Mergie Marauder
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Re: In farm country, tainted water is 'just the way it is'

Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:46 pm

Farmers and miners are dumb.

Waterfowl hunters are cool. Just think about it, camo beanies, barrel stickers, hoodies, truck decals, trailer decals, decoys, decoys and more decoys, calls, boats, blinds, boat blinds, field blinds, no sleep, chew, coffee, caffeine, pop, bad meals, at even worse timing, having butt pee from those horrible meals with terrible timing, while either wearing waders or way out in a bare field, no toilet paper, gambling on questionable flatulence when wearing waders and losing, hat hair, great breath, perfect hygiene, no sleep, having to do stuff in the dark with no sleep and blinding head lamps, head lights and spot lights, poorly trained dogs, even worsley behaved owners, great callers always want to set up downwind, hunters with high aspersions and no humility in their shooting abilities, but none of them or me or you ever realize we've all been guilty of some pretty horse chitty chitty bang bang behavior at one time or another, good public access edict, a thought process brunt out on no sleep, even though it's misspelled you still understood it, to much caffeine, nicotine, not having a fruit or vegetable in weeks, alcohol blood poisoning, and being soaking wet all the d@m time or muddy as mud can get, steeping in to many slippery dog squat piles on unlevel wet ground or slick concrete in the dark, being in the middle of dog fight at quarter to 2 d@m early thirty at a public access and you can't hardly believe 2 labs can be the size of large caves and as mean as your wife after you told her you got a great deal on 4 more dozen Dakota decoys, then back at the access you forgot to put your plug back in your gun and Mr Greene Genes looks none to happy for no reason other than to make your life a female dog but you explain you misunderstood taking the plug out for AIS, then you forgot the plug, what plug?, as you're just pulling away from the packed access and you notice your feet are becoming buoyant............Yeppers hunters be cool!
DENNIS ANDERSON, Then, about five years ago, in 2020, there were no more ducks in the state,

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Re: In farm country, tainted water is 'just the way it is'

Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:33 am

Oh, I didn't realize you were just talking about Copper mining. Didn't realize it because you didn't say it. As always, you over-generalize everything.

I realize it's not worth ever arguing with you about anything because you actually believe you already know everything about everything. I don't understand how you could possibly think you are so informed. Simply being old does not make you wise, contrary to what you may think. Being teachable, wanting to learn, and years of thoughtful discussion and experiences can make you wise. It's obvious you've never in your life even listened to and thought about an argument that opposes your beliefs.

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Re: In farm country, tainted water is 'just the way it is'

Thu Jul 09, 2015 10:23 am

deet wrote: Being teachable, wanting to learn, and years of thoughtful discussion and experiences can make you wise.

It's obvious you've never in your life even listened to and thought about an argument that opposes your beliefs.

I agree as that is what I strive to do.

As for the 2nd part, I do look at the others perspective before I make a judgement.

Like I said earlier - I was neutral over the copper mine until they paid off the legislature so that they had less scrutiny in their permitting process. Thus it was the mining industries actions that swayed my opinion on Polymet. And by the way, over the years I have actually changed my beliefs on various things by listening to and reading about others views.

But because I now stand against Polymet and you are a miner, you want to take a generalized swipe at me and how I have arrived at my views. How mature :roll: Hmmmm maybe you should take your own advice from above. nuff said.
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Re: In farm country, tainted water is 'just the way it is'

Thu Jul 09, 2015 11:48 am

I'd like to see your source on the payoff. Sincerely interested.

I'm not judging you based on your stance against mining, or no, just copper mining, or no, specifically Polymet (make up your mind about what you oppose). I'm judging you based on 99% of your posts that I've read over the years. You're about as open-minded in an argument as Obama.

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Re: In farm country, tainted water is 'just the way it is'

Thu Jul 09, 2015 11:49 am

Al I highly doubt polymet will ever mine so you will be OK. It will be tied up in court for years with lawsuits.

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Re: In farm country, tainted water is 'just the way it is'

Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:18 pm

G'n'B hahaha! Good read.

The bottom line is that if I set up a small business, let's say a screen printing shop, in rural MN and just dumped all my waste chemicals in the hypothetical creek behind my shop I'd get my Azz nailed to the wall.

People don't like hypocrisy and letting farmers dump whatever shyte they want into our public waterways while making pretty much every other form of business comply with strict pollution regulations is pure hypocrisy.

Will it change? Small phucking chance.
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Re: In farm country, tainted water is 'just the way it is'

Thu Jul 09, 2015 3:04 pm

cstemig wrote:What ever happened to the notion that farmers are the stewards of God's land/water? God granted them the opportunities to prosper from these gifts, but they seem to neglect their responsibilities for it for higher profits. They don't deserve what they have been blessed with.

Are you blaming god?

If so, is god actually fowler?

If so, fowler is actually responsible for the very pollution he constantly complains about???


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Re: In farm country, tainted water is 'just the way it is'

Thu Jul 09, 2015 3:14 pm

deet wrote:
h2ofwlr wrote:Hmmmmm.... 2 others say basically that same as me--they are in for profit and many don't give a rats ass about if they pollute the waters. But you single me out. Why is that? I must be doing my job as it appears that I am a burr under your saddle. As you must be a miner or a farmer or some other type of polluter -- I don't care which, as I hope the EPA shuts down your polluting ways! :D

I'm a miner. I singled you out because you're the one constantly barking about stuff. Others might flare up from time to time as well. But you seem to have it stuck in your head that every large corporation does whatever they want, un-penalized and unregulated. Actually it seems like you think they destroy the environment intentionally.

The reality is that you have no idea the level of scrutiny that mines are under. Don't get me wrong - I'm not bitter about this at all. It's necessary for us to have the highest environmental standards to earn the right to operate and to keep this country beautiful and abounding with wildlife. But let me share just a few things that we do:
- all disturbed (mined) earth is landscaped/graded and must be planted with vegetation for minimum 90% vegetative cover, whether or not that was the original condition of the land. These areas are then inspected by the DNR several times over the course of many years to ensure compliance.
- water discharges are monitored and controlled to keep sulfate levels lower than almost all natural water body levels.
- Constantly upgrading technology to decrease, NOx, SOx, and Hg emmissions. Currently using continuous monitoring instruments for real-time levels of said compounds/metals, and we routinely submit this data to and are audited by the EPA and MPCA.
- EVERYONE on site is trained to quickly and effectively handle incidental spills. EVERY spill (even one cup of window washer fluid) is recorded internally and spills over 5 gallons are submitted to the MN duty officer.
- Our waste management and recycling programs would make your head spin.
- Air regulations we're subject to: NAAQS, NSPS, NESHAP, Regional Haze, CAM, PSD, Title V Operating, GHG Reporting, Minnesota Standards of Performance, MN SIP, governed and enforced by MPCA and EPA.
- We also go above and beyond with tree planting, grass planting, waterfowl habitat and nesting sites creation, employee training.

Our water systems are closed-loop. We mine IRON.

How is it you think we're freely and intentionally trying to ruin the environment? You hope mining is shut down... you don't even realize how stupid that sounds?

Deet - thank you for being a miner and providing us with needed inputs. Society has decided that iron,copper,silver, etc is more important than the side effects associated with mining.

Congrats on making Fowler's footer! Welcome!!

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Re: In farm country, tainted water is 'just the way it is'

Thu Jul 09, 2015 4:37 pm

deet wrote:I'd like to see your source on the payoff. Sincerely interested..

Legalized payoffs put into PC terms are called "Campaign contributions" by the mining industry this year and last year. It is legalized bribery like I said earlier.
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Re: In farm country, tainted water is 'just the way it is'

Thu Jul 09, 2015 4:59 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:
Legalized payoffs put into PC terms are called "Campaign contributions" by the mining industry this year and last year. It is legalized bribery like I said earlier.

You are right. And guess what our non-profit outdoor orgs DU, PF etc. do the same thing. Politicians can be bought and it is nothing new. Why do you think weed isn't legalized federally? It's because Big Pharm has a shat load of money they dump in to politicians pockets to keep it from being legalized. Weed would negate the need for half of the pharmaceuticals. Big Ag and Mining do the same. It sucks donkey but don't hate the playa, hate the game.

Sometimes I hate this country!

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