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Sun Jul 14, 2024 5:12 pm

"You can't eat ethical." - Ron Spomer

"There's a feeling I get, When I look to the west, And my spirit is crying for leaving" - LED ZEP

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Well…???

Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:45 pm

I dunno...they are pushing this too far. It just all seems so fake to me. I just don't believe any of the politics stuff anymore. I dunno if I'm just getting old and cynical or what but...I just dont let any of it impact my wellbeing or life choices anymore.

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Re: Well…???

Mon Jul 15, 2024 7:03 am

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:I dunno...they are pushing this too far. It just all seems so fake to me. I just don't believe any of the politics stuff anymore. I dunno if I'm just getting old and cynical or what but...I just dont let any of it impact my wellbeing or life choices anymore.

It's not fake......this happened to the side that doesn't control the national media. Had it been Biden? Yes, totally fake then....just a fabrication to deceive and manipulate. Being that it happened to Trump it for sure wasn't staged and is 100% real and legit, and I'm being 100% dead serious.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Well…???

Mon Jul 15, 2024 8:18 am

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:I dunno...they are pushing this too far. It just all seems so fake to me. I just don't believe any of the politics stuff anymore. I dunno if I'm just getting old and cynical or what but...I just dont let any of it impact my wellbeing or life choices anymore.

What was fake about it? Looked pretty damn real to me. People better wake up and I mean quick. The government is not our friend.

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Re: Well…???

Tue Jul 16, 2024 5:02 am

I think the times we live in....we're more oppressed than people believe or aknowledge. We are less free with each passing year. I'm talking overall, the amount of words, attitudes, opinions, rules, sensibilities, laws, taxes, lateral mobility (let alone upward mobility).....the reality is that life as a human has always existed as a form of slavery....and I don't mean that as literal or negative as that's going to read under the context of our modern times and the inherent emotional reaction we've been conditioned to have as a response to whenever that word gets used. All part of the subversive brainwashing attack on our country by our enemy, the communist controlling and ruling class party of China.

Call it a form of slavery, call it prostitution, call it labor, call it work, employment, career, whatever else the hell you want to call it, but man has existed as a commodity, and we've all used ourselves....traded ourselves as a commodity to others in exchange for goods and services. We're all whores. With very few exceptions, like 99.3% of us have put our time up for sale in a bartering based market as our currency (something we have of value) in order to parlay it into other things we want....things we need to survive and things we don't but want nonetheless.

There is no such thing as money. You're not "earning a dollar" you're trading away your life one hour at a time to the highest bidder. Think of it more as "them buying you" than "you making money off them."

We don't really have a choice but to do this. Unless you're one of the very few exceptions where you're born into enough wealth that you'll only have to put yourself up at market because you choose to....versus the rest of us where we don't have that option.

When you don't have the're forced to live a life where you're involuntarily swapping the majority of your life to barter for the things you need to survive, and then some...which will vary per ambition per individual. Time is the only currency of true intrinsic value....your life consists only of a very finite amount of time.....unlike other currency, time is the only one where you'll never be able to acquire anymore of it. It isn't affected by interest rates or inflation. The fed will never print more time so there's more of it and will be easier to acquire......

We're forced to trade our life away in order to survive, and that is slavery.

American Slavery wasn't bad at all. Put in the context of the era, and life being even more of a miserable **** existence than it often is presently......if people were able to live the year of 1858 to 1859 as both a slave on a cotton plantation in Mississippi, and then live that same year again but as a homestead farmer who settled a Southwestern Minnesota county, and after living a year experiencing what both those lives were like before choosing......

.....I guarantee no less than 98 out of every hundred people living today is choosing to be a slave on a Mississippi plantation.

Being a slave was an above average......being a slave back then was the same shit as being upper-middle class today. You got to live somewhere warm and safe where you were always fed, had access to Healthcare and dental, you lived in a house made out of milled wood, a roof over your head that didn't leak, the floor wasn't usually the ground like it was for most whites....which life sucked for whites back then way more than it did for slaves. It was a brutal existence where everyone was poor as shit dirt farmers surviving by the skin of their teeth if they were actually able to survive....not freezing your ass off in the winter, not dying of disease, which the more populated the area the more common and rampant the diseases, you had Indians on the prairie and wherever the frontier was currently at trying to kill had people in the cities and everywhere else trying to kill you......think of how easy it was to kill a man back then? You could literally go around robbing and killing as a lifestyle and not ever being caught was more common than it wasn't. There's so many serial killers the world will never know existed.......the amount of dudes back then who killed a dozen or more people in their lives without ever being caught would be a figure that would blow your freaking mind. I have no idea what it could possibly be...this figure comparing the amount of serial killers back then to today.....all I know is that whatever it is it'd fukcing blow your mind. It wouldn't shock me if it was out of a hundred or every couple hundred. People got killed without ever being documented as missing all the all the time. Look at the Sioux Uprising.....there's like 600 confirmed dead, names and ages listed of actual bodies found.....but hundreds more that are just gone to history.....bodies of people who were just left laying right where they were killed, animals scavenged them, the rest rotted, and no one knew they were ever there to begin with, so it's not like anyone would ever know they're missing.....
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Re: Well…???

Thu Jul 18, 2024 10:37 am

It's looking more and more obvious that this was an attempt to kill Trump by the deep state.....
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Re: Well…???

Thu Jul 18, 2024 8:14 pm

They almost got him. I figured lead would fly when all the other chit didn’t work.

Most people don’t even seem all that surprised by it, like it was totally expected to happen. Wild times.

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Re: Well…???

Fri Jul 19, 2024 5:07 am

Yeah, it's pretty surreal when you stop and think about it....Trump played it off himself but four to eight inches over and that kid would've cantalouped him.

There's no way the secret service wasn't in on it and let it happen. We know the FBI is in the pockets of Biden...who's merely a puppet for the Chinese. Remember how the FBI declared Hunter's laptop to be a Russian hoax a month before the election? Do you really think the FBI fukced that up? Pretty fukcing obvious it was Hunter's laptop....doesn't take a whole federal bureau full of investigators to figure that one out....yet the conclusion they gave to the public was that the laptop was a Russian we know the FBI is compromised and working against Trump..... anyone who thinks the FBI investigating the Secret Service's "fukc up" is going to result in some heads rolling or any accountability at all is dreaming.

There's a reason why the had a sniper ending that kid in the second after he messed up and missed.....and it had nothing to do with luck after not knowing he was there in the first place. That kid was getting killed regardless. They had him register republican despite donating to the leftists.....that means they've been grooming him for a while.......
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Re: Well…???

Fri Jul 19, 2024 7:17 am

America used to make fun of the Russian government about the corruption and their fake media. Now the US is no different. Anybody with brains knows neither can be trusted. Problem is half the country is retarded.

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Re: Well…???

Sat Jul 20, 2024 4:21 pm

Spot on FF. It reeks of the deep state.

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