Mergie Marauder
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Re: Indians...Sioux In Particular

Fri Mar 15, 2024 7:25 pm

snowsnblues wrote:I could care less. F this state.

So you do care then?

That’s the gotta be the saying that gets butchered the most. I used to be guilty of it.

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Re: Indians...Sioux In Particular

Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:39 pm

No, I actually don't anymore. I don't fish red lake and don't plant to, ever. Do I agree with it? Hell no, but I don't agree with anything the libtards are doing here or anywhere for that matter. I just want to get to a red state and enjoy it as long as I can. I'd leave tomorrow if I could, but have to wait a few years for family reasons.

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Re: Indians...Sioux In Particular

Fri Mar 15, 2024 9:12 pm

“I just want to get to a red state and enjoy it as long as I can”

Iowa’s Governor is a Rock Star republican. Outdoor activities aren’t that bad there, again no state income tax on my retirement. Will be a hell of a lot cheaper to hunt deer as a resident.
Camel Toe Harris recent visit confirms this state’s commitment to the liberal nut jobs. Walt had a hard on and was drooling all over her when I saw him on the tube.

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Re: Indians...Sioux In Particular

Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:17 am

I used to think/say the one thing that politicians on both sides understood was the revenue that goes to St Paul (or DC)…. But this class of dems is something else.

I guess we’re so outrageously taxed (see budget surpluses) that they don’t care about the economic consequences of all this land-back BS. And since they don’t recreate outstate they have no skin in the game.

I was surprised to see Senator Steve Green is an enrolled member of white earth.

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Re: Indians...Sioux In Particular

Tue Mar 19, 2024 3:10 pm

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:Historical falsehoods and overt racism aside, I do agree with Felon that a land transfer of that size would not only be morally wrong,

What do you mean by "historical falsehoods & overt racism aside?

Of the the three distinct demographics inhabiting Minnesota at the time it went from territory to a little after statehood, the Sioux & Chippewa had hated each other as mortal enemies, executed many massacres, committed atrocities, taken land/territory from each other, enslaved the women & children captives of each other....and they'd been doing this a long time before Europeans got here. I have respect for the Chippewa but anyone who says they have respect for the Sioux obviously don't know the history. They were universally despised amongst all other Indians......just complete and utter dogshit human beings with absolutely no dignity.

Of the three groups.....the whites were the least racist and most compassionate towards the other two groups. The Sioux attempted genocide against the whites.


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Re: Indians...Sioux In Particular

Tue Mar 19, 2024 3:16 pm

Iowa isn't that bad. The NW is pretty rural, good for hunting, the Eastern fifth to sixth of the state is basically a bunch of college towns. There are a lot worse places to end up. Hey, at least they're smart enough to not allow their public schools to turn their kids into phaggots who believe whites committed genocide on "indigenous peoples."

I'm getting the fukc out of here. The amount of constant bullshit that should piss a guy off is never ending. It's hard to maintain keeping your head in the sand hoping to maintain happiness. This shit should piss a guy off.
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Re: Indians...Sioux In Particular

Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:02 pm

If I was just enjoying my life hunting buffalo and roaming wherever I wanted, and some people start stealing my land and telling me to get on their program, I'd probably kill them too. A rational person would call that self-defense. Hell, we thought King George was so tyrannical we waged a war of independence over it, yet you expect the Indians just get on their knees?

Only in your sick twisted mind could you could a whole race of people systematically destroyed yet the side doing the vast majority of killing was the one that suffered an attempted genocide lol.

I mean, if the Lakota/Dakota killing Whites was attempted genocide, what would you call Wounded Knee? The Sand Creek Massacre? Plenty of others besides those two.

Do you really not consider yourself a racist? Or at the very least not an extremely prejudiced person? To be honest, I feel like this is something you'd have no problem proclaiming seeing how much you use the N word.

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Re: Indians...Sioux In Particular

Wed Mar 20, 2024 5:01 pm

People and land have been conquered for as long as man has been on earth. That includes American Indians doing the same to each other between tribes long before we were here. The American Indians lost their battle for the land. Similar stories can be told for most of the land on earth and countless groups of people over history. There are winners and there are losers.

That’s not racist. That’s just the history of the world and mankind.

The Indians would have been better off if we didn’t put them on reservations to stop the fighting. They may have been able to find their place in society and be productive human beings. We’d probably all be better off, them included, if we just kept fighting it out until they completely surrendered or until all of them were gone if they chose to keep fighting. That’s how it has worked in most battles for land over the years. Winner takes all. Losers learn to live with the new conquerors.

Giving them more land isn’t going to do a damn thing for them. It’ll probably just make things worse because all the people around the rez will resent them for it. These stupid fuggin liberals proposing giving back the land to LRL are just pissing both sides off. Liberals love driving race division and are the party of racism so I can’t say I’m surprised.

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Re: Indians...Sioux In Particular

Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:20 pm

Well put, Nershi. Some people have a hard time understanding that.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Indians...Sioux In Particular

Thu Mar 21, 2024 9:01 pm

snowsnblues wrote:Well put, Nershi. Some people have a hard time understanding that.

I agree very well stated.
The Native American tribes killed, enslaved and made war with each other long before the whites were here. African Americans enslaved each other on the dark continent long before being brought to the New World. Nordic people enslaved other Northern Europeans…..I can keep going but the point is, were these injustices racially motivated or just mankind being mankind? Reparations whether financial or giving back “their native land” will do nothing to change history or the current population. There are winners and losers in life. Period!

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