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Mergie Marauder
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Re: When a favor goes bad.

Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:54 am

What would be illegal about it? I thought guiding was practically unregulated in this state except the $86 farce of a bear guide license & whatever the USCG requires in their jurisdiction.

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Fish Felon
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Re: When a favor goes bad.

Mon Oct 05, 2015 10:24 pm

Sorry to hear about your spot getting jacked. Had he been a random dbag it'd be less offensive than a guy using his vet status for sympathy only to burn you. Pretty sleazy.

I learned a while back what happens when you show acquaintances your turf. I'm at the point in life where the few guys I hunt with are also very busy. Usually the problem is trying to reciprocate and hunt their spot after they were nice enough to join me for a hunt. Obviously we don't get out as much as we'd like.

People have finally started to get me. Thanks for the kind words, or at least not calling me a giant douche. For the record I've never posted back and forth between two aliases, that'd be crazy. I don't think I've ever had two aliases at the same with the exception of when the other site was sinking fast and for all of a week, if that. Most of the names have been listed and I'm not Franny. It bugged me how many people thought we were the same person...I wonder if it ever bugged him? I never took it as a slight or anything since there has always been a mutual level of respect but we have very different styles, I never got the confusion...but then I obviously know we're two different people.....I'd probably have the same suspicion otherwise.

I actually started out not as an alias and was banned for stating my opinions, which were pretty tame in hindsight. The alias thing was more a matter of circumstance that ended up being pretty liberating and fun.

Obviously h2ofwlr was my main target then and until recently. No one hates a know-it-all more than another know-it-all. He drove me insane because even when he was wrong he'd somehow twist it into still being right. The feud just kind of grew until we didn't care what was said, all that mattered was the mud slinging. At times I took it way too far. I've started a few PM's to him along the lines of, "for what it's worth---sorry," but then realize it doesn't matter and he'd never believe my sincerity, which he shouldn't at this point.

I actually do have quite a bit of respect for him. He's the only guy at that friggin' symposium that isn't brainwashed and is capable of at least contemplating he might be wrong, or better stated, open to different ideas other than what's spoon-fed's not really a right or wrong thing.

I don't know how we got here, he's definitely changed and isn't the same know-it-all he was before. Maybe I've softened too. Still a narcissistic know-it-all but with less side tangents teetering off the deep end. Regardless the conversations are a lot better IMO. They're more along the lines of people trying to organize their thoughts and maybe learn something instead of proving someone wrong.

Which is all I've usually wanted; just to have my point at least considered. It's a lot better now, there's familiarity, which helps a lot. Early on, and how this all started for me was by saying things people didn't like but couldn't prove wrong...that's always been my flavor of pot stirring if that's what you want to call it. Instead of trying to poke holes in what i said, they'd call you an idiot, ban you, do a character assination, and everything else was more or less an attempted payback out of frustration.

Believe it or not, I believe pretty much everything I've ever posted. It's not that I'm anti-establishment, I bet we're all 95% the same. I'd rather discuss the 5% that's different. The 95% is boring. A lot of people like discussing that part which is why I rubbed them the wrong way.

'The Old Man and the Slough' is the best damn waterfowl hunting story since MacQuarrie was being published. Artistically, conceptually, every aspect, it was great work if I do say so myself. How guys can read stuff like what's in Wildfowl is beyond me, although I'll admit I enjoyed reading it in my formative years since I enjoyed reading everything duck hunting related.

Even that story was transformed into me trolling h2ofwlr. It wasn't. I had written a couple stories prior to that I posted and then I had the idea to write a story with the same basic narrative as 'The Old Man and the Sea.' If you've read it you understand it doesn't have a happy ending. Even when the old man gets a long overdue and deserved triumph it is taken from him and he's reduced to having nothing again. So my 'slough' version was always going to end badly. People chose to cast h2ofwlr and assumed that's what I was inferring but the reality is both the kid and the old man possess my qualities...they're my characters, how could they not?
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Fish Felon
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Re: When a favor goes bad.

Mon Oct 05, 2015 10:34 pm

lanyard wrote:FF~ it's much more in the craft, persona development, etc. When one of the previous characters had Dani (crack addict lesbian wife I believe), that was some serous character development.

Good memory! You're off a little though...

Dani was my wife, her sister was the lesbian, and it was meth (crack is whack) my character had been indulging in.

The funny thing is my wife's real name is Dani, her sister really is a lesbian, and I'll leave the rest up to your imagination. ;)
Hate Speech is Free Speech

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Re: When a favor goes bad.

Mon Oct 05, 2015 10:41 pm

You should repost the old man and the slough
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Re: When a favor goes bad.

Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:34 am

Fish Felon wrote:
lanyard wrote:FF~ it's much more in the craft, persona development, etc. When one of the previous characters had Dani (crack addict lesbian wife I believe), that was some serous character development.

Good memory! You're off a little though...

Dani was my wife, her sister was the lesbian, and it was meth (crack is whack) my character had been indulging in.

The funny thing is my wife's real name is Dani, her sister really is a lesbian, and I'll leave the rest up to your imagination. ;)

I guess I need to brush up on my "drugs melted in a kitchen" knowledge! I've never been one much for the incremental details, they get in the way of understanding the larger picture.

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Stute Slap
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Re: When a favor goes bad.

Tue Oct 06, 2015 1:33 pm

THe CRiPPLeR wrote:Hows everybody been? JRP, Brose, Fowler, Slap Nuts and everybody else.

Pretty much the same - just trying to waste time at work, living the dream, etc.

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Re: When a favor goes bad.

Tue Oct 06, 2015 1:37 pm

Fish Felon wrote:
lanyard wrote:FF~ it's much more in the craft, persona development, etc. When one of the previous characters had Dani (crack addict lesbian wife I believe), that was some serous character development.

Good memory! You're off a little though...

Dani was my wife, her sister was the lesbian, and it was meth (crack is whack) my character had been indulging in.

The funny thing is my wife's real name is Dani, her sister really is a lesbian, and I'll leave the rest up to your imagination. ;)

Whenever I hear a chick's name is Dani, I instantly assume she is super hot. Is the lesbian hot? I doubt it, why is that no lesbians in real life are hot?

Also another request for an encore of The Old Man and the Slough.

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Re: When a favor goes bad.

Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:08 pm

No such thing as hot lesbian, only hot bisexuals

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Re: When a favor goes bad.

Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:37 pm

Whenever I hear a chick's name is Dani, I instantly assume she is super hot.

Weird, I instantly picture a cutter in high school who became a stripper at somewhere like the Skyway Lounge, has lots of ink and body piercings, and may or may not wear black combat boots. Still hot, but like in an angry militant way.

Probably just different life experiences though that shape our perceptions.

Oh, FF if your wife is a stripper, or former stripper, nice long as she wasn't working day shift.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: When a favor goes bad.

Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:13 pm

Bailey might be in a better mood if a Psycho Stripper with Daddy Issues had pumped his spot..... :-)

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