or the dynamic of your relationship, so I really can’t give too much advice there. Maybe just make sure he knows he’s not letting you down or failing you somehow.

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Re: It happened...

Sat Dec 23, 2023 3:11 pm

To me it sounds more stress related than old age mental decline. He sounds pretty active and that's the biggest thing for him staying mentally healthy, being physically healthy.

I'd tell him your concerns and ask him how he's doing. It sounds like most men, he's built a life where that doesn't happen....he sounds very old school where talking about feelings and shit isn't something that an embarrassing sign of weakness.

It's amazing how much better you can feel simply by having someone hear you out....just having someone know what you're going through....that someone cares.
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Re: It happened...

Sat Dec 23, 2023 7:46 pm

My wife's grandma is a bit older but going through a similar thing. Started getting lost while driving and has gotten actually really mean towards her kids. Her kids told her she needs to stop driving before she gets in a crash and she didnt listen...ended up in. A crash and luckily didnt hurt anyone and now she doesnt have a car so dont have to worry about that anymore. She lives alone and will not go to a retirement home. My father in law and his sisters and brother brought her to a retirement home to check it out and she said it was.nice but shes not going. Few weeks later she sent a terrible message to her daughter. It's a really difficult thing to deal with, my grandparents are not quite at that level yet but are becoming more forgetting. It's a terrible thing to have to figure out but talking with them and figuring out the best plan before they hurt them selves or someone else is most important.

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Re: It happened...

Sat Dec 23, 2023 10:01 pm

Have the hard conversation. Dementia is an insidious disorder at times. My Dad has it and we had to take his driving privileges and all his firearms. The worst day of my life but it was for the best.
Talk to him and try to get a cognitive test done. It may be nothing, however you have given multiple examples that may indicate a cognitive issue. It is no different than getting a cardiac work up or checking for Diabetes if there are concerning symptoms.
If he does have some cognitive impairment better to catch it sooner than later.
Good luck feel free to PM me if you have any further questions

Mergie Marauder
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Re: It happened...

Mon Dec 25, 2023 12:46 am

Thanks y'all. He is very old school and very active, unwilling to ask for help. He recently has started accepting more from me...I called him cause I wanted to go to the cabin this fall duck hunting and told him we should pull the dock and pontoon. It took some convincing as he wasn't planning on going that weekend but was able to help him get it done. But then he tells me he was sore cause he was balancing on the roof of the shed cutting branches before we got up there lol. I also snow plowed his properties last winter for him

I also started "managing" some of his money. Not really anything too crazy just put it into tbills but it's something that he absolutely cannot do on his own and came to me for help to do it so that was nice. And he's also been wanting to put me and my sister on his accounts

He is very stressed out and I still feel partly responsible for that and having a hard time coming to terms with that myself. He's pretty much just closing down his business operations like eoy. A business he grew from the ground up and at its peak has very respectable was his baby. And he's just gonna walk away. He listed it for a short time but honestly I don't think he wanted to sell it. It was his and he'd rather take it to the grave than get money for it. I got wind from one of his carpenters that when stuff started falling apart his project manager approached him about buying it and he declined. It was his whole life I just don't think he could part with it

Driving with him is an absolute shit show and pucker factor is maxed. I honestly believe he shouldn't be driving. He will let me drive majority of the time but man when he drives. I mean I can't talk too much we have the same thing...both had detached retinas in our right eyes. But his "good" eye is a lot worse than my good eye. I just took him for cataract surgery in both eyes this spring. But he's got like no spatial awareness or how his speed driving affects things. He thinks everyone is driving like fast crazy idiots but going super slow isn't safe either. He was going like 30 mph in a 55 when we were gonna take his stand down he was about to make an unsignaled left into the field approach as a car was gonna try to pass. Scared the shiz outta me

I dunno it was like 3 summers ago at the cabin he said the stupid brand new washer he bought wouldn't fill with water and run a cycle. So he brought it back to Menards and was laughing that they just threw it in the dumpster and gave him a new one.

And it was doing the same thing. So I take a look and he had the discharge hose running out the door at ground level. Gravity keeps water in washing machines that's why discharge hoses are elevated. Again does your typical citiot know this... probably not. A contractor for 40 yrs that's dealt with thousands of appliances? That was the first time I realized there could potentially be a deeper issue

I dunno. Appreciate the inputs. I'll probably try to talk with my sister and spend more time around him the next few months and really try to gauge where he's at

Mergie Marauder
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Re: It happened...

Mon Dec 25, 2023 12:48 am

Take-a-Gander wrote:Have the hard conversation. Dementia is an insidious disorder at times. My Dad has it and we had to take his driving privileges and all his firearms. The worst day of my life but it was for the best.
Talk to him and try to get a cognitive test done. It may be nothing, however you have given multiple examples that may indicate a cognitive issue. It is no different than getting a cardiac work up or checking for Diabetes if there are concerning symptoms.
If he does have some cognitive impairment better to catch it sooner than later.
Good luck feel free to PM me if you have any further questions

Sorry to hear that hope all goes as well as it can for you are your family. Thank you for reaching out and just may do that if things seem to advance

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: It happened...

Wed Jan 03, 2024 6:58 am

Keep an open mind and find professionals that can help. Declines in mental health are often multiple-diagnosis that may involve physical conditions and alcohol could be a contributing factor. Depending on health care and resources, your County Health and Human Services should be able to assist in resources for the family without having to bring your dad to them or say who he is. It will give you and your sister a starting point. You might be able to talk to someone that can offer insight as to what behaviors to watch for.

Not to get generational, it's just a fact of stage of life and experience, but many of the Baby Boom males I know have defined their entire life by their career. Business owners and professional services (accountants, attorneys) in particular have spend decades with "I am a business owner...." or "I am an attorney....". As they come to the end of their career they come to the end of everything they've measured themselves by- they struggle with identity, self-worth, etc. I've seen iit co-workers, family members (including my dad), hunting buddies.

Any struggles he has with you not taking over the company may NOT be so much about "passing on a legacy" or any sort of cash-out, it might simply be without the company in your control, it actually goes away - you not taking over does not enable his identity needs.

I did not deal well with my dad's cancer, in part because I had difficulty understanding his needs to be valued by his business and how much of his identity was tied to a 40 year career: a national network, employees he could take care of, their families. The last conversation I remember with him in hospice was him telling me to make sure I got the quotes out on Tuesday. My last trip with him was ice fishing to Lake of the Woods and it ended up being an industry networking event. I think about it a lot and looking back, realize how much of an asshole I was at various points, that for most of my adult life his business and employees were closer to his family as he spent wayyyyy more time with them and they had a symbiotic relationship: he needed them, they needed him. We never hit estrangement, but when I knew I was losing him had some odd expectation there should be a bond that no longer exited- time and nature did their job- that bond was too my family, not my parents any longer. He's dying and I'm selfishly pissed off because every time we did something together some "work friend" had to be there.

Last part, for you: part of this process that will beat the sh!t out of you is parenting the parent. Forcing Dr. appointments, diets, meds, etc.... make sure you have your own resources set-up, make time for you to clear your head. Don't tell your dad. I don't care if it's solo-hunts or heading to the cabin alone to get blackout drunk.... but if you don't take time to reset your own head, you get mad and start a bad internal conversation and the results from that are always bad.

Wishing you the best.

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Re: It happened...

Thu Jan 04, 2024 1:03 am

Take-a-Gander wrote:Have the hard conversation. Dementia is an insidious disorder at times. My Dad has it and we had to take his driving privileges and all his firearms. The worst day of my life but it was for the best.
Talk to him and try to get a cognitive test done. It may be nothing, however you have given multiple examples that may indicate a cognitive issue. It is no different than getting a cardiac work up or checking for Diabetes if there are concerning symptoms.
If he does have some cognitive impairment better to catch it sooner than later.
Good luck feel free to PM me if you have any further questions

Not that I'm judging you for doing what you felt was necessary....and I get taking the driving privileges and car away. That one makes sense due to being on the road and needing to have mental cognitive abilities sharp enough to make split second decisions. The safety of your dad and the well-being of others is at stake.

Taking his guns away though doesn't seem to be the same obvious response to it, not saying it isn't or at least isn't in your case. I just don't know that much about it...are there known cases of people with dementia shooting people after a severe mental decline?

I guess I see cars and guns as being equals in terms of tools that are safe as long as whomever is operating them is safe, but both having potentially deadly consequences if the operator isn't safe, or is careless, or lacks the mental ability to consistently be able to react in a manner that keeps them and others out of harm's way.

Car and Gun being tools that require careful attention when using.....using means driving for the car and thus hunting when it comes to guns. I agree with you on not letting them drive, and if they can't drive there's no need for storing and maintaining a car.....

....but guns are different in having a lot of sentimental value for a lot of people. A lot of guys can enjoy having guns despite no longer hunting. Guns and the sentimentality that often comes along with them might even be what triggers a fond memory that otherwise wouldn't have surfaced.

So I'm wondering as my parents age as well if taking guns away from someone with dementia/alzheimer's is a common thing or not....because my own intuition right now without a lot of thought or background knowledge of the disease and how it affects different individuals....

Is that I wouldn't take the guns from my dad. I'd want him to have them. I know he doesn't have a violent bone in his body. I don't see him shooting anyone, dementia or not, unless he absolutely had to. People with dementia might not be able to remember things, and are constantly frustrated by this as a result, and in my opinion that's what makes them get ornery and sometimes's an effect of the disease that isn't caused directly from the disease.

If it directly changed personality I might think differently, but I don't think it does. Pieces of memory gets removed at an escalating rate but and parts that remain are the person....not a twisted version of that person.

It'd be like a movie on an old VHS tape gradually having more and more of it taped over with the white "popcorn" screen...what showed up on the old tube TV's when on a channel you didn't get a signal for back when the signal and antennas were all analog. The tape becomes more and more white noise and less and less of the movie you had taped on it, but the remaining clips of the movie is still the same movie. The VHS you'd taped 'Teen Wolf' onto becomes white noise with less running time from 'Teen Wolf.' It doesn't turn into white noise and clips from 'Nightmare on Elm Street.' The character that was there is still there.....there's just more and more white noise you're watching not knowing when the next scene with them will pop up on the screen....until ultimately....the VHS has nothing left of 'Teen Wolf' and the recording isn't a recording....the memories are all gone....the physical VHS tape cassette is still there and looks just like it did, but the only thing on the recording anymore is white noise......what had been recorded, had been a record of something you loved getting to experirence over and over now gone....forever. There's no way to avoid what we'll all feel...every time...despite being fully aware of what's coming....the inevitable and unshakable realization of how we'd taken it for granted. It never occurred to us that someday we wouldn't have it there to enjoy and experience whenever we felt so inclined. If only we could go back and get to enjoy it a couple more times....before eventually our memories of what that movie was about start turning into white noise too.....we see the screen full of dancing white popcorn when not that long ago we could recall every detail of the movie. We still know what it's about overall, we know what 'Teen Wolf''s Michael J. Fox playing a normal American teenager in the 1980's who wakes up only to find out he's a werewolf. You can remember he had a friend but can't remember his name or anything about him. You can remember how Teen Wolf gets on the basketball team and is one hell of a player.....or wait, was it basketball or football he played?

We're all just an old VHS tape sitting in a closet with a classic 80's flick recorded onto it off a TV broadcast....commercial breaks, bad dub overs on swear words, and devoid of any hot chick with her hair crimped and titties popping out like we saw happen when viewing the cinematic rated R version. One of us is a Robocop recording, another is Goonies, Ferris Buehler's Day Off, Rambo Part II Second Blood, Terminator, Predator....God damn everything was better back then even down to the name of the titles. We're all just old movies on old VHS cassette tapes, and we all know what inevitably happen to old VHS tapes......

I digress

People with dementia are still the same people....they're just dealing with a constant stream of bullshit from being unable remember as much stuff as easily as you once did. That reality gets on the nerves of those afflicted in large part because they don't get the cause of the effects they're experiencing,
and not knowing where consequences are coming from, being able to put two and two all sucks....for someone who is still the same person, they just have a lot more problems, uneasiness, and confusion. It's enough to piss anyone off and make them ornery.

But it's not going to make anyone who wouldn't shoot anyone prior to dementia shoot them after the onset of the disease.

So I think I'd definitely want my Dad to have his guns because people with dementia can get really scared as a result of forgetting stuff like where they're at...being able to place who their people are, be unfamiliar with familar surroundings, and struggle grounding themselves back in reality again.

If my dad gets like that where he's scared i want him to have his guns because nothing is more calming than a gun. I've dealt with some crazy shit that went beyond paranoia and turned into onset mild schizophrenia....due to believing people were watching me because people actually were watching me....had a security detail on me 24/7 for five weeks that consisted of a security guard or off duty cop parked on my block North of my place, one parked South of my house, and a third "roamer" vehicle....a person being paid a living to watch me whose work assignment was to drive different sweeping routes through my neighborhood to avoid having their presence get detected by my fellow residents, and swing back to run the alley behind my house and check on me every ten to fifteen minutes since there wasn't an option to park someone in the alley.

Point being, confused and uncertain about what was going on......I'm quite certain I would've lost all sanity and been done in by the constant stress from the fear of the unknown had I not had my guns. The only thing that brought me any comfort enough to where I could sleep at all was having my 20ga 1100 with an extended mag loaded with seven rounds of 003 Buckshot laying besides me in bed, with my .38 special Colt revolver still in my pocket, where I'd cut and hole and stitched around it so the 6" barrel could slide through the bottom of my pocket and the rest of the gun was then not just fully in my pocket, but deep enough to where it was secured, was located where enough loose fabric allowed the outline of it to be irreconcilable, and couldn't be seen by someone behind in me in line when ordering fast food who might be able to see into the very tops of my pockets, and I didn't have to worry about it ever falling out unless I were to hang by my legs off some monkey bars or something similarly unlikely.

I was freaking out and mentally on the brink....yet I still never kept a round in the chamber at any time because a round in the chamber means it can be fired, and a gun that is ready to go off is an infinite times more dangerous than a gun with an empty chamber. It only takes me a split second to rack one when needing to shoot. I generally won't even walk with one in the chamber when out walking around the woods a lot of the time. If I'm doing anything to divert my attention from hunting where that's not the entirety of my focus when handling a gun, so what I refer to as "putz-hunting," like when I'm looking to slash and burn some trees for a deerstand and I'm carrying a chainsaw in addition to a gun because it's grouse season and I've been kicking up a few? No shell in the chamber. Half the time I can drop my chainsaw, rack a shell, shoulder my gun, and get a shot off....the other half I'm walking ahead a little ways in the direction the bird flew before coming back and grabbing my saw.

Point being, my impression is that someone with dementia might have a hard time remembering where they're at or that girl is their granddaughter, but it doesn't turn someone who is a safe gun handler into someone that's reckless and going to shoot first and ask questions later.

I think I'd want my Dad to keep his guns knowing that's what I'd want for myself, and how much comfort they would bring. Plus I'd hope when looking at them he might not just remember what they're purpose, like how they know what a hammer is and what its for until the end of the end, but I'd hope he'd remember more than what a gun is and what it does, but that they're his guns and what he did with them. The trips he used them on, the friends and family he was with when holding and shooting those guns.....

I'm curious what everyone else's take is on that....or at what point taking guns needs to happen. As long as they're not in the field, or are in an extremely safe situation where they're not putting others at risk (like if you're both seated in a deerstand and handing him a loaded gun while never not being able to take quick control of it back from them), I see hunting being like driving....I'd have no problem with him keeping a car but ensuring somehow it'd be inoperable to him....but he's not a car guy. He's likes his guns and those have meaning and sentiment attached to them whether he's actively hunting and shooting them or not. I'd have all the firing pins removed when he's at a doctors appointment or something. If the guns can't shoot, he doesn't know, and he never tries to shoot would he ever know? They'd comfort him every bit as much as if they him they'd be exactly the same. The day he'd ask about why they don't shoot anymore is when you'd know he was shooting at something and taking them is probably not the worst idea. People with dementia can still accomplish getting stuff fixed depending on what it is.

Big Soiree

It was the celebration for my parent's 50th wedding anniversary this past weekend and it was amazing. Turned out great. About 80 friends and family showed up and stayed over the weekend....partied it up at the Hilton everyone all stayed at after a wonderful dinner catered at a lovely place....then partied at my parents on NYE into the new year. What a great time.

Oh, it was my brother who's next up from in the pecking order's 45th Birthday on Saturday as aunt found him still passed out asleep in the lobby at 8am the next shoes, blue jeans and a t-shirt on.....dude's married with three kids...wife and kids were in their suite upstairs. Some people just don't know how to party. Classic.

My aunt from Atlanta, my dad's older sister, who is 74yo attended and I'd heard she had dementia a while back but haven't seen her much the past several years. Probably my favorite aunt....just love her....she's just like my grandma was. Bigger than life personality. Won a beauty pageant or two back when that was a normal, time honored thing our society celebrated, like most societies have before it....physical beauty is a thing to behold, something that catches the eyes of all of us........people like my beautiful classy and genuinely great human being like my aunt used to be celebrated, back when things were normal. Now we're stuck watching YouTube, or videos someome on Facebook posts we don't want to watch that have some fat fukcing kunt bitching about how she's a victim and fate shaming is wrong....anyone who doesn't think she's beautiful is a bigot, or fascist, or worse of all....a MAGA supporter. That's how eroded this shithole has become.....where the worst insult that can be thrown out at someone from the kids these days is calling them someone who is patriotic and likes Trump. This country is so corrupt. No barbs ever thrown at Biden despite being a giant dirty asshat with a brain that's mush but still somehow never misses an opportunity to sell out his own country out to the lowest bidder.....Biden is given full immunity from the Chinese owned media because he's the worst president ever....that's what his role destroy this country. The CCP didn't rig an election and inset him into power because they wanted him to do a good job....his entire purpose is exactly as what we've fukc up this once great country as much as possible. **** anyone who'd ever consider voting Biden over Trump. 300,000 illegals crossed the border....LAST MONTH. Minneapolis has already brought in 8,000 and our on the dole. Anyone who voted Biden.....hopefully they wind up in your neighborhood soon....this what you wanted.

Anyways, back to the awesome 50th wedding anniversary celebration for my parent's....

On new years eve I got the chance to have a really nice visit with my aunt and she's still with it enough that I totally forgot about her dementia and didn't realize it had progressed while talking to her. There were several times where I referenced shared knowledge...stuff about my grandma or memorable holidays spent together from decades ago. It was about 10:30pm when she said she was ready for bed and asked me to take her to where she was sleeping. My parents still live in the house I grew up in where they raised me and my seven siblings so there's plenty of open bedrooms upstairs nowadays, so I started walking her upstairs until her daughter, my cousin, caught up to us and asking where I was taking her....and I explained the situation and my cousin was like,

"Mom, we're at Mark's house in Minnespolis (South Suburb) but we're staying at the same hotel we stayed at last night. That's where we'll be sleeping again tonight. Are you ready to go?"

That's when I realized where she was at with her dementia. She was totally fine talking....I literally had no idea. She'd forgotten a couple things but sometimes there are things from the past people reference that I can't remember either.

Then she started crying as she was real emotional....must've told me she loved me and my siblings a couple dozen times each, and that's when it hit me.... wasn't her saying 'goodbye' for the evening, or the weekend, even for 2023. It was what almost certainly will be our final goodbye together. It was the last time she'll ever see me and know who I am, the impact we've made on each other's lives, our blood that bonds us, and what we mean to the other......the next time I'll see her. If I ever do again, she won't be able to recall enough about me to have the interaction be one I get to have with'll be me just trying to have a visit with the empty vessel that is her body one more time before that too dies. Any conversation we'll have will be strictly for feel good about trying to give my favorite aunt a small amount of relative momentary benefit myself since the woman who's wit and sharpness both cut me up in short order at times, and left me laughing at how quickly and creatively she could do it....who had the rare ability to do it without ever having a shred of malice felt from it....none of that will remain of her...just the corpse of my aunt with it's heart still beating despite her being dead and gone. When your mind is dead---You Are Dead.

God, it sucks. Such a fukcing brutal disease. Worse than most deaths....maybe the worst death there ever can be.

My uncle and aunt met their very first day of school....on the school bus going to school....what was literally the first day of kindergarten for both of them, and first school bus ride ever for both of them in the small town in NW Iowa my grandpa and great uncle owned and operated the only hardware store in town in together. My uncle sat down next to my aunt in the bench she was seated in by herself, and before they made it to school on their first day of kindergarten.....

....he told her that he was going to marry her, they'd have a wonderful life together, and he'd never leave her side.

A true story that will forever warm my ever growing more cooler baboon heart because I find it amazing that my uncle did everything he told my aunt that fateful morning. A small boy of his word, a virtue he never wavered from....and he grew into a man of his word, and although it's always incredibly sad when it's over.....there isn't any conceivable way possible for them to live fuller lives more true to the promise they made as six year olds....and at the end it helps a lot knowing my uncle's word was never broken and never will be for all of eternity as he's right there at her side just as he promised her as she slowly dies and slips away into oblivion. If ever there was a story about how dementia took someone and it was somehow still possible for that couple to still have the happiest of endings despite the awful nature of the'll be my aunt and uncle. There still incredibly happy. If destiny is a seems like it was my uncle's destiny to come into my aunt's life, make it their life, one of the happiest ones, and complete his predestined duty of somehow making sure he's at her side and making her happy up until she doesn't know the only love she's ever had in her life....who professed it to her when she was taking her first bus ride on her first day of school when six years old....only my uncle would be able to still love her and be by her side after the woman he's loved since literally the moment he laid eyes on her, who collectively they really have no memories of their life to lose that weren't already a part of the life they shared......I don't know how my uncle will be able to handle seeing her lose all recollection of the life they've recorded together the entire time.....and for the first time in his life know what it feels like to not have her and be alone.

I don't know he'll handle it, but I have zero doubt he will....without any issue....because that's the quality of character he possesses that makes him not just a man with dignity, but goes well beyond beint dignified.....he's a great man....few will ever be able to hold a candle to.

It sucks knowing that this is the end. I'm so proud to have her as my aunt, I'm so grateful for my uncle. The previous time I'd seen them, probably three years ago in Kansas City for my Uncle Bob's 60th birthday uncle told me the tale of he and my aunt's trip they did the month or two prior....where they sailed to Cuba. Sailed down from Georgia on their own in a sailboat he bought just for the trip. Him telling me about their trip, what it was like, his musings about what Cuba had been, was, is now, and can be and can never be....and his ability to make comparable analogies and references to things both he knew I'd both understand and have it further pique my interest......he's a truly amazing man, one who will never know how much admiration I have for him since frankly it'd be super embarrassing and uncomfortable for the both of us if I ever tried to explain it....would just start gushing about how much I like him and look stupid until he'd most likely quickly cut-me-off, but do it in a manner that's graceful and doesn't detract from the rare time shared together.

What makes it much more sad to me is what they're passing will represent. They don't make people like that anymore and they once were commonplace in this country. I cried at my Grandpa's funeral and I'll cry at theirs and half of it is from my own personal loss and love for them, and the other half is for this world's loss.....because there's no people coming up behind them to replace them....and there never will be....and I find the world a darker, less beautiful place knowing that after them....well, they're the end of the line. My parents, some other aunts and uncles....I'm watching them die and along with them is the death of this once great country.....where couples would buy sailboats and sail to Cuba on a whim just because they'd never seen it and diplomatic changes allowed that to be a possibility. Most of my nieces and nephews can't even fukcing talk. Kids that are 13, 12, 12, 8.....they can't even have a conversation sitting at a table for a nice dinner with an adult. They have nothing to answer any questions with, they have zero intrigue about life or the world they live in, what it's past was like to have any inclinations to ask a question.....and they're normal, supposedly well-adjusted kids who do well in school.....

.....and they're absolutely fukcing retarded. Me and every kid I knew could carry on lengthy conversations with aunts and uncles, grandma and grandpas.....the amount of questions we asked my grandpa about what it was like being in WWII and how much he enjoyed telling us about it seeing we had a legitimate interest in it and took the initiative to ask him on our own accord....

....nowadays if kids ask an adult something it's because their parents coached them to ask it.....the parents have an interest or want their kids to form bonds with said adult so they tell their kids what to ask the adult.....with zero fukcing interest as to why they're asking the question and they don't listen to more than a second of whatever answer you give them.....they stare down and away....don't even know how to make eye contact or any other nonverbal communication. And why would they? They're fukcing zombies trained to mindlessly look at and tap on a screen....and it's not to create....I've put more thought into creating this one post than a thousand normal kids combined will exercise over the course of this next full year.....

.....the world is dead. The ingenuity, intrigue, interest, creative spirit, and natural curiosity that used to exist across all of mankind in droves is gone and dead and I fear will never return. We're a race of cyborg pod people....machine used more for creating thoughts and thinking than our brains, and more so pacifying the will for thought, than anything else at this point.

Humanity is dead.

The machines have won.

Old Ted the Unabomber wasn't just right......he was the purest prophet in the purest sense of the world humanity has ever received.....and instead of taking heed to his advice believing it would save humanity like it would've.....we threw him in prison for the remainder of his life.

People need boredom. They need time left alone without any form of entertainment to where they're forced to especially....they never are forced to get creative due to boredom. There's now an entire generation of people who don't know how to do a fukcing thing because any time they were bored for a single second they pulled out their phones and popped the placebo pill.....entertainment that's as mindless as it is endless. It's amazing how you can watch a couple hours of YouTube shorts or snapchat shit content and it's like you fell asleep and were dreaming. The brain goes dormant as you mindlessly occupy it and thus the time by watching one thirty second dumb as fukc piece of shit "movie" after another. It's 'Idiocracy' level humor.....a fat tool playing multiple characters poorly and yelling at's the most retardedly lame bullshit I've where it disgusts me.....and this is the culture that's been programmed into our kids and made them socially and mentally retarded. We closed schools for covid not for their health concern, but under the notion that kids going to school could get sick and somehow this would result in some old fukcs with dementia who'd beg you to kill them if they still had the capacity for thinking and vocalizing such complex thought, but we made a whole generation of kids....our future....retarded under the premise they might transfer a harmless virus that did not effect them to old dying people they'll literally never come into contact with.

We deserve the hell we're going to all be living in thirty years from now. The working age class humans running the show will be comprised of socially and mentally retarded trannies....trying to dodge getting robbed, stabbed, or shot by the most recent intruding wave of njggers walking across our borders here to go Viking on the crumbles of riches America used to have.....which will still beat the hole they came out of so they'll just keep on coming until the peaks of the world fill in the valleys and we're on the same level playing field made out of Human remains mixed amongst the livings shit.

We're so unbelievably fukced.

Trump is our only shot and he's got slightly better than a snowballs chance in hell in being able to fukc up and dismantle enough of this cage we've put ourselves in to believe in any shred of hope for the future. The more shit they put on the news....the worse it seems like he looks....just remember....

Fukc the propaganda. The more they hate him, the more ways they try to bring him's because he's our only shot at stopping the runaway train we're on bringing us straight into hell. The only reason why I think he has a small chance of saving this country is by how much the Chinese fear him. Our Chinese owned media produces nothing but hit pieces on him....a never ending stream of propaganda that is the most blatantly biased bullshit ever....yet people are already so dumbed down they buy this propaganda as actual news.

Open your minds. The non-stop negative coverage should be proof enough that he's the one we desperately need and the only one with a chance because he's the only one they fear. He's the biggest fukcing arrogant asshole but he loves this country and wants to save it. The only one who has the capacity to believe they can even save us at this point is a giant arrogant asshole full of himself that is Trump. He's who we need because he's a motherfukcer who doesn't play by their rules and doesn't give a fukc about what anyone who does play by their rules thinks. Embrace the asshole tweets, learn to turn off the news once you get sick of the never ending vitriol giant stream of a propaganda hit job. Don't let the chinks programming work and stop you from liking him....because he's the only president we'll ever have a chance of getting in for the rest of our lifetimes like him.....totally outside the establishment and hates it.....he's the only one who can blow up the establishment and save this country. Fukcing vote for Trump because you're against seeing the establishment turn our kids into phaggots, are against being forced to bow down to njggers and kiss their shoes, or slurp at them how you're an "allly" as they rape, pillage, and burn our country from for Trump because you give a fukc about saving your country.

Fight back. It's probably already too late. We need the biggest motherfukcer to ever step foot in the white house back in there if we can even pray of having a chance. Personally, I don't think it matters to the point I'm relieved I don't have children of my own. The world my generation is leaving them that I'd have to sit back and watch and try to find some way to die with a little bit of hope left would be impossible to somehow reconcile to be able to die and rest in peace.

If nothing else, even if Trump can't save us because we're already too far least we'll get to enjoy watching all these phaggots be pissed and butt-hurt for four years, and we better savor it because it'll for sure be the last time we ever get to enjoy a laugh at their expense......fukcers did it....they took and ruined what was once the greatest country on earth, and they did it because they want everyone to be as miserable as they are and hate humanity like they do....because they're lost degenerate fukcing losers who want tampons in your son's bathroom and have already normalized men sucking dick...and that's on all of us, especially in this state where phaggots run the state, are revered, and are coming for your kids. If you don't realize this by now with how blatantly obvious it is.....there's god damn tampons in every grade school boy's bathroom...WAKE THE FUKC UP!! They're not hiding it....15yo's can get pumped full of state paid for hormones without their parent's knowledge or consent....the sole intent of that is too turn your little boy's into girls and littie girls into boys......for any of you with a son in K-12.....realize this....their dream society is one where they turn your son into a phaggot and is sucking a bunch of njgger's dicks.....and that's not even a slight embellishment. They're doing it. They've passed the legislation, made it law, and are pumping more money into the teacher's union ever and guess what those teacher's believe?

What I've just told you. They'd love for nothing more than to place your sons on pedestals and celebrate their decision to become a phaggot, start on a state funded hormone treatment to make them into disgusting depraved wannabe phaggots....the literal meaning of the word phaggot, which they dress up with terms like "transgender" or "non-binary."

A rose by any other name is still a rose....and a boy who pretends he's a girl and sucks dick...preferably njgger dick if their school is able to steer them towards their desired demographic of dude's dicks they'll have in their mouths.

They are coming for people's sons in our state to where they're trying to turn them into phaggots, they've made it legal to do without parents knowing, they've normalized me fukcing other sucking dick....saying that's gross will get you labeled as a bigot....they've put fukcing tampons of every gradeschool boy's bathrooms in the state....what other possible reasons exist for why they'd do that other than trying to socialize little boys into thinking they can become little girls.....WHY THE FUKC ELSE WOULD THEY POSSIBLY PUT TAMPONS IN EVER BOYS BATHROOM IN THE STATE?


Grow some balls and go into your kids school bathrooms masked up on parent teacher night and take a baseball bat to every last one of those tampons dispensers they're had forced upon your kids without your permission!!! Do something!! Wake Up!!

Or pretty soon in the not too distant future? We all will be just as miserable as they are.....the lowest of the low, the bottom feeder on the very who are so disgusting and depraved who hate themselves and this world so much they willingly get down on their knees, stick a hard cock of some other putrid degenerate into their mouth, and suck it until another man is ejaculating their semen into their mouths and all over their faces......we're talking about phaggot men sucking dick.....that's what they're looking to accomplish for every little boy they can corrupt, coerce, and brainwash into fulfilling their goal.....turning as many poor boys into disgusting cock smoking phaggots who will obviously live out miserable existences before killing themselves at a young age.

And none of you seem very alarmed or upset about this happening?

Last edited by Fish Felon on Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Mergie Marauder
Posts: 2586
Joined: Sat Dec 14, 2013 11:29 pm

Re: It happened...

Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:17 am

I think the big concern isn't other people, its people using the gun to hurt themselves.

but old people do lose their sh!t and shoot people sometimes. Pretty rare I would imagine but this story was wild ... /10184949/

A good god felon get a fu(king concealed carry holster.

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