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Re: In honor of Mr.Lee here is for you farmer haters

Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:09 am

Good write up.

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Re: In honor of Mr.Lee here is for you farmer haters

Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:48 am

lanyard wrote:1) whether farmer or citiot, economic benefit wins out every 9 out of 10 ..... it is called "self interest".... not "best interest"

5) History Repeating~ "The Great Recession", a looming ag land value bubble/market price deflations, and associated economic fall out will happen every 2 to 3 generations....

Tell us what economic benefit is there considering the cost of 5 applications of chemicals on a residential lawn?

2 to 3 generations? I think not, the how about 1.5 generations? I fear that it'll be the early '80s all over again with farm fore closures in the next few years. And it'll be the same dammed reason too. The lender going--"but look at what your land and equipement are worth on paper" (new worth). And in the late 70's farmers borrowed based on that and when the bubble burst land values fell dramatically, the banks said pay up as you owe us more than the land and equipment is worth or else we will seize it and auction it off. The problem was there were oodles of properties being foreclosed upon and the prices fell even lower.
But wait--didn't the residential market just do the same things these last 8 years?

So when will people learn?
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Re: In honor of Mr.Lee here is for you farmer haters

Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:12 am

The residential and "looming" ag land crash are not necessarily bad things. It brings prices back in check so younger people can afford to purchase again. Yeah it sucks for people that get foreclosed or pay too much, etc etc.

But for some its the break they need.

Have a friend that bought a house right before the crash...simple split, cookie cutter house. Was a struggle for them to get it and pay for it. I waited. I have a split cookie cutter house now...and 45 acres of ag land...and the mortgages on the two are lower than his ONE mortgage.

Honestly hope the residential market stays down this Winter as I'd like to purchase another house as an investment.

Some people lose...some people win. Just like anything else in this world. If ag land crashes I'll be there ready to purchase.

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Re: In honor of Mr.Lee here is for you farmer haters

Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:32 am

h2ofwlr wrote:Tell us what economic benefit is there considering the cost of 5 applications of chemicals on a residential lawn?

So when will people learn?

You may find this hard to believe but a nice lawn and neighbors with nice lawns make a property worth more money. Disclaimer "To most People"

Oh and the side benefit is having a wife, a happy wife = hmmmm..............
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Re: In honor of Mr.Lee here is for you farmer haters

Sun Dec 08, 2013 2:55 pm

The economic benefit of a nice lawn is the same as maintaining wood duck houses.... someone spends money in a way that provides them relative reward. Welcome to a free market economy, the wood chip people and cutters of cedar are very happy you spend money on your interests. Fertilizer and lawn mower companies are very happy for 5- times a year fertilizer.

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Re: In honor of Mr.Lee here is for you farmer haters

Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:16 am

It really only makes your property worth move value if you're in fact planning on selling your property, but In the amount you spend in fert./ taking extreme care of it will eventually equal out to zero benefit.


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Re: In honor of Mr.Lee here is for you farmer haters

Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:14 am

dwendt wrote:As a farmers son and a farmer myself we don't have any land near wet lands but we do the river and just about every year the field floods accepts the middle as the river bends around it, and because it does that we purposely don't fertilize the field just to try and keep the levels down in the river the best we can help.


Thanks for your input!

Hopefully you will ignore certain member(s) here with "foul" attitudes towards farmers. TOS lost all input from farmers due to said members so hopefully you won't be run off as well.

I know that farmers are actually cleaning the water because I have seen two bill boards saying as much, and who would buy a bill board if it's not true?

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Re: In honor of Mr.Lee here is for you farmer haters

Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:15 am

dwendt wrote:It really only makes your property worth move value if you're in fact planning on selling your property, but In the amount you spend in fert./ taking extreme care of it will eventually equal out to zero benefit.


The error in this logic is just that, it is logic. The same applied to hunting so you can eat: you would not hunt because it is far cheaper to purchase processed meat at a store. Therefore, the value in hunting is NOT in the meat you gain, but in personal satisfaction.

Hammer justifying lawn care as a property value issue is, in a sense, true, but only if lawn care is locally valued. If you don't care for your lawn, and everyone else in the marketing area does, then you decrease your value. If you care for your lawn, and no one else does, then you have spent $ on something that will not increase your value. Consider this as "Keeping down with the Jones'" ....

Determination of "increasing Value"~ you only REALIZE an increased value at the time of sale. However, appropriate investments in assets will increase value in terms of valuation, which can often have a direct effect on net worth calculations, particularly those requiring asset collateral. An inability to maintain property within some reasonable consideration of market will have a negative effect on valuation. A business may have other advantages in letting property deteriorate due to depreciation factors.

Generally, personal assets are consumable and not investments, since they don't actually generate income or cash flow. Again, logic. If you calculate what the true cost of ownership is of your home, then determine the appreciation rate at which you need to MAKE money on the asset, you'll catch on that homeownership is about leveraging equity and psychic reward, not realizing value on sale. If you own a property and rent it, different situation.

As I believe DWendt farms, his situation is different as most, if not all, assets can be incorporated since the "whole" is part of the operation and the personal living/assets are less than X% of total value. It's the exact opposite of home office, where your office takes up 100 sq ft and a phone line.

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Re: In honor of Mr.Lee here is for you farmer haters

Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:58 am

The error in this logic is just that, it is logic. The same applied to hunting so you can eat: you would not hunt because it is far cheaper to purchase processed meat at a store. Therefore, the value in hunting is NOT in the meat you gain, but in personal satisfaction.[/quote]

When did hunting become more expensive than buying from the grocery store? As I've been hunting for years and my equipment has paid for itself with money saved in it hunting food, how is it the single slug I used to kill my deer will cost more than the equivalent weight of the deer in beef? Plus my tag cost.

Please enlighten me


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D.T. Hammer
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Re: In honor of Mr.Lee here is for you farmer haters

Mon Dec 09, 2013 12:22 pm

dwendt wrote:It really only makes your property worth move value if you're in fact planning on selling your property, but In the amount you spend in fert./ taking extreme care of it will eventually equal out to zero benefit.


Depends on what value you put on getting some Yum Yum. If my yard looks bad candy shop is closed. Do some yard work and candy shop opens.
Buckthorn removal is easy with the buckthorn baggie :-)

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