Mergie Marauder
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Re: Feild Tile.

Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:46 pm

Stute Slap wrote:Sad part all of us are subsidized although most of us lack the gestalt to realize it. Tax credits for having kids, mortgage insurance, food stamps, etc. Best advice I an give a ninja is if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!!

I am not subsidized. I am not eligible to ride off any taxes. I get the minimum return that all citizens are eligible for. I had to take out private student loans because my parents made too much as business owners to be eligible for the Fed loans. Am I missing something?

Is your last sentence inferring that we should all become Farmers?

If I don't do my job well due to being lazy, having a lack of knowledge, etc. or due to circumstances outside of my control (weather) the government doesn't cut me a check for the difference in what I made and what I should have made. Why do they do it for Farmers?

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Feild Tile.

Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:51 pm

If you guys are so worried about the wetlands that are drained, don't bitch about the farmers, bitch about the NRCS office's determination process. Most farmers play by the rules when it comes to tile.

If you are married with a kid, making around $50k per year, about $20 of your federal I come tax goes to funding the farm bill. More of your tax money leaves the country under "international affairs".
$20 seems like skittles compared to the $440 for defense you would pay, or the $153 on " net interest".

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Fish Felon
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Re: Feild Tile.

Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:52 pm

Stute Slap wrote:Why aren't we buying unproductive farmland and getting paid for it then? Seems too go to be it really that easy?

What would be the incentive to spend money on tile to increase production if crop insurance pays out regardless?

It's not that simple.

The ground around it has to be rated for that. My cousin got his land set at 180 because it produces that usually. Keep in mind it's like any insurance; there's ways to get better rates, better payouts, etc. I've hunted with a crop insurance adjuster and he can get on anywhere. One farmer told him no once and the next spring he had hail damage that he wanted a total loss on. Guess who thought that it wasn't that bad? Guess who had to bring a shit crop to harvest instead of getting paid to till it under?

Stute Slap wrote:Sad part all of us are subsidized although most of us lack the gestalt to realize it.

Agreed. Almost everyone thinks they're paying more than their fair share and the reality is very few of us are (if any).
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Feild Tile.

Wed Oct 15, 2014 3:10 pm

An for the record, I'm not pro-tile, or pro drainage. I've lost really good duck hunting spots due to tile. But I'm also not ignorant when it comes to how farmers operate.

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Re: Feild Tile.

Wed Oct 15, 2014 3:13 pm

tornadochaser wrote:If you guys are so worried about the wetlands that are drained, don't bitch about the farmers, bitch about the NRCS office's determination process. Most farmers play by the rules when it comes to tile.

If you are married with a kid, making around $50k per year, about $20 of your federal I come tax goes to funding the farm bill. More of your tax money leaves the country under "international affairs".
$20 seems like skittles compared to the $440 for defense you would pay, or the $153 on " net interest".

Agriculture is like 10% of the farm bill.

Close to 75% of it goes to food stamp programs.

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Fish Felon
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Re: Feild Tile.

Wed Oct 15, 2014 3:32 pm

Q: What's an ethanol mandate?
A: Another subsidy for farmers not included in the farm bill.

How much shit fuel are consumers forced to buy under what is essentially another government handout to farmers?

There shouldn't be a dime of taxpayer money spent on crop insurance. We shouldn't be subsidizing it. Let private insurers offer it (they won't because they'd lose their ass or it'd be comically expensive).

No one loves to preach more about the Free Market than farmers...yet there is nothing more Socialist than the American Farmer.
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Stute Slap
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Re: Feild Tile.

Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:05 pm

Nershi wrote:
Stute Slap wrote:Sad part all of us are subsidized although most of us lack the gestalt to realize it. Tax credits for having kids, mortgage insurance, food stamps, etc. Best advice I an give a ninja is if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!!

I am not subsidized. I am not eligible to ride off any taxes. I get the minimum return that all citizens are eligible for. I had to take out private student loans because my parents made too much as business owners to be eligible for the Fed loans. Am I missing something?

Is your last sentence inferring that we should all become Farmers?

If I don't do my job well due to being lazy, having a lack of knowledge, etc. or due to circumstances outside of my control (weather) the government doesn't cut me a check for the difference in what I made and what I should have made. Why do they do it for Farmers?

Are you missing something?

Yes. Like I said we all benefit from subsidies either directly or indirectly. Mortgage interest would be directly, purchasing fuel would be indirectly. (due to large subsidies to oil companies receive) now that is just one example obviously there are many. Also your parents benefited by being business owners I'm sure. ;)

No I'm not suggesting you become a farmer as I realize you would surely go out of business. Why wouldn't you become a farmer if you believe farmers cannot lose money and the gov't will simply cut you check for what you actually made and what you should have made?

All subsidies are bullshyt, but as big a dumbass as I am even I realize that farmers aren't the only ones getting a hand out. Blame the government, as the government is giving away our tax dollars to secure votes.

F it anyway, what's the difference. Better giving it to lazy ass farmer Joe than send it to some country in the middle east.

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Stute Slap
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Re: Feild Tile.

Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:09 pm

Fish Felon wrote:
Stute Slap wrote:Why aren't we buying unproductive farmland and getting paid for it then? Seems too go to be it really that easy?

What would be the incentive to spend money on tile to increase production if crop insurance pays out regardless?

It's not that simple.

The ground around it has to be rated for that. My cousin got his land set at 180 because it produces that usually. Keep in mind it's like any insurance; there's ways to get better rates, better payouts, etc. I've hunted with a crop insurance adjuster and he can get on anywhere. One farmer told him no once and the next spring he had hail damage that he wanted a total loss on. Guess who thought that it wasn't that bad? Guess who had to bring a shit crop to harvest instead of getting paid to till it under?

Stute Slap wrote:Sad part all of us are subsidized although most of us lack the gestalt to realize it.

Agreed. Almost everyone thinks they're paying more than their fair share and the reality is very few of us are (if any).

Sounds like crop adjusting is the ticket!!

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Feild Tile.

Wed Oct 15, 2014 5:51 pm

Stute Slap wrote:

No I'm not suggesting you become a farmer as I realize you would surely go out of business. Why wouldn't you become a farmer if you believe farmers cannot lose money and the gov't will simply cut you check for what you actually made and what you should have made?

F it anyway, what's the difference. Better giving it to lazy ass farmer Joe than send it to some country in the middle east.

how do you become a farmer without being born into it?

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Feild Tile.

Wed Oct 15, 2014 8:54 pm

tyler wrote:
Stute Slap wrote:

No I'm not suggesting you become a farmer as I realize you would surely go out of business. Why wouldn't you become a farmer if you believe farmers cannot lose money and the gov't will simply cut you check for what you actually made and what you should have made?

F it anyway, what's the difference. Better giving it to lazy ass farmer Joe than send it to some country in the middle east.

how do you become a farmer without being born into it?

You don't.
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