I'll Swat Your Decoys
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Call recommendations

Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:13 pm

So having been away from waterfowling for a few years, I'm pretty behind the times on what's what with calls these days.

When my son wanted to go hunting this fall I just grabbed a couple mid-range ($-wise) calls to get me by without a major investment in case his interest in duck hunting was short-lived, which it definitely was not.

So, along with a bunch of other stuff, I want to upgrade my call selection a little. Right now I have a Zink Power Hen 2 Polycarb, which I like well enough although it tends to load up. (Maybe I just slobber a lot...) Also have a Gardner Double Nasty II which I like too. Plus all my old calls which are God knows what anymore.

Most of my hunting is likely to be small water stuff, timber at times, mainly for puddlers on private land. So I don't need a massively loud call for big water or to compete with other hunters so much.

Like to get an acrylic or two, probably double reed since I'm pretty rusty at calling (amazing how the skills atrophy).

Any recommendations? Ones to stay away from?

Also wouldn't mind a recommendation on a mid-range goose call. Doubt I'll hunt geese a whole lot as the field hunting where I'll be isn't great, but would like to have a call handy just to try to get the odd small flock that happens by duck hunting to swing close enough for a shot.

Goose calls have sure changed from the old flute calls... Wish I would have recorded myself trying to get a short reed to sound like a goose the first time I picked one up. Sounded like someone waterboarding a mule. :shock:

I'm sure this question will get a total consensus answer, without the least bit of disagreement... ;)


Mergie Marauder
Posts: 1460
Joined: Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:30 pm

Re: Call recommendations

Wed Dec 17, 2014 6:01 pm

I'm no call expert by any means, but I would recommend C&S Custom Calls in Zumbrota. Mikey can help you select the best call for your style of hunting and your price range. He has a wide variety of material to work with and he customizes both duck & goose calls. He will also tune the call to your special needs.

You may want to try some calls out at Cabela's/Gander Mountain/Bass Pro-Shops etc. Most of them will let you try before you buy.

If you can wait until Game Fair next August, you can try out all kinds of them.
" God is great, beer is good, and people are just frickin crazy!."

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