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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Free Pine Wood Duck Boxes

Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:18 am

Well I hope they put them out. Maybe it'll get a kid in to hunting or the outdoors. My squirrel boxes get used by wood ducks every year. Pretty poor attitude Al.

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Re: Free Pine Wood Duck Boxes

Sun Apr 05, 2015 1:31 pm

True, perhaps a few kids would benefit from putting up and watching a racoon raid a box or squirrels nest in it. I think Rob even mentioned that.

But in reality I am a realist. There are enough natural cavities for them, so if one is going to make an effort, do the best that you can to minimize predation to assure a none raided or disturbed nest.

But then again 95% are clueless when the hen was killed what does the nest even looks like after the fact.

I know guys that claim a "successful' nest because there were eggs in it or egg fragments. Huh?
Lets put it this way, if you have whole eggs in it and none hatched and they were partially incubated, the hen was killed. It there is nothing but egg fragments, the nest was raided. If there are some very small holes in the whole eggs--it was predated likely by a Starling. The key is evidence of egg membranes if they hatched to be claimed as a "successful" nest.

Also--what about when the hen was considering using the box but here came Rocky Racoon knocking on the door, and she managed to get away so the box sat empty. It is like an attempted robbery when you were home but the perps boogeyed before they got in to do you harm. So how safe did you feel after that encounter? (those that have been robbed or burglarized know exactly what I am talking about). Do you really think a hen is any different? Heck she is out of that neighborhood looking for a safer place to raise her family just like any sensible human being would do. Or the hen was just starting to lay an egg and the squirrel looking in at you while you are in the bedroom (peeping Tom). Not too many women would put up with that now would they? Or she is checking the box out - but Mr or Mrs Squirrel was in there and it made a raucous it was now its home.

My point is predation takes many forms, including attempted predation and disturbances. So when I and others are promoting boxes being on posts away from trees and with a guard if on land or shallow water, it is to eliminate Mammalian predation and their disturbances. It is to give the Woodies the best shot of pulling off a successful nest, the 80% success VS the 20% in the wild. And again, if going for the status quo of 20% success, why even bother as there is enough cavities for the Woodies in MN.

So instead of building a box and throwing it up on a tree with a kid, please instead of that go take the kid fishing or teach him how to carve a decoy or take them on scouting trips on the marsh in Aug or on a goose hunt in Sept, etc...
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Re: Free Pine Wood Duck Boxes

Sun Apr 05, 2015 4:37 pm

I also said that you could contact some area high schools and see if they had any need for a project, and then you could go show them how to do it right and work with them on locations since you already have access....

Doing everything that is taught/told is testing, not learning. Learning takes calluses, and those often aren't earned without mistakes.

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Re: Free Pine Wood Duck Boxes

Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:19 pm

So why are you not doing that? Going to HS, etc.

When you point the finger at me, look at those 3 pointed back at yourself.
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Re: Free Pine Wood Duck Boxes

Mon Apr 06, 2015 3:17 am

I'm not the one making up the rules about how to build, whether to build or not to build, where to put or how to put, homes for cavity nesters. You have two pine wood duck boxes, you apparently don't see a ton of value in them. Fine by me. I can't help at the schools, my wood duck box is wire tied a steel sign post 3.5' off the ground and only 10' from trees/woods known to be the home of raccoons, owls, squirrels, coopers hawks, foxes, and coyotes. It does have a predator guard, so I've got that going for me.

Besides all that, the schools already have the government managing the kids to mediocrity. My getting involved would just be redundant.

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Re: Free Pine Wood Duck Boxes

Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:32 am

h2ofwlr wrote:And again, if going for the status quo of 20% success, why even bother as there is enough cavities for the Woodies in MN.

Pretty much sums up my thoughts on nesting structures.

If a guy wants to maintain a few for fun and to see a brood raised on a familiar spot then by all means go for it. Put out your bird houses.

But do not for a second think you're supplementing the population by doing so.

I also agree with Trigger on their aesthetics; they're eye sores. They should only be legal on private spots either owned or with permission. I don't see how they're anything other than littering on a public marsh. Plus guys then feel entitled to "their" spot just like with permanent deer stands in some counties or duck hunting blinds on public land in WI.
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Re: Free Pine Wood Duck Boxes

Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:30 am

Fish Felon wrote:Plus guys then feel entitled to "their" spot just like with permanent deer stands in some counties or duck hunting blinds on public land in WI.

Huh? I have never heard of anyone having that attitude much less them actually saying something to another hunter. I suppose there could be a few ding bats like that, so I am glad that they are very few and far in between.

Fish Felon wrote: They should only be legal on private spots either owned or with permission.

Ohhhh... so you want to make another law... How convenient it is of your liberal "Gubberment is the answer to everything" attitude! :lol:

I am sure that this will make your day FF - none of my WDB or MHN are on private lands/potholes. :D
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Re: Free Pine Wood Duck Boxes

Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:50 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:Ohhhh... so you want to make another law... How convenient it is of your liberal "Gubberment is the answer to everything" attitude! :lol:

Nope, not looking to make another law since there's already a law for littering on the books. There's an old saying, if you pack it in pack it out.

I try to leave areas I hunt, camp or fish looking less disturbed by man when I leave than when I got there. I try to pick up any trash I see, etc. I'm going to start removing WDB's and other nesting structures on public land since I view them as trash and I have every legal right to take them home with me and burn them or give them away to people wanting to put them on private land.

Not trying to be a dick, just like you're not trying to be a dick putting them up, but I'm sick of looking at them while trying to enjoy my time in the marsh away from mankind.
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Re: Free Pine Wood Duck Boxes

Mon Apr 06, 2015 5:29 pm

It looks like those 30 ft posts are going to be needed Al.

FF I'll buy those houses from you. I have lots of empty trees on our property that could use a bird house.

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Re: Free Pine Wood Duck Boxes

Mon Apr 06, 2015 6:13 pm

How much does a used WDB or other nesting structure go for?

I never thought about selling them, what a great idea! I can go hunting and then grab a couple bird houses on the way out and it'll help pay for my gas and shells.
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