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Mn duck hunting

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:21 pm
by WdySwat15
Ive been hunting ducks for 15 years all over this state and what it has become is just sad. There is hardly any ducks! The amount i see has just gone down every year for a long time.
I cant believe they would allow people to harvest 6 ducks ? It should be 3. Ive always been the type of hunter to not shoot hens. I rarely ever shot at teal even. It was all about mallards ,gadwall, widgeons... Nice ducks.
Them days are over. Im joining in with all of these idiots and killing every last duck that flies over.
Im flippin tired of this bullshit. Early teal season.... Really? How about close down the god dam duck season

Re: Mn duck hunting

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:30 pm
by WdySwat15
Anyone on here who thinks that there is phenominal hunting in mn and that theres lots of ducks is just retarded... Ive hunted anywhere from warroad to swan lake to laq la parle the metro you name it...public to rich peoples private sloughs. Even the rich cant pay for the birds to come to there sloughs.
Its all about promoting ... The money.

Re: Mn duck hunting

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:55 pm
by Trigger
You're right on a lot of what you say. But you're blaming harvest for the low numbers when habitat- or lack there of is the limiting factor. We could not have a season and see a 0% increase in duck numbers next year. We still have a lot of teal that migrate through this state which is why people want the season. And there are ducks to be had, it's certainly not world class day in and day out all over the state, but it has its moments. I could have shot 50 bluewings Saturday morning, that's world class.

Question though, why on earth would you target only those three species? I'm an idiot and shoot everything that comes into the decoys because I know how to cook. It's easy. Even an idiot can do it. You must be one of those guys that shoots birds that loom better in pictures then only breasts the birds and wastes the rest.

Re: Mn duck hunting

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 10:31 pm
by gimpfinger
Migratory birds, so what good would closing the mn season do?

Have you even been out this year to see what was around? Most birds I've seen in years.

Can't help it that you suck or are just a duck snob and only want 3 kinds of ducks.

Team Power Dump

Re: Mn duck hunting

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 10:50 pm
by Nershi
Franny is back!

Re: Mn duck hunting

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:49 am
by 9manfan
Nershi wrote:Franny is back!

That or it could be a alias of FF or Trigger or maybe all 3 of them are the same guy..................

Re: Mn duck hunting

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:19 am
by Trigger
9manfan wrote:
Nershi wrote:Franny is back!

That or it could be a alias of FF or Trigger or maybe all 3 of them are the same guy..................

That's such a terrible guess. You guys accusing anyone of having a strong opinion of being an aliased troll is dumb. Its clear this guy is just new to the internets and wanted to get his opinion out there and now you come here and don't even give him credit for it being his own.

Re: Mn duck hunting

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:37 am
by Nershi
My guess is bad or 9man's? Franny usually shows up about this time of year and he is certainly a troll. This thread smelled like Franny to me. You and FF are not trolls.

To Wdyswat, if I only shot "nice ducks" my hunting in this state would suck on most days too. If you have that mentality you are living in the wrong state. Shutting down the season for several years won't change MN duck hunting. Habitat will but that isn't improving. An early teal season won't change MN duck hunting either.

Re: Mn duck hunting

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:59 am
by WdySwat15
Lol ive hunted more ducks than most . i just got back from a week long scout out of state. I have a duck shack in western mn right next to marsh ,stone laq la parle, scouted every inch .
I really love that lack of habitat argument cause that really justifies having liberal bag limits for decades.
Dont worry though ill be harvesting my share this fall. The days of voluntary restraint are over.

Re: Mn duck hunting

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:08 am
by WdySwat15
I do agree on the teal migrating throug thicker. Not trying to cause problens on here either. Just saying.