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Re: Will Obama Declare "Open Season" on ISIS?

Thu Sep 11, 2014 4:37 pm

Obama is a mixed race jack arse.

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Re: Will Obama Declare "Open Season" on ISIS?

Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:17 am

Naw, he is just an incompetent jack ass. It does not matter what his ancestory is.
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Re: Will Obama Declare "Open Season" on ISIS?

Sun Sep 14, 2014 10:09 am

That part of the world needs dictators. Saddam was the best thing you could have ever asked for. He ruled his idiotic, anciently-backwards, inbred people with an iron fist. He was the biggest fear for all other countries in the region; Iran especially. Everyone in the Middle East hated him. With him gone now they can focus on who they hated second; you and I.

Saddam feared us. He was power hungry and didn't want to lose that power. The guy had palaces for him and his sons, plus hookers/mistresses galore...we can deal with a guy like that because you can buy a guy like that, and that has always been our biggest diplomatic strength. He wasn't all that different from us. He was Perfect.

So of course we take him out over a petty family beef.

Now we have these insane religious motherf**kers who are willing to live in caves, sleep on sand, have they can think of ways to kill us in the name of Allah. How do you deal with them when they have no rational wants?

Nation building is an oxymoron. You don't "build" can't. Nations have to build themselves. We should have kept that Trillion Dollars we spent on Iraq and used it here. Imagine giving each state $200 Billion for infrastructure. Think of all the jobs it'd create. I wouldn't mind having 494/694 being eight lanes wide. Instead half the state is still pissed over spending $500 million on a new stadium.

Hell, if we're going to "nation build" let's stick to North America at least and spend it on Mexico. We could have sent the troops in there and taken out the cartels and then built up all their infrastructure and watched their economy blossom. No more drug problem and no more illegal immigration problem. We'd probably have Americans illegally crossing into Mexico to leech their social services and take advantage of their better weather and hot women.

But I digress....
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Re: Will Obama Declare "Open Season" on ISIS?

Sun Sep 14, 2014 12:33 pm

Yep...I agree. Now someone has to do all the shit-work Saddam was doing for many years.
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