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The absurd leads to the more starts....

Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:03 am

Our MN boating-fishing-lake heritage is coming to end. McCarthyism like red scare tactics relating to zebra mussels are being used to 'protect us;' say goodbye to the lake freedom you used to love.

How much do you want to bet that this access is going to be closed for a long while? The lake shore owners have to love this.

How much of a waste of money is this? Plenty. Zequanox has only worked on killing zebes in closed off environments; think 20 gallon fish tanks.

What I don't understand is why the DNR is promoting the fear-mongering. Do they truly think this might work in "eradicating" zebra mussels from the lake or are the doing it as a way to succumb to public pressure (outrage???) and give the illusion that they are trying to do something?

What needs to happen eventually, hopefully soon, is the DNR needs to hold a giant news conference and tell people that when an invasive gets in 'their' lake it is there for good and people need learn to live with it. Then segway as to why the zebra mussel hysteria has been overblown and that they're really not that bad. Maybe show some fun-loving shots of people boating and swimming in places like Pepin, Mille Lacs, Minnetonka, WI, etc, where the dreaded zebra mussels have proliferated yet people still do exactly what they've always done.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

Anderson: Christmas Lake access closed following infestation discovery
The biological agent Zequanox will be used to try to kill zebra mussels in the west metro lake.

Article by: Dennis Anderson , Star Tribune

Updated: August 27, 2014 - 1:05 AM

The recent discovery of zebra mussels at Christmas Lake in the west metro has prompted an aggressive response.

Christmas Lake has long been suspected to be vulnerable to a zebra mussel infestation, because it is so near to Lake Minnetonka, where zebra mussels were found in 2010.

In an attempt to keep Christmas Lake zebra-mussel free, the lake’s homeowners association and the city of Shorewood in recent summers hired a private company to inspect boats coming and going from the lake’s only public access.

The Department of Natural Resources successfully fought to establish the public launch site at the lake decades ago. But the site isn’t owned by the DNR. Instead, the city of Shorewood owns and operates it, with certain restrictions set by the DNR.

Joe Shneider, president of the lakeshore owners group, has said the landing would be closed until freeze-up. But Heidi Wolf of the DNR said Tuesday the agency will require the access to be reopened before then.

The Christmas Lake zebra mussels were discovered by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District in a routine inspection. The mussels were young and concentrated near the boat landing, and the district, working with the lakeshore owners group and the DNR, has closed the access and cordoned off the water area nearby and will treat it with the biological agent Zequanox.

Zebra mussel expert Dan Molloy has been flown in from New York by Christmas Lake homeowners to help oversee the application. Molloy is credited with developing Zequanox. On Sunday, Molloy inspected the Christmas Lake shoreline and found no further infestations.

In laboratory tests of Zequanox, native fish and mussels weren’t affected by its application, said DNR research scientist Gary Montz. Instead, Montz said, it seems to target zebra mussels specifically.

“But whether it pans out as a successful treatment in a lake remains to be seen,’’ Montz said.

Zequanox is made from dead bacteria and has a short life in the environment. Zebra mussels die after eating it.

Other actions underway at the Christmas Lake landing include the removal and replacement of the ramp and dock, and the dredging of nearby rocks. Wolf said the access will be open when the construction is complete.

BTW, I heard on a radio interview Ron Schara asking a fishery guy from the DNR about using Zequanox on Mille Lacs and the guy flat out told him there's no way it'd work on anything bigger than a fish tank.
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Re: The absurd leads to the more starts....

Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:20 am

Man, this guy and Sorenson at the U of M have the invasive road map figured out. I heard this on a program, so I can't take credit for it, but..... "When I hear *Apocalypse*, I say *Apocalopportunity*"

We've been hyper-mentalizing everything we don't like, and none of it works. "Wars" on drugs, poverty, obesity, body gripping traps, invasive species..... 2 small sides freak out, the rest in the middle don't GAF..... because the ones in the middle have common sense.

Zebes didn't start here. You'd think, in their march across the continent, if there was a treatment or anything that worked... ummmm... they'd already be using it and everyone would know what to do.

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Re: The absurd leads to the more starts....

Wed Aug 27, 2014 5:25 pm

Zequanox would never be effective on mille lacs but to say its only been tested and found effective in 20 gallon fish tanks is entirely inaccurate.

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Re: The absurd leads to the more starts....

Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:05 pm

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:Zequanox would never be effective on mille lacs but to say its only been tested and found effective in 20 gallon fish tanks is entirely inaccurate.

Innacurate? You're right. I guess they killed a whole 55 gallon drum full of them on Minnetonka.

What do you want to wager that in 5 years Christmas will be full of them?

Wasted money, wasted effort. More people dumping crap in a lake. Sure it's not toxic, like rotenone, but what's the price tag?

Is the DNR going to do this every time they find an infestation? Most infestations are "small" when they start. These things spread fast. They have a better chance of curing AIDS.
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Re: The absurd leads to the more starts....

Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:44 am

Nah bruh they have tested on other lakes in areas quartered off with sediment curtains much larger than 55 gallons and it kills almost all of the zebes. Not sure where you're getting your misinformation. Don't get me wrong it's not a feasible option at this point but what you're saying is simply untrue.

Zebra mussel infestations actually don't spread fast. There is a lag period from when they are discovered to when they explode that usually takes a few years. That being said, Christmas will probably be full of them 5 years from now and the stuff they are doing now probably has slim chances to do anything and they def won't eradicate it, but it might.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: The absurd leads to the more starts....

Fri Aug 29, 2014 9:37 am

I could be wrong. I'm basing my opinion off what I have read. I'd be willing to change it after being shown new information. Do you have any links you could share?

Regardless, even you are saying it kills 'most' of them, not all of them. The DNR is presenting this as a chance for eradication.

The lake has zebra mussels now and the lake will have zebra mussels after they treat it.

Is that not a fair assesment?
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Re: The absurd leads to the more starts....

Thu Sep 11, 2014 12:36 pm

The property owners on Christmans Lake have always wanted their public access closed. Looks like they got their wish.

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