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I'll Swat Your Decoys
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:27 pm

Re: Mn duck hunting

Tue Sep 08, 2015 4:55 pm

Im sure a theres a bunch of you on here with your trucks covered in duck stickers , you spend 10000 plus dollars on gear and act like your something special. Using a mud motor in a state you hardly would ever need one. 2500 dollar shotguns blah blah blah.
That promoting stuff is ruining hunting
Ill be sure to post pics and videos of me every single hunt to show how its no joke . i really dont know many good hunters .i consider myself decent.
The people i encounter tho are typically just all talk

I'll Swat Your Decoys
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:27 pm

Re: Mn duck hunting

Tue Sep 08, 2015 5:03 pm

Lake mille acs is in trouble because of the harvest and hook fatality or whatever its called. Look at the numbers. No lake can with stand that pressure. Lotw will bein rough shape in 5 to 10 years as well.
The whole blaming the indians thing is just bs. Look at the numbers they dont lie

I'll Swat Your Decoys
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:27 pm

Re: Mn duck hunting

Tue Sep 08, 2015 5:11 pm

It really doesnt matter though pretty soon they will close duck hunting if it continues. I use to try to be a true sportsman but i finally realize its never gonna change. So until then im gonna join in and kill everything that flies over skanky little teal, spooners,them muddy tasting piles of trash mergansers... The hen mallards are getting the hot pellets too. And on the days when theres no birds ill line the cattails with them pencils with wings cormorants. No restraint

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Mn duck hunting

Tue Sep 08, 2015 5:40 pm

First off, Mille Lacs is in trouble because a lack of recruitment by young walleyes, not harvest and hooking mortality. If recruitment was even borderline adequate it would be doing just fine, but its been nearly zero since 2008.

And I take it back, now I do think you're Franny, or just hilariously ignorant. Why would ducks suddenly be wiped out because you decide to shoot species that are outside your weird thoughts as to what is considered a "good duck"?
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 1054
Joined: Sun Dec 01, 2013 12:57 pm

Re: Mn duck hunting

Tue Sep 08, 2015 5:41 pm

I had no clue shooting teal was something true sportsman refrained from doing. I learned something today!!!
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

Mergie Marauder
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Location: Up in yo guts

Re: Mn duck hunting

Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:38 pm

Franny didn't know how to use the quote feature also.

Team Power Dump
Hate hate hate hate hate hate

Mergie Marauder
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Location: Up in yo guts

Re: RE: Re: Mn duck hunting

Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:43 pm

WdySwat15 wrote:Im sure a theres a bunch of you on here with your trucks covered in duck stickers , you spend 10000 plus dollars on gear and act like your something special. Using a mud motor in a state you hardly would ever need one. 2500 dollar shotguns blah blah blah.
That promoting stuff is ruining hunting
Ill be sure to post pics and videos of me every single hunt to show how its no joke . i really dont know many good hunters .i consider myself decent.
The people i encounter tho are typically just all talk

Twenty year old 870 express, don't own a a car I paid 200 bucks for, leaky junk john boat, use oars, only buy cheap hunting clothing...just bought some new drake gear for 20 bucks a pop, saved all my change this summer so I could buy a dozen blue bill decoys.

Team Power Dump
Hate hate hate hate hate hate

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 954
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Re: Mn duck hunting

Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:46 pm

Yep, it sucks, give it up. Go watch porn instead, and clean out your plugged prostrate.
DENNIS ANDERSON, Then, about five years ago, in 2020, there were no more ducks in the state,

I'll Swat Your Decoys
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:27 pm

Re: Mn duck hunting

Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:42 am

Frannys back! Hunt on my skybusters

I'll Swat Your Decoys
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Jul 31, 2015 8:29 pm

Re: Mn duck hunting

Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:26 am

This guy sounds like a real piece of work. If a person takes their time on the front end, as well as doesn't toss the baby out after 15 min each morning it's not terribly hard to shoot as many birds as you'd like per day whether you're selective shooting or not in the beautiful state of Minnesota. Sounds like an old curmudgeon who never was any good at it to begin with, and now is crabby he can't walk to the edge of a pond and shoot his limit without decoys while sitting on shore. Some people lose sight of the fact that it's hunting, which doesn't lend a guarantee. Furthermore that seams a little shallow to bash people and their preferences of gear... But that's just my opinion. P.S. I think my GATORTAIL is badass lol

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