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B.L.M. Protestors vs Crashed Ice Fans.....

Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:33 am

I'm thinking that B.L.M. is pulling the tail on the Tiger with this one. I believe that the Crashed Ice fans are not going to be very sympathetic to their cause when it disrupts their entertainment. I'm betting that this one won't be as peaceful as the others.
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Re: B.L.M. Protestors vs Crashed Ice Fans.....

Thu Feb 11, 2016 10:28 am

cstemig wrote:I'm thinking that B.L.M. is pulling the tail on the Tiger with this one. I believe that the Crashed Ice fans are not going to be very sympathetic to their cause when it disrupts their entertainment. I'm betting that this one won't be as peaceful as the others.

I bet you're right. I can see it now though. One of them will get the crap beat out of them and that will just add fuel to their "cause".

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Re: B.L.M. Protestors vs Crashed Ice Fans.....

Thu Feb 11, 2016 1:40 pm

BLM was a decent movement for about 5 minutes.

Like for real how do they think their tactics are going to bring about the change they want? Do they have zero understanding of human nature at all? Making other people's lives more difficult isn't going to win anyone over.

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Re: B.L.M. Protestors vs Crashed Ice Fans.....

Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:21 pm

Triple Deke
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Re: B.L.M. Protestors vs Crashed Ice Fans.....

Thu Feb 11, 2016 3:11 pm

At first I thought this about the stand off in Oregon at the Federal Lands building... was confused what Crashed Ice would have to do with Bureau of Land Management.

NAACP and the one or two people heading this up have figured out how to make money off of it. Obviously, it's for the cause, right?

Like abortion for the Republicans and Schools/Unions for the Dems.... find the thing that gets you funds, then do that.

Any issue that can, will, in this current media landscape and "just cause" awareness. From people hating Cam Newton because he's a cocky, show off, cry baby.... wait, you mean people hate the cheating, whiny, cocky, show off, cry baby Tom Brady too? That's a lie, you can't hate a white dude.....


the only reason Bill Cosby is being persecuted so long after the assaults is because he is black man and the women are white....

See, the only business of racism is predicated on keeping racism alive. Feminism went through the same thing, now all they have left is "unequal pay". See, when a cause reaches its goal, there's no more cause. No more cause, no more money. No more money, well crap, I'd have to get a real job......

It's the same thing with Clear Way MN. Teen smoking rates are the lowest in 100 years or some damn thing and they have billboards saying, "500 teens smoking, think that's not a problem?" Okay, well, at some point~ no. But they can't quit! "Not until it eradicated!" Whatever.

let's throw poverty into the mix, particularly generational poverty. Because Johnny on the Block says the only problem is he can't get a job, maybe the only problem is Johnny don't want to work. He THINKS he does, but then there's thing about showing up on time, being told what to do, you know.... all those adult things that get in the way of hanging out on the block. I don't care if it's white, black, hispanic. That profile exists EVERYWHERE. Stop throwing money at it. Hell, give them a place to live in Haiti. But you are not ever never ever going to get rid of poverty as long as another section of the population actually produces goods for sale. Period.

Can't stop won't stop... as long as there is money coming in.

If the BLM thing was a real Gravy Train, you know Al Sharpton would be on it. Easier for him right now to funnel some money to these groups and wait for the next high profile case. That way he's already got boots on the ground and can hit that scene!

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Re: B.L.M. Protestors vs Crashed Ice Fans.....

Thu Feb 11, 2016 3:16 pm

Their problem is they don't even have a vision. There is no end game. Every response I've seen/read from their leader (whatever his name is/was) to that question, is like "we want to stop getting shot". That's about how far they've thought it through.

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Re: B.L.M. Protestors vs Crashed Ice Fans.....

Thu Feb 11, 2016 5:22 pm

Well maybe they as a whole need to quit doing things that will make you get shot. Like robbery, rape, assault, etc...

From what I can tell, those people growing up in Black neighborhoods are brought up much differently than I was. What is acceptable to them I'd have gotten my ass whooped. It is a cultural difference for sure.

In Chicago it is 90+% Black on Black crime. What was it, something like 3,000 shootings with 500 killed in Chicago in 2015? Good God, the most stringent gun control in the country and that many serious crimes? So until the Blacks themselves change the culture of violence that they are perpetuating, nothing will change. And that is the fact of the matter.

If I said that ^^^ at a BLM rally I'd be labeled as a racist. I'm not a racist, I am a realist. Until they as a culture and community say "enough", and start to take actions to stop that violence is OK, nothing will change.

And if nothing changes, cops will be continued to be put in situations where the perps are Black, and Blacks will be shot regardless if the cops are Black, Hispanic, Asian or White.
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Re: B.L.M. Protestors vs Crashed Ice Fans.....

Fri Feb 12, 2016 4:55 pm

Black lives only matter to BLM if they were killed by whitey. All those black people killed by blacks don't seem to bother them much.

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Re: B.L.M. Protestors vs Crashed Ice Fans.....

Sat Feb 13, 2016 8:27 am

Their argument is that anything that happens, happens to a black life, it only happened because they were black.

Does racism exist? Yup.

What's hard for the general public to swallow is the "You're white, you're racist...."

Used to be a time when Racism and Prejudice were to distinct issues. Now if your prejudice, it's just racism. Unless you're a minority, you're not prejudice, you're a "realist".


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Re: B.L.M. Protestors vs Crashed Ice Fans.....

Sat Feb 13, 2016 9:26 am

cstemig wrote:I'm thinking that B.L.M. is pulling the tail on the Tiger with this one. I believe that the Crashed Ice fans are not going to be very sympathetic to their cause when it disrupts their entertainment. I'm betting that this one won't be as peaceful as the others.

It's going to happen at some point....

....and whatever drunk white kids/guys that beat some azz will probably be caught on film, because you know these losers tape every second of their instigations praying something happens, and then they'll be on the news mercilessly until they lose their jobs and their lives are ruined because they've been publicly shamed as a "racist."

That's the part that bugs me about how race has become used in society. I hate BLM. Would that be a smart thing to say at work or mixed social settings...or really anywhere outside a duck blind, ice house, the Dakotas or anywhere else drunken white guys congregate to bitch about the rest of the world? Nope. They even took crashed ice from us now, another place off that ever-shrinking list....

I hate BLM for the same reason I hated "occupy," the people in it are a bunch of misguided malcontents who are total phucking morons and complete azzholes. Race has nothing to do with why I don't like them.

These people are so delusional that in their minds anyone who punches them or dislikes them, or flat-out doesn't kiss their azz while they're "ragin' it against the machine," is a hate fueled racist....the notion that they aren't liked because they're dbags and total dicks is unfathomable.

They think you should be able to work 40 hours a week at Burger King and not just scrape by, not just earn a decent living, but build wealth....as in have a kick-azz financial portfolio and retire early if they get lucky on a stock or two.

That's how it is for whites, right?

There are three things that build wealth in this country. 1. Wealth. 2. A SHITLOAD of hard work and sacrifice for a really long time. 3. Dumb luck....the rarest of the three, think winning the lottery, a doctor sewing you up with a scalpel in you, or Warren Buffet's chauffeur running you over while drinking on the job.

It's not just BLM or blacks, there are tons and tons of whites and other ethnicities old and young (with the youth accounting for a much higher percentage these days) that don't understand or realize the means to get ahead or build wealth or pass on a better life to your children is there...it's right in front of you....it may require 80-100 hour work weeks on occasion on top of 60 hours being the norm for many, many years....but it's there.

The American Dream is alive and well and contrary to popular belief, it was never easy.

There's just so many people nowadays across all races that are barely willing to put in even 40 hours. There are tons of employers that are willing to compensate good workers for hitting goals and accomplishing achievements and who are willing to work past 40 hours...but most of the workforce thinks to themselves, "what am I, your nagger?" when they offer those opportunities or incentives...

...and then go home or to a BLM or Occupy rally to bitch about social equality and the injustices stopping them from getting ahead.
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