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Re: Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:31 pm

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:I don't like having to worry about others/houses, but this spot produces solid numbers into November. It looks like a safe haven its like 80 acres surrounded by developments...all the geese come out of all the ponds and fly right in. We have some other spots we don't have to worry as much, but especially early in the year its hard to beat this spot. We'll keep hunting it but unfortunately just a matter of time before its gone.

That sucks. We lost a spot like that in Mankato. The Old Mans been hunting limits there for 15 years. Enjoy it while ya got it.

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Re: Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Tue Sep 23, 2014 2:12 am

Only time I have to watch for houses where I hunt is if I'm hunting somewhere im not supposed to be.

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Re: Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:22 am

I've shot enough birds to where I don't want to deal with confrontations anymore. Whether it is with landowners, idiot homeowners who think they have a right to something that they do not, or even other hunters...I hunt to enjoy myself and that means not having to look over my shoulder.

To each their own. Good for you guys for standing up for something you have a stake in. In my younger days when I was hungrier to put birds on the ground I would have done the same.
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Re: Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:37 pm

I hunted a field on the edge of city limits a few times. The best day we sailed a goose into the parking lot of a big business , then the local CO came out to our spread and said he got calls saying there was a bloody goose walking around. then we sailed another into somones yard, outside of town, so the CO said that he would go get that one, it ran into the backyard , so he grabbed his sawed off and shot it by the swing set. good times

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Re: Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:52 pm

Well last year in the bordering field they had it all staked out for development...once that happens its over probably. We thought last year may have been the last year but they didn't build. Could be next Summer who knows.

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Re: Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Fri Sep 26, 2014 10:22 am

Fish Felon wrote:I've shot enough birds to where I don't want to deal with confrontations anymore. Whether it is with landowners, idiot homeowners who think they have a right to something that they do not, or even other hunters...I hunt to enjoy myself and that means not having to look over my shoulder.

To each their own. Good for you guys for standing up for something you have a stake in. In my younger days when I was hungrier to put birds on the ground I would have done the same.

Yeah when you are young it is funny to have the guy come look out his porch window in a robe while you are cleaning up cripples on his front lawn.
get-n-birdy wrote:Remember, just because it's not legal doesn't mean you can't do it, there's just a fee if you get caught.

NitroZ9 Duck Killin
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Re: Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:32 am

delta wrote:I hunted a field on the edge of city limits a few times. The best day we sailed a goose into the parking lot of a big business , then the local CO came out to our spread and said he got calls saying there was a bloody goose walking around. then we sailed another into somones yard, outside of town, so the CO said that he would go get that one, it ran into the backyard , so he grabbed his sawed off and shot it by the swing set. good times

You know how I know this story is Bullchit?

NitroZ9 Duck Killin
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Re: Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:35 am

Nershi wrote:We used to. My buddy found a spot next to city limits right next to a campground, houses and a park the geese fed in. Used to be a great spot until some kids came in and screwed it up within one season by not managing the birds.

My buddy had the cops and c.o. called on him a couple times. Some tree hugging lib lived near there wasn't too happy about getting woke up by shotguns and watching geese die out his front window. He'd come out and blow on an elk call when we were out there to try to scare the geese away. The geese didn't mind. The guy crossed the line one time and told my buddy he'd shoot his dog if he doesn't stop hunting there. My buddy told him if he dares to try he'd shoot him. The guy ended up getting a warning for hunter harassment. The campground owner and the other landowners around there loved us because they hated that the geese shat all over the lawn.

I'd say keep hunting it and do your best to keep people happy. If it pisses some guy off I'd try to not let it bother you. You can't really control if the spot gets shut down due to complaints. I'd try not to worry about things you can't control and enjoy the spot while you can.

Your buddy sounds like a real tough guy.
Threatening to kill someone is so awesome and makes him sound like such a bad mothereffer.

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Re: Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:00 pm

I'm still not understanding how you accidentally shoot towards a house? If I was in my yard and got peppered, I'd be pissed off too. I'd hunt it until they tell you that you can no longer hunt it....but I would really start working on knowing what's past what your shooting at. Pretty irresponsible if you ask me.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:28 pm

Guys make mistakes when theres birds flying around...think theres been 2 shots this year out of a few hundred that have accidentally rained on houses. That's a 98% success rate of not raining on houses. And both times it happened the wind pushed the BB's farther than the shooters realized it would. I'm not defending the guys because to me theres no reason it should bird if worth losing the hunting privileges. I just don't shoot if I'm worried about the shot but theres 1 or 2 guys in the group that get a little too excited. Theres plenty of times I just wasn't comfortable with my shots so I didn't take them. I've shot enough that having 1 or 2 more birds in the bag really doesn't matter to me. One of the guys that made one of the shots felt terrible and he actually hasn't been out since. He realized what he did right after it was a mistake. But he should pay more attention.

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