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Re: Canada neck collar pic1!

Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:01 pm

Trigger wrote:
Nershi wrote:Very cool thanks for sharing.

Didn't they quit doing neck collars because too many were getting foiles'd?

Yes, but not entirely why. They had problems with ice build up, and they were targeted at a higher rate even when being taken legally.

That's interesting, I always kind of assumed neck bands were meant to be targets, meant to increase the rate of banded birds being killed and reported. I guess you learn something new every day.

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Re: Canada neck collar pic1!

Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:51 pm

StuStiltman wrote:
Trigger wrote:
Nershi wrote:Very cool thanks for sharing.

Didn't they quit doing neck collars because too many were getting foiles'd?

Yes, but not entirely why. They had problems with ice build up, and they were targeted at a higher rate even when being taken legally.

That's interesting, I always kind of assumed neck bands were meant to be targets, meant to increase the rate of banded birds being killed and reported. I guess you learn something new every day.

I always thought collars were so those birds sightings could be reported when the bird was still alive, like when birders spot them with binocs and stuff. So it's really less helpful to the researcher when they're killed I guess. Takes the ones that don't need to be killed to be reported out of the pool. Oh, well.

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Re: Canada neck collar pic1!

Sun Mar 16, 2014 10:03 am

Not sure where this Myth of them never collaring geese came from. They are still collaring, in many states, especially with Urban nuisance relocates. There was a speck study done last year with collars. We killed 2 Michigan collars in in 2012 here in MN.

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Re: Canada neck collar pic1!

Fri May 02, 2014 7:27 am

My brother sent me a video this morning of two collared Canada's in a metro park. The park shall remain nameless to prevent a foiles'd. I told him to go back and get some good pics some time and I'll post up if he does.

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Re: Canada neck collar pic1!

Fri May 02, 2014 10:15 am

Nershi wrote:My brother sent me a video this morning of two collared Canada's in a metro park. The park shall remain nameless to prevent a foiles'd. I told him to go back and get some good pics some time and I'll post up if he does.

Black on yellows? There are collared geese all over the twin cities.
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Re: Canada neck collar pic1!

Fri May 02, 2014 12:30 pm

Lots of yellows, a couple whites, a blue and a green is what I have seen in the last year or so.

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Re: Canada neck collar pic1!

Fri May 02, 2014 12:58 pm

I think they were yellows. It was kind of tough to tell in the video from his cell phone. I didn't realize they were that common.

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Re: Canada neck collar pic1!

Fri May 02, 2014 1:13 pm

Not common but there are some. I think the DNR did a study 3-5 years ago and put yellow neckers on geese in the Metro. Maybe to study geese around airports, not sure. Anyway I've seen a few around. Even saw a couple in a group working the spread in Rochester a few years ago.

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Re: Canada neck collar pic1!

Sat May 03, 2014 8:58 am

Regarding the yellow collars in the TC area. It's not the DNR doing it. If I remember it is Fed govt agency (USGS????) out of CO contracted by the FAA. They talked about this at last year MN Waterfowl Symposium. Basically the study is about figuring out the normal flight routes of the geese. This is being done in an effort to aviod goose and air plane/jets collisions at the various airports in the TC area.

And some had transmitters. I remember the guy heading up the study talking about 1 goose in Jan that kept going from the Mn River to a Richfied residential neighborhood--flying directly into a plane landing/takeoff route (the one by the NWR HQ). It was flying back and forth to a bird feeder in a residential neighborhood to feed.

Another interesting fact presented at the MNWS '13 was the local "resident" geese sometimes do not migrate, but some winters migrate hundreds of miles all depending on the food available and the weather.
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