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Re: Serious question for Fowler

Fri May 02, 2014 2:52 pm

So, basically you and the heavy hitters are more about someone embarrassing themselves than conservation?

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Re: Serious question for Fowler

Fri May 02, 2014 3:00 pm

lanyard wrote:So, basically you and the heavy hitters are more about someone embarrassing themselves than conservation?

If it is about conservation and people throw down is that more serious then the embarrassment?

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Re: Serious question for Fowler

Fri May 02, 2014 4:14 pm

lanyard wrote:So, basically you and the heavy hitters are more about someone embarrassing themselves than conservation?

You made some assumptions that I think we should clear up.

1. I'm not a heavy hitter. I know some people who are and ride their coat tails whenever possible.
2. Technically you are correct that I care more about embarrassing someone than conservation only because I don't care at all about conservation. Say what you will, it is what it is.
3. Fowler cares about conservation more than anyone I know of and thought it would be entertaining see him do something for money for conservation. Polar plunge I suggested for example, is a fund raiser that is pretty popular.....are those people embarrassing themselves for cancer?
4. Are you mad bro?
5. This was a great idea started by Hammer by offering a large donation to a conservation organization to be able to punch Fowler in the face. The idea was genius - Hammer is what you call "an idea man".

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Re: Serious question for Fowler

Fri May 02, 2014 7:22 pm

1) never called you a heavy hitter, figure you're just the set–up man: drink for free and take the ugly chick so your buddy gets the hot friend

2) your joy in this isn't someone or a group embarrassing themselves, it's Fowler specific. That just makes it weird., like a toe tapping Senator from Idaho saying he hates gay people.

3) perhaps I misunderstood that polar plunge was the replacement for ideas from members to be voted and decided upon by Hammer. I thought it was only a suggestion of something Al might actually consider so you gained some involvement from him.

4) definitely not mad... Confused . Hammer is this big free thinker that gets all holy and preaches tolerance when it is something he backs, but let's Al under his skin to a point to bribe him to take a punch for his own amusement. That's F'd up.

5) hammer is seeking validation for his vendetta. If he could gain support it is justified, if he doesn't he'll drop it like any other bad investment. Hating Al does not pay well.

Now, if you and the heavy hitters wanted a Jackass Competition that donated cash prizes for anyone willing to achieve certain feats, from being punched in the face to whiz-zing on a cop car, feel free. Figure out the feats and the price you will pay, then post them for all takers. But targeting a victim and justify it with penance in the name of the ducks, just seems a little below two great minds such as you and Hammer.

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Re: Serious question for Fowler

Fri May 02, 2014 8:31 pm

Are we in a real life internet battle?

That toe tapper senator had a wide stance in the stall - that could have happened to anyone.

Can we count on your support to help the ducks or not?

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Re: Serious question for Fowler

Fri May 02, 2014 9:02 pm

Not to try and pile on but it is real simple.

Fowler has built up an expensive hobby with these ducks.

He has also put himself in a spot to have a large "draw"

I mean if it was anyone else on here the best they would do is a couple hundred, only fowler could demand a big pay day like this.

Heck I'd let anyone pop me for a k but I'm buying ammo with it.

Think what the value is to have fouler taking one to the face as your avatar?

I wouldn't even post that up of anyone else, maybe we could make the vid go viro if he was in his santa suit.
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Re: Serious question for Fowler

Fri May 02, 2014 11:05 pm

Stupid **** idea, unless he can hide behind the screen it's not happening.
Ask Al how to successfully nest wood ducks, see you next season.

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Re: Serious question for Fowler

Sat May 03, 2014 7:40 am

Great idea!

You should auction off a hunt with the h2ofwlr where he is the guide. If you win you get to hunt with him where he takes you to one of his spots, use his boat, gear, decoys, etc., and then have whomever goes on the hunt write a post hunt follow up with pictures.

My guess is the results of the hunt and post game write up would be more humiliating than a punch to the face for him.

h2ofwlr wrote:I'd rather that members would send extra $ to DU, PF, Delta for adopt a pothole projects or send it to the Big Ducks chapter of the MWA so that it can be added to their projects fund as it the right thing to do to be of help habitat wise.

Why couldn't you just have whatever money you raise go directly to one of these organizations? Just like people do for other personal fundraising efforts.

I think it would make more sense to do an online auction with the proceeds going directly to them. There's a not much a heavy-hitter likes more than a tax write off. I bet it would raise more money if it was tax deductible since I doubt h2ofwlr has incorporated himself as a 510(c)(3) yet.

Trigger wrote:Do you know how much the ticket is for shooting a speck in the spring time? I would like to donate that much, I need to make up for someone that might be on this site, that didn't turn themselves in.

What's the scoop; did h2ofwlr shoot a speck in the spring?
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Re: Serious question for Fowler

Sat May 03, 2014 8:48 am

Fish Felon wrote:Great idea!

You should auction off a hunt with the h2ofwlr where he is the guide. If you win you get to hunt with him where he takes you to one of his spots, use his boat, gear, decoys, etc., and then have whomever goes on the hunt write a post hunt follow up with pictures.

My guess is the results of the hunt and post game write up would be more humiliating than a punch to the face for him.

h2ofwlr wrote:I'd rather that members would send extra $ to DU, PF, Delta for adopt a pothole projects or send it to the Big Ducks chapter of the MWA so that it can be added to their projects fund as it the right thing to do to be of help habitat wise.

Why couldn't you just have whatever money you raise go directly to one of these organizations? Just like people do for other personal fundraising efforts.

I think it would make more sense to do an online auction with the proceeds going directly to them. There's a not much a heavy-hitter likes more than a tax write off. I bet it would raise more money if it was tax deductible since I doubt h2ofwlr has incorporated himself as a 510(c)(3) yet.

Trigger wrote:Do you know how much the ticket is for shooting a speck in the spring time? I would like to donate that much, I need to make up for someone that might be on this site, that didn't turn themselves in.

What's the scoop; did h2ofwlr shoot a speck in the spring?

This is a great idea! But I want to add. Lanyard has to be on this hunt as well. I don't think he has hunted with Al yet. And if Lanyard still thinks it would be mean to punch Al in the face Lanyard can pick a place to donate some money to as well. Most guys on here have been around Al enough to see through his internet persona.

First time I hunted snows will Al he broke the law in the first 5 minutes.

He screwed his old hunting partner out of a some gear and money. Little dog piz and mouse nest hmmmmm....

Shooting specs in the spring and not calling himself in.

Chewing out new hunters on their first hunt.

Saying he does all this stuff for ducks hmmmmm.

Oh and he can tell you just what to do all day long :roll: :roll:

Another contest could be on this hunt Al puts together is for every duck shot the day of his hunt for the ducks a hundred bucks per duck to a .org of his choice. Bring as many guys as he wants to and see how many ducks he can kill. He picks the day and the spot.
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Re: Serious question for Fowler

Sat May 03, 2014 9:35 am

Gee Hamma, what are you trying to do, make me into a badass of legendary status?

It's hard to believe that I have been such a thorn into your side for so long....
How about telling us all how you REALLY feel about me.
Maybe you'll feel better after you get it out of your system.

I think most everyone knows that habitat is the long term key to be of help to the waterfowl. And many of these Orgs as mentioned above, your contribution is tax deductable VS if money is given directly to me.
God, help me be the man that my dog thinks that I am.

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