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Re: Vikings suspend Priefer, Kluwe vows to file lawsuit

Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:31 pm

I think kluwe and vaginatura share the same law office.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Vikings suspend Priefer, Kluwe vows to file lawsuit

Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:32 am

Kluwe has some seriously personality defects. WHO CARES if Priefer doesn't like homos. Kluwe is just mad a guy who doesn't share the same views as him is doing okay in life. This whole thing is just vindictive on his part.

He needs to just come out already.

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Re: Vikings suspend Priefer, Kluwe vows to file lawsuit

Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:13 am

9manfan wrote:time to ride Kluwe into the sunset

I bet he would much rather have this be the case.

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Re: Vikings suspend Priefer, Kluwe vows to file lawsuit

Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:30 am

Channel 4 had an interesting piece about aging parents and how a high percentage of care givers are female. Hmm, very interesting. The males do still help out, but don't consider themselves care givers, so the numbers might be skewed a bit.

Got me thinking as I'm taring apart and rebuilding my transfer case in the pickup, working on stuck calipers, leaky injectors and bad glow plugs in the suburban, wrenching on mowers and weed whips, fixing the wheel bearings on both sides of the wife's car, discing and planting food plots, re flooring and painting the boat etc, ect.

Why don't more women spend more time in the garage, under vehicles or doing lawn care equipment maintenance? Why is the majority of these type of questions geared towards why doesn't the man do this or that? There's no meat or protein to the question, it's a softball question. Where's the hard to hit fastball's?

Why don't more women, when their car brakes down call their sister or girlfriends vs their husband or brother in law's? Why when I've ever seen a car broken down I stop and make sure they are ok? Anytime I've every had an issue on the roadside I've never had a woman stop to ask if any help was needed?

In the piece they did talk about how males have made vast improvements to better themselves, they are more involved fathers raising their children and have become more domesticated. Makes me wonder if the wives have made any improvements or slide backwards in the evolutionary scheme of things, as the male is continuing to advance and move forward. Oh well, I guess we will get railed on for that as well.

When I get tired of arguing with the wife about something trivial that I don't want to talk about, her least favorite line of mine is either, you're, right, I'm wrong, I'm sorry, cause she's knows it just means I don't give a chit right now. Or her real favorite is, I'm sorry you're so crabby.

Hey Kluwe, the Vikings are really, really sorry, you're so crabby.

To me it seems they have kinda fessed up to it and are moving on, Kluwe needs to do the same.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Vikings suspend Priefer, Kluwe vows to file lawsuit

Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:16 pm

^^^my wife says yeah you guys do that stuff cause we don't wanna get dirty. I personally enjoy working on vehicles so I don't mind, but if I ever said I don't wanna do the dishes cause I mowed the lawn. She goes well you only have to do that once a week. Really.

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