Mergie Marauder
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Re: RE: Re: Moist Soil

Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:44 am

Hansen wrote:If the DNR purchased a plot of land around Marsh, Talcot, Fergus, etc and managed it for moist soil it would be a duck meca. It would provide so much more and better opportunity for hunting. Create 40-50 acre sections, with dikes, and a "refuge" area flooded with smart weed it would be a duck slaughter house. There was a 2 acre section of water near my house in Shakopee that had a bunch of smart weed and it flooded out in August. It was cover in mallards until they feed it out in late October, honkers and other fowl.

I agree but as stated before the lessard council deal would rather spend money on parks. The money would have to come from some where else. My guess is a couple moist soil units would hold more ducks them pelican lake will after they dump all this money into it to try and restore it

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Re: Moist Soil

Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:29 pm

Seeing first hand what impact moil soil management can have on rice and smart weed tracks it money better spent than on some restoration for the 5th time. The DNR has no vision. Even if it was flooded corn . . . a simple crop or smart weed it would provide much better hunting.

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Re: RE: Re: Moist Soil

Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:59 pm

Hansen wrote:Seeing first hand what impact moil soil management can have on rice and smart weed tracks it money better spent than on some restoration for the 5th time. The DNR has no vision. Even if it was flooded corn . . . a simple crop or smart weed it would provide much better hunting.

I could not agree more. Instead they will find some hallow lake to restore. If these shallow lakes restorations are so great why don't you hear anything years after they are done. They did all this back slapping over how great Lake Maria turned out yet I have never heard anything about ducks on it or hunters. If these lakes were holding thousands of ducks in the fall they would be writing about it.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Moist Soil

Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:08 pm

So why aren't moist soil management areas considered baiting?

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Moist Soil

Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:16 pm

greatwhitehunter3! wrote:So why aren't moist soil management areas considered baiting?

In general, the manipulation of natural
vegetation and the simple act of flooding standing crops does not constitute baiting. However, crop
sharing agreements or other efforts to harvest some of the crops prior to flooding may raise baiting

Just found this. Always thought manipulation of any vegetation was considered baiting.

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Re: Moist Soil

Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:44 pm

Way too many regulations and restrictions for any every day Joe to do this on his own private land in my opinion.

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Re: Moist Soil

Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:19 pm

Smart weed grows everywhere and anywhere. It's a natural duck food. Flooding corn to me get gray but apparently it's legal. Same with rice.

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Re: Moist Soil

Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:27 pm

Just read a report from a moist soil unit in Missouri. Four man limit of mallards from 9am to 11:45am. These are pretty common reports.

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Re: Moist Soil

Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:06 pm

They are duck slaughter houses man. Look at some of the bigger one ones like 4 rivers, Otter slough etc. Check out Otter Slough CA on google earth it's awesome. That's what the lessard money should be used for set up 4/5 of those around the state: one around Fergus, Marsh, Talcot and Dora pools . . .whatever. Divert some of millions they spend on stupid research grants or sidewalks.

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Re: Moist Soil

Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:08 pm

Here are all the reasons MSM won't happen like it does in MO..... per the MN Way of Waterfowl:

1) MO isn't a breeding state!

2) They are at the end of the migration and the birds don't need as much reserve

3) MSM would concentrate ducks and make it unfair to other hunters

4) MSM is feasible in the whole state and would make it unfair to hunters in North Central and North East MN

5) We don't have any proof of MSM working in MN

6) Jim Cox didn't like it, so it must not be good

7) For MSM to be effective there would likely be payments to private citizens.... can't have that!

8) If MSM was done on existing state lands we'd tear out the grass we just put in!

9) MSM doesn't have a water quality component

10) .....AND THE NUMBER ONE REASON MN CAN'T HAVE MSM...... They didn't have it 75 years ago, so why do we need it now?

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