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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
Posts: 5915
Joined: Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:22 pm

Moose in MN

Thu Mar 28, 2024 12:36 am

Moose never declined in the Northeast. Anyone believes there was a decline.....thus also has to believe there was a population BOOM where the population more than doubled in back to back surveys in 2003 and 2005 (no survey flown in 2004).

Not coincidentally, the DNR changed survey methods and methodology these years....going from fixed plane to helicopters and doing the counts differently, and then using different math and models to extrapolate those counts into the end result of the annual survey population figure.

The increase like the decline only exists on paper. Moose numbers have been stable this entire time. Once you throw out the first four years of the new survey methods, in which time the DNR got input from other departments and refined their models to reflect a more accurate figure.....well, once you throw out those first four years where they totally fukced up.....literally couldn't have done a more horrendous's pretty obvious what happened.

No members of the media called the DNR for closing the season.....there was no opposition to an already established and longstanding season that was culturally significant to our state....yet without anything from a scientific wildlife management perspective to justify closing the season.....

The people we pay to manage our resources on our behalf instead decides to steal them from us.

Shame on them.....and shame on us for letting them do it.



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