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Data on early teal season from 2002

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:24 pm
by h2ofwlr
Some here and on another site said--so what abouit more current data than from 50 years ago.

Well today I was sent some reports on the NE and ATL Fyway experimental seasons.

Some recent data from Nebraska 2000-2002
As one would expect, incorrect ID rates before sunrise was higher but the average was still below the 25% threshold. The key for the attempt rate are the 2 sets of #s on the far right. Last is high and 2nd to last on the right is low end of % with a 90% confidence rate. So the 1st line is 13% as low and 22% as high end. So the average is about an 18% attempt rate at non legal ducks

But remember NE is NOT a production state, thus likely there were lower #s of non legal ducks compared to production states.

The data is from the "Final Report on the Experimental September Teal Season"
Table 6. Results of Nebraska spy blind study, pooled across years (2000-2002).

Attempt Rate Estimated Time Period n Mean SE 90% Confidence Limits Lower Upper
Non-target All 146 0.179 0.028 0.133 0.224
Non-target Pre-sunrise 76 0.143 0.038 0.081 0.206
Non-target Post-sunrise 114 0.211 0.036 0.152 0.270
Target All 199 0.809 0.019 0.778 0.840
Target Pre-sunrise 150 0.801 0.024 0.762 0.840
Target Post-sunrise 170 0.827 0.022 0.791 0.863

I'll go through the Atl doc later as it is a very long read and determine what highlights are in it worth sharing.

Now if a person had the NE data from 1965-67 and compared it to the 2000-02 data, they could determine if hunters ability to ID went up or if it remained the same. Based on that, one could draw a reasonable conclusion of what MN hunters would do based upon the 1965 data that he has.
So I wonder if that is what Steve Cordts did to come up with his basis of not supporting a MN early teal season. Mind you it is pure speculation on my part, but it'd be a good basis for his reasoning.

Re: Data on early teal season from 2002

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:02 pm
by shnelson
Where did these "reports" come from? Would you be able to upload them as attachments?

Re: Data on early teal season from 2002

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:07 pm
by h2ofwlr
An aquantance of mine at an out of state G&F agency to the south emailed them to me. Funny thing is it was sent to him by Cordts when I looked at the chain of email forwards. It seems Steve is the historian of sorts in the MS flyway that other states like WI are getting their info from him.

I can not post them up being they are PDFs and such and are fairly long reports. And I am unaware of any Govt sites that I can link to that has posted them up.

BTW, I put in a call to Steve, but he was not in and likley he is flying transects today for the May waterfowl survey. Maybe he'll call me tomorrow if he is grounded by weather and has the time as May is a very busy month for him.

Re: Data on early teal season from 2002

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 4:03 pm
by Bullet21XD
h2ofwlr wrote: It seems Steve is the historian of sorts in the MS flyway that other states like WI are getting their info from him.

It seems Steve needs to go!

We can't move forward, and adjust our rules, regulations, and opportunities with some a$$hole like Steve Cordts dwelling on the past...running the show.

Re: Data on early teal season from 2002

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 4:42 pm
by h2ofwlr

He was the one that gave us the Aug goose season, change of opening day hours, the splits for Mn, the earliest opening date in recent history, etc... He sounds pretty forward thinking when that is considered.

Re: Data on early teal season from 2002

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 4:45 pm
by Bullet21XD
All reactions to the fact tha MN was providing the least opportunity in the flyway. Obviously his boss felt it was time to catch up.

Re: Data on early teal season from 2002

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 7:21 pm
by get-n-birdy
How's this Steve Cordt's fault?

Most old timer rah-tards are to blame for this imo. Conservative regulations are going to bring the ducks back to grandpa's old carp infested slough, yah right. It is hard to watch even Mn bound now cuddled up in bed with the big ag industry.


Put in DA's river runs through it choke hold any kind of common sense based compass on regulations, and we are in a state full of well intentioned morons. As the southern non edumacated un enlightened boys pound the piss out of our "local breeders" all the way to the bank and 3 woodies twice on Sunday with no guilt or apologies needed.

This state is completely full of over edumacated rah-tard's!

Re: Data on early teal season from 2002

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 6:11 am
by Quack
DNR has a waterfowl committee that sets the regs- it isn't Cordts' decision alone.

Everything I've heard or read from Cordts indicates that he supports teal season.

Re: Data on early teal season from 2002

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 9:16 am
by Trigger
get-n-birdy wrote:How's this Steve Cordt's fault?

Most old timer rah-tards are to blame for this imo. Conservative regulations are going to bring the ducks back to grandpa's old carp infested slough, yah right. It is hard to watch even Mn bound now cuddled up in bed with the big ag industry.


Put in DA's river runs through it choke hold any kind of common sense based compass on regulations, and we are in a state full of well intentioned morons. As the southern non edumacated un enlightened boys pound the piss out of our "local breeders" all the way to the bank and 3 woodies twice on Sunday with no guilt or apologies needed.

This state is completely full of over edumacated rah-tard's!

This is spot on. I wish I go back to be a 18 year old that believed the viewpoints of people like DA were the answer to all our problems. It takes no courage, understanding, or common sense to say "if we shoot fewer ducks we will have more ducks". It's an incredibly easy argument to come up with, and easy to defend if your talking to your typical MN moron. Where I went wrong was traveling the country hunting ducks, seeing other states, talking to other hunters, learning about harvest rates and population dynamics... Now I get it, and realize I live in a state full of moronic DA wannabe's that are very vocal even though what they are preaching is completely ass backwards. I will continue to fight the good fight and let every gray hair who says something stupid know just exactly how stupid what he says is. But the stupidity is so deeply engrained in the culture here, it's not gonna go away.

Re: Data on early teal season from 2002

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 9:45 am
by get-n-birdy
h2ofwlr wrote:Really?

He was the one that gave us the Aug goose season, change of opening day hours, the splits for Mn, the earliest opening date in recent history, etc... He sounds pretty forward thinking when that is considered.
