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Re: Teal season

Sat Aug 29, 2015 11:49 am

How far you want to go into Iowa?

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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: RE: Re: Teal season

Thu Sep 03, 2015 12:10 am

get-n-birdy wrote:You don't need anymore opportunities, what we already have is "appealing" enough. Greedy game hog.

I saw where Steve Merchant (Cordts's supervisor) was quoted in the Outdoor News in regards to no teal season saying something along the lines of 'with earlier season starts and liberal seasons the DNR didn't see how a teal season would provide much for additional opportunities.'

Oh I don't know, by providing up to 16 additional days to duck hunt for starters?

Total BS anyways, that's not why they didn't hold a season. They were influenced by outside special interest groups.
mulefarm wrote:Steve Cordts and Tom Landwher are leading a hunting party through Hobbit Travel. There will be 3 hunts in each state and you can have a mistake duck for each hunt.

Don't forget the head guide Brad Nylin. The mistake duck idea was his group's brainchild and they had as much say into torpedo-ing a teal season as anyone.

I still can't believe something as impossible under federal frameworks as a mistake duck was part of the DNR/MWA's 'preferred season structure.'
gimpfinger wrote:Actually had someone call me greedy on Facebook for wanting a teal season, he then proceeded to post a picture of a greenwing he shot in November as proof there are teal here during the season.

What can you say to someone like that

Nothing. He's a prime example of why hunters should have very little, if any voice in wildlife management decisions.
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