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Mergie Marauder
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Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Sat Sep 20, 2014 2:03 pm

Just curious. I hate that we have been hunting a field for 15 years, development goes up and we have to watch out which direction we shoot so pellets don't hit houses. Today someone had an oops and some guy started yelling from his yard. We are super careful but accidents happen. City says we are fine to hunt and we are 500 ft away, but the squeaky wheel gets the grease and the more people complain, the faster we will lose the ability to hunt there. So we try to limit occurrences like today. Sucks to get encroached on though.

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Re: Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Sat Sep 20, 2014 6:15 pm

Smaller shot does also help in the above situations. 3 shot steel can kill a honker to 40 yds no problem and it does not go too far, unike say BBs.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:40 pm

I've had city cops drive into our decoy spread before. Long story short but a whiny resident of the nearby development got charged with hunter harassment and ticketed for tresspass and illegal use of 911.

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Re: Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:48 pm

We once broke a picture window at 206 yards. No idea how, but at least we were hunting with the landowner. We've also sailed geese from people roofs and siding. Hey, you live on the line....
Ask Al how to successfully nest wood ducks, see you next season.

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Re: Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Sun Sep 21, 2014 12:36 am

We have bounced one off a roof and had one skid across a development road leaving a bloody skid mark...not too bad over 15 years. We had cops show up for the first time ever 4 years was labor day morning said we had to stop and get a permit. So Tuesday got a permit and were back blasting away on Saturday. Got permits 2 more years then last year and this year the PD said we didn't need the permits at least it seems they are pretty cool with things. Only had them.come out the one time. See how this mornings hunt goes.

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Re: Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:14 am

Permits for what?

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Re: Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:31 am

Are you using the sweet 7' barrel that Wendell invented? :lol:

I don't even like hunting near other hunters, much less worry about any of the above described BS. Nothing that you guys have mentioned sounds remotely pleasant, I wouldn't even hunt if those were my options. Plenty of fish in the lakes...

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:34 am

I'm more with Quack. Late season once in awhile on larger lakes that are still open and there are a couple year 'round residents, but the folks hanging in their yard that time of year seem pretty cool compared to the Urban Cowboy Landscaper that wants to "move to the country" then complain about smells, dusty roads, hunting, etc.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:12 am

We used to. My buddy found a spot next to city limits right next to a campground, houses and a park the geese fed in. Used to be a great spot until some kids came in and screwed it up within one season by not managing the birds.

My buddy had the cops and c.o. called on him a couple times. Some tree hugging lib lived near there wasn't too happy about getting woke up by shotguns and watching geese die out his front window. He'd come out and blow on an elk call when we were out there to try to scare the geese away. The geese didn't mind. The guy crossed the line one time and told my buddy he'd shoot his dog if he doesn't stop hunting there. My buddy told him if he dares to try he'd shoot him. The guy ended up getting a warning for hunter harassment. The campground owner and the other landowners around there loved us because they hated that the geese shat all over the lawn.

I'd say keep hunting it and do your best to keep people happy. If it pisses some guy off I'd try to not let it bother you. You can't really control if the spot gets shut down due to complaints. I'd try not to worry about things you can't control and enjoy the spot while you can.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Do you hunt in an area you need to watch out for houses?

Sun Sep 21, 2014 12:17 pm

I don't like having to worry about others/houses, but this spot produces solid numbers into November. It looks like a safe haven its like 80 acres surrounded by developments...all the geese come out of all the ponds and fly right in. We have some other spots we don't have to worry as much, but especially early in the year its hard to beat this spot. We'll keep hunting it but unfortunately just a matter of time before its gone.

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