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Re: Jim Cox

Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:13 pm

The mwa is a special interest group. Their whole point of existence is to influence the decisions(both regulatory and fiscal) of politicians for their own agenda. No different than the NRA. This shouldn't really be a shock, its glaringly evident. Do they do good things for the state and waterfowl? Sure they do, but they do it while pushing their own agenda. But they go after small fish(MN dnr), it'd be nice if they had enough pull to get more federal dollars allocated here. Without a doubt they influenced the teal season decision.

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Re: Jim Cox

Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:02 am


Minnesota Waterfowl Association - Mission Statement
The Minnesota Waterfowl Association is dedicated to the preservation, protection and enhancement of our state's wetlands and related waterfowl habitat and our hunting heritage.

In order to achieve our mission the following goals have been set.
1) Ensure waterfowl habitat and wetlands through preservation, restoration, and solid and ethical land management policies and programs.
2) Be a leader in and work for legislative initiatives related to waterfowl, wetlands, and conservation issues.
3) Work in unison with our volunteers, public, and private partners to ensure these objectives.
4) Recruit new hunters, expand hunter opportunity, and teach ethical skills and behaviors that will ensure our hunting heritage.
5) Protect hunting rights, shooting sports, and associated activities for all Minnesotans.
6) Education on the importance and benefits of wetland restoration and preservation, along with the associated benefits of hunting.
7) Increase membership and funding for MWA to help us grow our mission and insure our long-term viability so we can plan for our growth.
8.) Maximize our volunteer’s effectiveness.

Minnesota Waterfowl Association - Vision Statement
To see for the present and future quality and quantity of wetlands and related
habitat improvement and to ensure an abundance of waterfowl for our state.

Ron, you are correct, seasons and bags limits should be solely based upon scientific basis. But that is not how it is done any more. The social aspect now plays a big part of it. Frankly I think that was the #1 reason why so many hunters were against the early teal season - that they felt that it would infringe upon the traditional "opener" and with #2 that it'd chase the ducks away for the opener. (but we still have the YWD shoot fest and the over water geese to chase the ducks away). I get their concern about additional pressure of chasing the ducks away, but then why are they not pressuring the DNR to eliminate YWD and over water geese in Sept? It makes no sense to me.

FF I do have to agree that Commissioner Tom is ultimately the reason for why we have no early teal season.

That being said, has he done other "good" things for us waterfowler's during his tenure? Yes he has.
He over road his underlings and we had a 3 WD a day as a result.
Instead of a 12 noon start, we have a sunrise start.
We have zones and splits.
We have some opportunity to do open water hunting now.
Guns do not have to be cased when motoring (especially important when going after a crippled duck).
The season start date got moved up a week.
I am sure I am missing some other improvements too.
Point being overall - he has been good to us waterfowlers. We could have gotten a LOT worse of a Commissioner when it comes to waterfowling related issues. So be careful of throwing out the baby with the bath water as the next guy could care less about waterfowl and us waterfowlers as he/she is a "parks" type of background and does not hunt at all.

Have a good one gentlemen.
God, help me be the man that my dog thinks that I am.

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Re: RE: Re: Jim Cox

Tue Dec 08, 2015 11:19 am

h2ofwlr wrote:MLDS FYI

Minnesota Waterfowl Association - Mission Statement
The Minnesota Waterfowl Association is dedicated to the preservation, protection and enhancement of our state's wetlands and related waterfowl habitat and our hunting heritage.

In order to achieve our mission the following goals have been set.
1) Ensure waterfowl habitat and wetlands through preservation, restoration, and solid and ethical land management policies and programs.
2) Be a leader in and work for legislative initiatives related to waterfowl, wetlands, and conservation issues.
3) Work in unison with our volunteers, public, and private partners to ensure these objectives.
4) Recruit new hunters, expand hunter opportunity, and teach ethical skills and behaviors that will ensure our hunting heritage.
5) Protect hunting rights, shooting sports, and associated activities for all Minnesotans.
6) Education on the importance and benefits of wetland restoration and preservation, along with the associated benefits of hunting.
7) Increase membership and funding for MWA to help us grow our mission and insure our long-term viability so we can plan for our growth.
8.) Maximize our volunteer’s effectiveness.

Minnesota Waterfowl Association - Vision Statement
To see for the present and future quality and quantity of wetlands and related
habitat improvement and to ensure an abundance of waterfowl for our state.

Ron, you are correct, seasons and bags limits should be solely based upon scientific basis. But that is not how it is done any more. The social aspect now plays a big part of it. Frankly I think that was the #1 reason why so many hunters were against the early teal season - that they felt that it would infringe upon the traditional "opener" and with #2 that it'd chase the ducks away for the opener. (but we still have the YWD shoot fest and the over water geese to chase the ducks away). I get their concern about additional pressure of chasing the ducks away, but then why are they not pressuring the DNR to eliminate YWD and over water geese in Sept? It makes no sense to me.

FF I do have to agree that Commissioner Tom is ultimately the reason for why we have no early teal season.

That being said, has he done other "good" things for us waterfowler's during his tenure? Yes he has.
He over road his underlings and we had a 3 WD a day as a result.
Instead of a 12 noon start, we have a sunrise start.
We have zones and splits.
We have some opportunity to do open water hunting now.
Guns do not have to be cased when motoring (especially important when going after a crippled duck).
The season start date got moved up a week.
I am sure I am missing some other improvements too.
Point being overall - he has been good to us waterfowlers. We could have gotten a LOT worse of a Commissioner when it comes to waterfowling related issues. So be careful of throwing out the baby with the bath water as the next guy could care less about waterfowl and us waterfowlers as he/she is a "parks" type of background and does not hunt at all.

Have a good one gentlemen.

We still look like fools being the only state not to take the teal season. We may one day take the teal season but like everything else we do it will be 10 years after everyone else already did it. I also still don't believe the majority of hunters oppose it. Maybe the majority over 60 years of age but those under 45 probably support it at a high level. In the end it doesn't really matter what I think or believe. Landwehr is going to do what he wants period. I could write him but I don't want to be scolded like a little child who dare question him!

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Jim Cox

Tue Dec 08, 2015 11:20 am

I get the social aspect of setting regulations.

BUT...Minnesota cannot possibly be the only state with this so called "majority" of waterfowlers uninterested in having more opportunity to shoot more ducks. It's simply a line of bullshit...and nothing more. The fact is, we got f-ed by a very small group of guys that didn't like the idea of more opportunity they likely wouldn't utilize...and had the connections to sway that decision.

Think about this. If we were offered an extra 10 day mallard only hunt 2 weeks after the season closed...this same small group of guys would have been first in line looking for nuts to lick. These fat, old, lazy metro field hunters have one small agenda, themselves. And if something doesn't benefit them, they're sure to declare it's a bad idea...of course in the name of conservation. Anyone thats been to a duck and goose callers or big ducks chapter banquet knows exactly who these clowns are.
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Re: Jim Cox

Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:39 pm

Still trying to figure out where people hang out that duck regs in MN make you embarrassed......

Arguing on a forum with Al... that I would understand :-)

Was no teal a bad call likely influenced by a few? Yes
Are those same few active in places like MWA, Concerned Waterfowlers, Lecgacy Committee? Yes
Are some of those actively supporting "status quo" through their influence? Yes
Does MWA have an "official" stance on teal? No

Not sure how many times this needs to be hashed:

1) the MWA is a WATERFOWL org, not a WATERFOWLER org.... the fact they favor any harvest is half-ass surprising.

2) Al~ congratulations on delineation.... again. However, to 99% of EVERYONE, that makes about as much sense as the 114th Congress not accepting responsibility for anything the 113th Congress did.

3) I'm not going to go all Fish Felon on this, but see below for an "unofficial" response to 3 wood ducks....

4) Unless the MWAs blog counts, from "Bonus Teal in this Year's Bag" July 31, 2014 "Recall the DNR isn’t pursuing an early teal season this year. (MWA was opposed to an early season, too.) But that doesn’t mean the agency won’t go for the bonus teal during the early part of the season. Keep in mind that things still could change, but we wouldn’t be at all surprised to see the DNR offer those bonus birds."

5) So, no, Landwehr DOES NOT listen to others, MWA and Cox, et al had ZERO influence in the decisions. The resulting higher harvest rates of liberalized seasons DID NOT make anyone send a note to Landwehr and say, "see, you greedy little piggy". Cox and MWA, et al, DID NOT do any lobbying amongst the powers nor with the people~ there is a mission statement that says so! Their opinions, being expressed in the StarTribune have ZERO impact on public sentiment, because of course, those are their PERSONAL opinions, and not that of the organization...... Thankfully, the MN DNR is THE ONE place on earth that democracy reigns, untouched and unsoiled by cronyism.

from an article on increased harvest by Doug Smith, Star Tribune, Sept 20 2014:
[i]"Count Brad Nylin among them. The executive director of the Minnesota Waterfowl Association supported the DNR’s decision to start the duck season earlier but opposed increasing the daily wood duck bag limit, then two, to three.

“You see the numbers and say whoa, the three ducks could all be hens,’’ Nylin said. “It is a concern. I’d be much more comfortable saying only one can be a hen.’’

But Cordts said wood duck banding studies so far don’t show a problem. The DNR is banding more wood ducks this year to boost the sample size.

Nylin said he’ll be watching for the results.

“I’m OK with shooting three wood ducks if the data can support it won’t hurt the population. But that has yet to be determined.’’"

Generally I think we lost an opportunity with the teal season. Generally I think the people that didn't want a teal season organized better since they had organizations and networks established. Generally I don't think my life is greatly affected.

And I'm amazed every time I look at this site and see that a thread titled Jim Cox is up to 3 pages :P

Mergie Marauder
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Re: RE: Re: Jim Cox

Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:23 pm

lanyard wrote:Still trying to figure out where people hang out that duck regs in MN make you embarrassed......

Arguing on a forum with Al... that I would understand :-)

Was no teal a bad call likely influenced by a few? Yes
Are those same few active in places like MWA, Concerned Waterfowlers, Lecgacy Committee? Yes
Are some of those actively supporting "status quo" through their influence? Yes
Does MWA have an "official" stance on teal? No

Not sure how many times this needs to be hashed:

1) the MWA is a WATERFOWL org, not a WATERFOWLER org.... the fact they favor any harvest is half-ass surprising.

2) Al~ congratulations on delineation.... again. However, to 99% of EVERYONE, that makes about as much sense as the 114th Congress not accepting responsibility for anything the 113th Congress did.

3) I'm not going to go all Fish Felon on this, but see below for an "unofficial" response to 3 wood ducks....

4) Unless the MWAs blog counts, from "Bonus Teal in this Year's Bag" July 31, 2014 "Recall the DNR isn’t pursuing an early teal season this year. (MWA was opposed to an early season, too.) But that doesn’t mean the agency won’t go for the bonus teal during the early part of the season. Keep in mind that things still could change, but we wouldn’t be at all surprised to see the DNR offer those bonus birds."

5) So, no, Landwehr DOES NOT listen to others, MWA and Cox, et al had ZERO influence in the decisions. The resulting higher harvest rates of liberalized seasons DID NOT make anyone send a note to Landwehr and say, "see, you greedy little piggy". Cox and MWA, et al, DID NOT do any lobbying amongst the powers nor with the people~ there is a mission statement that says so! Their opinions, being expressed in the StarTribune have ZERO impact on public sentiment, because of course, those are their PERSONAL opinions, and not that of the organization...... Thankfully, the MN DNR is THE ONE place on earth that democracy reigns, untouched and unsoiled by cronyism.

from an article on increased harvest by Doug Smith, Star Tribune, Sept 20 2014:
[i]"Count Brad Nylin among them. The executive director of the Minnesota Waterfowl Association supported the DNR’s decision to start the duck season earlier but opposed increasing the daily wood duck bag limit, then two, to three.

“You see the numbers and say whoa, the three ducks could all be hens,’’ Nylin said. “It is a concern. I’d be much more comfortable saying only one can be a hen.’’

But Cordts said wood duck banding studies so far don’t show a problem. The DNR is banding more wood ducks this year to boost the sample size.

Nylin said he’ll be watching for the results.

“I’m OK with shooting three wood ducks if the data can support it won’t hurt the population. But that has yet to be determined.’’"

Generally I think we lost an opportunity with the teal season. Generally I think the people that didn't want a teal season organized better since they had organizations and networks established. Generally I don't think my life is greatly affected.

And I'm amazed every time I look at this site and see that a thread titled Jim Cox is up to 3 pages :P

That's because Jim Cox is the man!!!!

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Re: Jim Cox

Thu Dec 10, 2015 2:11 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:"They"??? Tom is the boss, his 1 on 1 conversations with waterfowl hunters have been 2/3 against the early teal season. That is indeed the heart of the matter in that 2/3 are against it.

The no early teal season is because the rank and file waterfowl hunters did not overwhelmingly support it. Yes that is sad, but that is the cold hard reality of it. :(

Stop saying 2/3's. It was 60/40 against per the conversation I had with him. Also, according to Cordt's, it was 60/40 IN FAVOR. And the survey used ended up at 60/40 against. That's less than 2/3.
Last edited by Trigger on Thu Dec 10, 2015 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Jim Cox

Thu Dec 10, 2015 2:22 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:"If you all want to question the DNR way of doing things (or inactions on their part like not properly maintaining existing habitat), go right on ahead, but leave these guys out of it: As Jim Cox, Roger Strand, Brad Nylin, the MWA, the WDS, DU, etc etc had nothing to do with why we are not having an early teal season. :(

You might be right about this, but they all sided with the non-hunters (except DU, not sure where they came in on this) on the teal season. Which makes them all untrustworthy when it comes to speaking for hunters when seasons and regulations are being discussed.
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

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Re: Jim Cox

Thu Dec 10, 2015 2:33 pm

Lanyard, the MWA does have an official stance on the teal season.... they said no.

And they are a waterfowler org, atleast they claim to be on their flyer.... bullet point number 3- I'm looking at it right now says "MWA is the ONLY state waterfowl org in Minnesota that provides a voice for waterfowlers in the state legislature"

If MWA was nothing more than a waterfowl org, making habitat, I wouldn't care about them. But they claim to be a waterfowler org, then turn around and poop on the states rank and file hunters. They have the benefit of being in Minnesota, home of the countries dumbest conservationists, which is the only reason they are still around (or if FF is right, just so Jim Cox can have a sounding board).

Is this the same Cox that got the DU guy fired? Or are they related?
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

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Re: Jim Cox

Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:49 pm

Eh, the voice of water fowlers that agree with what they promote. I would think if they were the voice the "community" wanted they'd have more members.... but that's just me.

So the question is, Who's Buying?

The Answer: an aging group of hunters who tend to mark days more by the number of sunrises they have left than the number of birds they shoot. It's a natural progression and I don't fault any of them. After going through the last years of my dad's life (dead at 65 from cancer), I can appreciate that stage differently. However, that stage is OWNED by sentimentality. And that's what is driving the Jim Cox, Retired Hunters, etc. That, and a sense of "us vs. them" with DU, Delta, and and new ways to count ducks that drive liberal seasons.

So, they can claim "voice of Minnesota Waterfowlers", make a play, rally their troops, and skew results for these reasons: 1) they have members; 2) they have actively connected members that have the "ear" of decision makers.

You, you don't get coffee: coffee is for closers.

The 3 years prior the more liberal regulations promoted by Landwehr resulted in higher harvest totals. And the 3rd wood duck put the Duck Huggers over the edge. When it comes to teal, the mis-identified birds would likely be mallards.... and wood ducks. As stated by Nylin in the one article with Doug Smith, "Those three wood ducks could be hens......" As a "water fowlers" org, they see habitat = ducks = hunting opportunity.... they don't see hunters = habitat = ducks.

That distinction is what will either allow waterfowl hunting a chance at a slow, long death with some remnant opportunities (long tail), or, if the change isn't made, will drive the sport in the ground.

DA and the crowd better figure out we're going to run out of hunters before we freaking run out of ducks... .but by then they'll be pushing daisies and we'll be counting sunrises.

AND: not the same Cox, not by a iong shot.

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