Mergie Marauder
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Re: Ideas

Fri Jul 25, 2014 5:56 pm

Stute Slap wrote:
get-n-birdy wrote:Got into a bad situation this past weekend and a co could have nailed all our butts to the wall. I got in between the co and a kid trying to protect the kid, I'm a hero. A friend pulled the leo card, he's a hero. Plus we all pulled our pants down, grabbed our ankles and didn't try to defend our actions. Even though we could of had a laundry list of reasons for doing what we did. We stood there and fully expected to get nailed. The co appreciated we didn't try and excuse our actions and we were upfront and honest with the guy.

Short story long, we were in a bad situation. We had many reasons and feelings about what happened. But in the end our actions had consequences.

I don't think anyone is saying this guy was in the right with the situation with the kid, that is in piss poor taste.

But it is also in piss poor taste to admit you are only allowed one camper but believe he is not within his right to not want you to have multiple campers, when as a neighbor he has every right. He may have been somewhat ok with it at one point in time, but what lead up to him not being ok with it? There's always more to the story than the feel bad for me because we had a terrible situation. I could list you a lot of terrible crap that's happened to my family in the last 7 years and you would really feel bad for us, but we are all still here and I am very grateful for that. I don't want pity. Gratitude and selflessness go a long way. Gratitude is not patting yourself on the back for doing something in your field, that's called doing your job and something you are trained for. It's great that you save lives and I appreciate all the doctors and nurses that have worked on many of my family members over the last decade. But like I tell my oldest kid who has an over inflated ego, you really are the best at humility. He gets the gist of it right quick. He really struggles with pride.

Talked to the co for a long, long time and he turned out to be one h e l l of a guy. We took it like a man and communicated with the guy like human beings face to face and he was one of the coolest guys I've met in a long time. He gave us a lot of great tips and stuff I would have never thought about in multiple areas. First co in a long time that I learned a ton from.

So what did you guys do wrong?

Sounds like you handled it right, when you're caught best thing to do is man up and take it.

Yeah I think get-n-birdy should start a new thread detailing this situation.

As for randy, I used to not like his old neighbor. But now I think his old neighbor might be right. If I woke up to emergency vehicles outside my window and I knew it was at my neighbors, I wouldn't call him or even go over there to interrupt anything. I would write and email and say "WTf are ylu doing?" But being internet and text savvy, I would also include "is everything ok?" to show that my first question was of genuine concern. Sounds like the old neighbor needs some lessons in how to write emails.
Ps. The "that's their job. My job is to save lives" line, all I know is how big a dbag I would feel after saying something like that.
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Ideas

Fri Jul 25, 2014 6:10 pm

sd_man wrote:If you save lives, why did you need 3 ems vehicles? Seems excessive. I saw Doogie Howser clear an airway with a pen and a letter opener once.

You seem to break the law a lot.

One for the kid... One for randywatsons body... And the other was for his head. Those ambulance drivers have skills.
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

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Re: Ideas

Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:02 pm

Trigger wrote:As for randy, I used to not like his old neighbor. But now I think his old neighbor might be right. If I woke up to emergency vehicles outside my window and I knew it was at my neighbors, I wouldn't call him or even go over there to interrupt anything. I would write and email and say "WTf are ylu doing?" But being internet and text savvy, I would also include "is everything ok?" to show that my first question was of genuine concern. Sounds like the old neighbor needs some lessons in how to write emails.
Ps. The "that's their job. My job is to save lives" line, all I know is how big a dbag I would feel after saying something like that.

Nobody has said his neighbor sounds like a swell guy. That email would have ticked me off majorly. Last thing most guys I know would do to a problem neighbor is bark back at him and call him a name in an email. All the while knowing he holds the key to more than one camper and is already on thin ice with that. Sounds like emotion is getting the better of the situation.

A family friend who was a world war II vet and a male nurse back when it wasn't cool, was a stud. But you never heard out of his own mouth how great he was for saving lives. He'd of vomited chunks in your boots over that notion. I have the utmost respect for most people in all fields of hard work. Whether they pull wires in a hospital, build roads that ambulances drive on, the tech that fixes police cars, etc etc etc. Respect for others is a lacking skill these days. The more me now mentality and I can do no wrong is rampant in a society built on selfishness.

By the way I don't feel like a DB for saying that. But I would feel like a giant DB if I was patting myself on the back all the time for depositing a paycheck in the bank for a line of work I chose to do. Putting yourself in danger to save a strangers life with no paycheck involved, now that is braver. Going to work, punching a clock and getting a paycheck for it is not really going out of ones comfort zone. That's called a line of work you trade time for money. Now are soldiers, cops, firemen, doctors, nurses, etc important? Heck yah! But within them is their one more important than the other? Not really. Can a cop do his job without his car, gun or uniform? Nope. Someone has to manufacture his car and gun, someone has to work on his car, clean his uniform, etc etc etc. Everyone in that line of people is important and is needed. Are they all in immediate danger all the time? No, but a police officer also chooses that line of work for a career, it's their choice to make.

By the way the friend in the co story never has patted himself on the back and if anyone should, it's him.
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Re: Ideas

Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:23 pm

Im sorry to all of you.

The heat of the moment caught up to me. I guess many of you havent experienced a child gasping struggling for air going in and out of consciousness. Its somethong i hope yall never ever have to witness. In my line of work when things like this happen its in a controlled environment. I have every thing at my finger tips. Drugs oxygen iv access advanced airway etc. when this happened i was on an emotional rollercoaster and then i get an email from my neighbor. Maybe he didnt see the lights, but i saw his entire house light up and therefore i believe he saw them. Its easy to say whyd it take 3 ems and i have the answer because none of them except the ambulance
Had the proper equipment to transfer the child. I still believe in divine intervention (sorry hammer) but the only reason that lil girl is still alive is because of me breaking the law and having my ftiends and their families up last weekend.

Yes my line i save lives was db ill own that one but what i do know is that i dont know the first thing about building a house along shoreline hence i pay someone to do that.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Ideas

Sat Jul 26, 2014 6:56 am

We don't know what caused the "airway compromise" so how would we know she wouldn't be alive? It very well could have been something that only could have happened up there.

But this is where America is headed, this type of egotistic behavior is sadly not uncommon.

My grandfather was a medic in the war and he has never once. Not once said a word about how brave he was or how gruesome it was. And he didn't have the luxury of being in a hospital or even the luxury of modern medicine.

People used to be humble....

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Re: Ideas

Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:22 am

Dr are saying Viral croup. Does this help?

They dont talk about it because it brings them memories of some of the worst crap anyone could ever imagine. And most try to suppress those memories to keep from reliving it.
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Re: Ideas

Sat Jul 26, 2014 6:09 pm

In not sure what that is, so i don't know, does it? You're the nurse.

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Re: Ideas

Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:39 pm

As my first boss told me "worry about yourself because nobody else will". Sounds like it would fit in this situation. Sorry to hear about your medical problem that day, but sounds like there's more to it then that night.
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Re: Ideas

Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:25 pm

Ahh a thread of an entitled "weekender" who deserve it because they bought a lot...and the locals "need" them. Good stuff. Paraphrasing of course.

Glad the kid is OK.

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