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Poll - 3-Day Possession Limit?

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:53 pm
by Bill Gilbertson
Did the 3-Day possession limit after your season?

I never exceeded the 2-day limit.

Re: Poll - 3-Day Possession Limit?

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 3:49 pm
by gimpfinger
I had a few good days.

sent from your bedroom closet

Re: Poll - 3-Day Possession Limit?

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 3:52 pm
by triplecurler
Possession limits are stupid as long as you adhere to the daily limit.

Re: Poll - 3-Day Possession Limit?

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 4:01 pm
by gimpfinger
triplecurler wrote:Possession limits are stupid as long as you adhere to the daily limit.


sent from your bedroom closet

Re: Poll - 3-Day Possession Limit?

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 4:39 pm
by lanyard
The % of people that can shoot a daily limit is pretty low.

The % of people that can shoot more than one daily limit is lower.

On opener the average per hunter, on the high end, is less than 3 ducks per hunter. And that is the best chance for any goomba to take 6 birds.

Keep limits as it is a great tool for self-policing and tattle tale calls for hogging; however, let's not pretend that a) a 3x daily possession limit; OR b) a 6 daily limit is having a magical positive/negative effect on bird numbers. It is a recruitment tool and a bar that keeps people in the field and active in the sport, rather than the 2 bird magical pheasant.

Unfortunately for me last year I didn't hunt enough for possession limit issues to apply, and mostly what was killed was reduced to "stool" before it ever made it to the freezer.

Re: Poll - 3-Day Possession Limit?

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 4:58 pm
by chevyobsession
I didn't use then possession limit for ducks but I did for geese early in the season. I also used it for doves in early September.

Re: Poll - 3-Day Possession Limit?

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:17 am
by Nershi
Possession limits don't keep me from killing more ducks. It just forces me to eat more and give it away during the season. Duck is good but when you eat it 3 meals a week it gets old quick. It would be nice if there was no possession so I could have some left for summer grilling.

I think most guys who can shoot a possession limit or more are responsible enough sportsman to make sure it gets eaten.

Re: Poll - 3-Day Possession Limit?

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:50 am
by Trigger
Nershi wrote:I think most guys who can shoot a possession limit or more are responsible enough sportsman to make sure it gets eaten.

Sadly, in my experience this is completely false. The more ducks a guy shoots the more likely he is to ditch them. This is even more true with goose hunters and doubly true for snow goose guys.

Re: Poll - 3-Day Possession Limit?

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:01 am
by Nershi
Trigger wrote:
Nershi wrote:I think most guys who can shoot a possession limit or more are responsible enough sportsman to make sure it gets eaten.

Sadly, in my experience this is completely false. The more ducks a guy shoots the more likely he is to ditch them. This is even more true with goose hunters and doubly true for snow goose guys.

That's sad to hear. I know a lot of guys who put up big numbers of geese who get pretty creative on how to use it all-jerky, brats, homeless shelters, etc.

Do you think removing the possession limit will allow the people who ditch birds to kill more? If they aren't shy about tossing a bag of game in a dumpster does a possession limit really do anything?

Most of the times I have found out about wasted game it has been the guys who hunts once or twice a year. They don't cook or don't know how to cook game and their wife won't so it ends up going to the trash. They don't get the invite again.

Re: Poll - 3-Day Possession Limit?

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:55 am
by h2ofwlr
I think both of you are right. There are some who are diligent and others that who could care less if they throw them into a dumpster or ditch.

It's kind of like vehicle drivers. some strictly obey the law, some that bend them and some that could care less.