Mergie Marauder
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Re: MN Vikings

Tue Jan 05, 2016 8:01 am

I'm not a televised sports fan at all, but I do wish the Vikes success this weekend. It is long overdue. I also think that the weather may be a factor with the game.
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Re: MN Vikings

Tue Jan 05, 2016 12:22 pm

This game was the second game I've watched in 2 years. I thought it was a mediocre game, although I was entertained. The best part for me was not having to listen to Paul Allen. I'm Minnesota optimistic that the Vikes will use the under dog advantage in the game and may even squeak out a win. Like all great Minnesotans, disappointment is my victory!


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Re: MN Vikings

Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:26 pm

This is gonna be a tough game. People forget how depleted our defense was when first played the Seahawks. I felt like once Barr, Smith, and Sendejo (who kinda sucks anyways) all went out the defense just kinda checked out mentally and we wins games based on how our defense plays.

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Re: MN Vikings

Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:25 pm

Here's what we haven't done with enough consistency to rank as a contender:
1) put the ball in the end zone. I don't think it's bragging rights to have the kicker with the most field goals when other teams are trading out for touchdowns

2) Peterson consistency: yes, league rusher. But big games he's gotten stuffed every time, and the nagging injury issue does not do well for us

3) deep pass: if Teddy makes the first one it seems he keeps throwing them. But if a miss, well it's play actions with 3 yard dumps the rest of the game. Boy wonder will need to get past missing a receiver and get his crap dialed in, particularly if AP isn't averaging 4+ per carry.

4) The "young core": Diggs, McKinnon, etc. all need to step up. They also need to "captain up" and tell their QB to put it safe and close enough, not wait until their open, and then validate Bridgewater by actually catching the ball.

5) Special teams: I wish Patterson wasn't special in the sense he's become..... when he does show up he seems to start playing for Special Team Short Bus: fumbles, penalties, acting like a clown..... Anyway, him and Sherrels are going to need to be hyper proficient and the squad is going to need give them support.

6) Play with chicanery: The Vikes are a clean team. The Seahawks? Maybe not dirty, but definitely aggressive with a mantra of "If the ref isn't throwing the flag we're not playing hard enough....." The risk for the Vikings in this is it rattle their cage. The the Offsides, Illegal Hands to the Face, Pass Interference, etc. They need to own their white horse and be prepared Seattle is going to try and knock them off... like taking Joe Friday to a strip club. If they can be conscious of it, and work it, they should be able to draw Seattle INTO penalties and gain yardage advantage. We did a great job of not getting sucked in to the Aaron Rogers passing penalty machine (one we might have slipped by on)

7) Fire Paul Allen: I'm with LT on the PA announcing/etc. Used to be I'd prefer to listen to radio while watching on TV. Now, I'll take Joe Buck, and that just sucks.

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Re: MN Vikings

Tue Jan 05, 2016 5:19 pm

lanyard wrote: Now, I'll take Joe Buck, and that just sucks.

I will never stoop that low.

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Re: MN Vikings

Tue Jan 05, 2016 8:21 pm

As much as I've grown tired of PA.... I'll never prefer Joe Buck over anyone.

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Re: MN Vikings

Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:08 am

I think it'll come down to who makes the least mistakes. Weather WILL be a factor, now they are predicting zero for the high with a -20 wind chill. Mistakes will happen because of the weather, no doubt about that in my mind. So I think it'll come down to who makes the least mistakes and a little luck (ball bounce on a fumble) wins.

BTW I read that ticket prices are a 1/3 of other games as so low of demand due to the predicted cold.
I wonder if a few guys from here will go just to say "I was there at the very last Vikings outdoor game when it was a -22 wind chill and -1 at kick off" for bragging rights for years to come! :D
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Re: MN Vikings

Wed Jan 06, 2016 4:51 am

A good friend is going with dad/brother group. I think 4 total are going and they pulled tickets 5 rows up near 50 yd line for $85ish a piece. Not sure how that compares to normal but it seemed low to me for a playoff game. Whenever I've been that close tickets were a gift.

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Re: MN Vikings

Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:11 am

I think we have a shot. With how our team is built (good defense, special teams, run oriented offense) the colder the better. Especially with how Russ Wilson has been slinging the pigskin lately. I hope it's -20 with gusts up to 30mph so the football might as well be a cold slippery rock since that's what it'll feel like. That's our best shot at an upset.

If I'm not mistaken we were missing our 3 best defensive players when we played on again...a team built around defense. It might help having guys like Barr and Smith this time around.

If we can get anything at all out of the black Ponder that'll also help. I'm not sure why everyone loves Teddy. He's not very good. I'm not saying he can't develop into a solid starting middle-tiered QB but I also haven't seen anything to justify anointing him the position for the next decade. He's never going to be a top ten QB. Zimmer-Norv and their coddling of Ted reminds me of Childress and T-Jack....phucking retardedly plucky about how bad he is. When you're proud of the kid for not making enough mistakes to cost you the game it's time to get someone else. What's wrong with a QB that might actually do enough to win you a game or two and make up for deficiencies elsewhere??????

Had Ponder thrown that god-awful interception using his non-throwing arm he'd be in hiding after receiving bags of hate mail, people taking it out further on his wife in public, and possibly arriving home to see smoldering ashes where his house used to be. Bridgewater does it and all anyone is talking about was the great interception catch made by the opposing team. As if one of the dumbest throws ever made became a turnover simply as a result of "bad luck."

Ponder sucked...but so does Teddy. The only conclusions I've drawn as to why the grossly unequal favoritism versus ridicule is white guilt and this being some sort of reverse racism to make the fan base feel more socially conscious.

Cordarelle Patterson sucks too. He fumbles and almost costs us the game because their kicker....their freaking kicker....makes a play on the ball and he's joking around and laughing on the sideline right afterwards. Someone should have wiped that damn smile right off his face. He would have had his head buried in shame and tears if he didn't make Forest Gump look like a Rhodes Scholar.

I thought Green Bay was going to kill us so winning the division was nice. Hopefully this season was the beginning of a rapid decline for Rodgers. If we can somehow Miraculously get past Seattle who's left? Cardinals don't scare me, Carolina is extremely overrated and very beatable, Broncos aren't that good, Patriots have shit the bed....if we get past the Seahawks...

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Re: MN Vikings

Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:43 pm

Maybe we could go after RG III haha

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