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Mergie Marauder
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Vikings 2024-25

Mon Sep 23, 2024 9:13 am

This team is legit.... Super Bowl Homeboy!!!
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Vikings 2024-25

Mon Sep 23, 2024 1:51 pm

It's really hard not to get excited after 3 games, seems our Defense is LEGIT................
This crowd has gone deadly silent... Cinderella story, out of nowhere, former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters Championship. It looks like a mirac- It's in the hole! It's in the hole!~ Carl Spackler

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Vikings 2024-25

Tue Sep 24, 2024 10:17 am

I called the Vikings winning it by three touchdowns Friday night....was yelling it out while working behind the bar all night. Most people out here root for the's like 51 Vikings to 49 a whole bunch of other shit....fair amount of Broncos fans, that's about really the only other team that seems to have a fan base since we're the same distance to Denver as Minneapolis....SW part of the state is actually closer since we're only about five hours from the black hills to the South and an hour to Canada to the North. After Broncos there might be a small contingent of Packers fans but after rhyme or reason to it. We've got NFL Sunday ticket and will have every game on since probably 2/3rds to the 3/4 of the town isn't from here.

So I love talking shit about the Vikes....coming off as just another delusional Vikings fan who's really loud when they're good. The people I rub the wrong way with it at first end up liking it once they find out that I don't think they'll ever win a Super Bowl, and don't want them to ever win one. It'd be so freaking gay if they won one.....then what? Wow...we're just another team with a super bowl the vast majority or the league. Lame.

What makes the Vikings truly special is that we're the....

"Champions of Choking"

We're the only team who hasn't won a Super Bowl to have a winning percentage....7th highest franchise winning percentage in league history actually....all the other teams that haven't won one are your Browns, Lions, Panthers, Jaguars, Texans, etc....just dog shit franchises. How much would it suck having to follow those teams? JFC!

Nope, the Vikings are truly one of a kind....New England isn't even one of a kind....Steelers have six too. Only one team has consistently won year in and year out....made the playoffs way more than your average team....made it to way more big games than your average team....way, way, waaaaaay more than the other teams who have no Super Bowl victories. Even the Bills losing four in a row isn't shit compared to the Vikings choking pedigree.....Bills never choked in a Super Bowl. They were supposed to get crushed in each of their appearances, and did, minus them actually almost winning the first one against the Redskins. NFC won fourteen super bowls in a row during the Bills four in a joke....Super bowl was the NFC Championship game those years and everyone knew it. Only the Vikings were HEAVY favorites in four super to win by 17 as the line in Vegas type shit, only to get their asses stomped.

Nothing will top 2017....the greatest season in franchise history. That was the most epic choke in our history of choking. The super bowl seasons don't lose out to recency bias due to the fact that had they made the Super Bowl that year....they would've been the first team to play one in their home stadium. Even if they made it and gotten stomped it would've been too much of a base would still always fondly cherish that season.....

....yup, that year had to end up with even cynics like me believing they were a "Team of Destiny" after the Minneapolis Miracle.....the only time in franchise history the Vikes appeared like they were once again going to have a massively disappointing choke only to miraculously pull off a walk-off historic TD win. Even I bought it at that point....and that's the beauty of it....only the Vikings possess the capability of luring in their fans and making them believe they'll do what they've never once given any indication they can ever possibly pull off....winning it all. Going to Philly, having the fans get just raped by their fans, only to have the game start off with the Vikes marching down the field for a 7-0 lead.....even I was like,

"Holy Shit! We really are a team of destiny! We're going to the Super our own stadium!!"

At that moment....the Vikings had done the impossible....they had every last motherfukcer in their fan base believing in them....every last cynical asshole who had seen them choke and choke again, repeatedly, to where they'd given up any remaining hope in their heart of winning it where they were so bitter and resentful they can't even enjoy watching their favorite team....because even when they're good, or really good, they've experienced them choking and tearing their hearts out too many times to ever think they won't do that.....even those guys all bought in and believed at that moment, and as soon as the 2017 Vikings had done the impossible and won over every last bitter, black-hearted fan who was emotionally dead to ever believing in them ever again.....

....they quickly shit the bed and got just fukcing destroyed.

Then on our their way out of town the Philly vans mobbed the bus and had all of them scared to where they were holding each other and crying. Then Super Bowl week arrived....a whole week of festivities to remind the fan base leading up to the big game how their team once again broke their hearts and betrayed their loyalty as fans.

Nothing will ever top 2017....the Eagles fans chanting "Fukc Minny" in the streets after the vikes got stomped.....they taunted the hundred year old sweet lady who was a Vikings super can it get any better than that!?

Embrace what makes the Vikings special and do what Mike Tice once famously said,

"Enjoy the season."

This will be a great year.....the team is stacked and will only get better as our skilled-position players return and get healthy. I called it on Darnold.....dude never had a chance anywhere else....gets drafted third overall and the Jets march him out there behind a shitty O-line with no one to throw to and the kid gets just pummeled game after game. Then when that defunct franchise ruins his confidence and decides to move on he goes to Carolina.....where he plays behind an even worse O-line without anyone to throw to and gets the shit kicked out of him even worse.

I called it....Sam Darnold would have a break out that he had some protection and was throwing to the best receiver, and receiving corps in the league. I'm calling him or possibly Jefferson getting MVP.

I called the Vikes being good and picked them to go 13-4, but I didn't think the defense would be anywhere near as good. I kind of thought this year would be like two years ago when they won close game after close game until calling their first loss in one score games being in the playoffs after going 11-0 in the regular season in such games....

...but I was way off in that because I thought we'd have an average defense.

Flores is the real deal. Dude knows his exes and oh's. Personnel is also of much higher talent than I'd anticipated.....

....we're going to STOMP people all year.

Niners are fukcing are the Texans....I don't think the Giants are as bad as people are making them out to be, especially when playing at home. We'll see....this Sunday might be the biggest test yet with how good Love's backup is looking like he might be. Green Bay fans have gotta be like, "WTF!" after giving Love all that money when they had another dude in the wings who appears to be as good or better.

Lambeau is always tough and their kid playing QB has caught lightning in a jar.....not going to be an easy one but Vikes should prevail.

The only way a season can top 2017 is a heartbreaking last second, or overtime loss in the super bowl. This team appears to potentially have such pedigree. It's going to be a great season!

P.S. another thing I love about the Vikings is how everyone, including their own fans, readily admit that they've never won a championship.....technically this isn't true. They won the last NFL championship prior to the merger with the AFL to form the modern NFL where the NFL became the NFC and the AFL became the AFC. All you can do is play the teams you're supposed to play....and the Vikings did that and came out on top to win the NFL Championship.....they're still playing in the NFL.....trophy from then has the same league name on it.....Green Bay claims all eight of their NFL Championships as part of their twelve over in "Title Town USA" so it's beyond me why the Vikings lone championship is forgotten and/or doesn't count..... in shouldn't. There's something fitting about the Vikings fan base longing for a championship while being totally unaware they already have one.....well, they have a whole shitload of championships....once you embrace what makes them the most unique and special team in the league as the,

"Champions of Choking."
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Vikings 2024-25

Tue Sep 24, 2024 11:05 am

Been a Viking Fan my whole life, watched all 4 Super Bowl loses, don't remember much of the first one we lost to KC in, only 10 at the time, after the second loss I got soo pissed I jumped on the family snowmobile and took off for a long ride, ended up breaking a ski off running into a tree stump under the snow, walked back home and fired up the bobcat and drug snowmobile back home, dad was none too happy, I believe that was the 73 Super Bowl, Vikings made it back in 74 and Dad took the key out of snowmobile before game even started, another loss. The 76 Super Bowl against the Steelers was a huge Blizzard and we lost power and never got to watch it. The year I thought we had a good chance to win it was the year we lost to Atlanta in the NFC Champ game, just hope we get back there before I'm gone..........
This crowd has gone deadly silent... Cinderella story, out of nowhere, former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters Championship. It looks like a mirac- It's in the hole! It's in the hole!~ Carl Spackler

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Vikings 2024-25

Wed Sep 25, 2024 10:52 am

This is the build up. Just get ready for them to rip your heart out. I used to be a hardcore vikes fan. I got sick of being pissed off when they choked. Now I am a casual fan.

Of the little I have watched, team looks great. For the first time ever since I started watching the vikes, I feel we have very solid coaching. Hopefully they beat up on the pack.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Vikings 2024-25

Wed Sep 25, 2024 8:52 pm

Ah it's the pack this weekend? Dad's a packer fan so if there's a chance I watch a game it's usually a last min invite to the two packer games

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