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More Women Give Hunting a Shot

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 12:09 pm
by h2ofwlr
By Kristen A. Schmitt, for National Geographic
Published November 3, 2013

For truly free-range meat, some say they prefer the woods to the grocery store.

In recent years, American women are spending more time in tree stands and deer blinds—and putting fresh meat on the table. Although men still account for the majority of the 13.7 million U.S. hunters, the number of women actively hunting is on the rise.

The total number of women hunters surged by 25 percent between 2006 and 2011, after holding steady for a decade, according to Census Bureau statistics. At last count, 11 percent of all U.S. hunters were women, compared to 9 percent in 2006.

Many state departments of natural resources have begun hosting Becoming an Outdoors-Woman (BOW) workshops that offer instruction in skills such as archery, shotgun, and rifle shooting.

"There is definitely a high demand. We have over 3,000 women on our mailing list, and workshops fill up quickly," says Patricia Handy, Information & Education Program Manager at the Department of Natural Resources in Maryland.

Retailers have taken notice, too. Companies like SHE Outdoor Apparel, Cabela's, and Próis are outfitting women hunters with clothing and accessories created for the female body, and archery manufacturers like Mathews Inc. are designing lighter bows scaled for shorter arm spans.

"Across the board, women are more independent than they've ever been, and they realize they are capable of hunting," says Brenda Valentine, national spokesperson for the National Wild Turkey Federation and the self-proclaimed "First Lady of Hunting."

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Re: More Women Give Hunting a Shot

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:11 am
by lanyard
And it has also been supported by "Women Only" clinics, hunts, etc.

Which is cool.

But if the goal is to produce more hunters total, the same programs should be offered for men. The wussification of America has left us with a fairly toothless testosterone count in this country. Get off the high horse of "men get all the opportunities".... it assumes all men are equal, and that is not the case. No different than "All CEOs are white guys...", doesn't mean every white guy is going to be CEO.