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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Shallow Lakes Program

Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:49 am

duck_dude wrote:The issue with Minnesota is the perceived "Culture". For some reason the MnDNR thinks the people hunting ducks in this state are a bunch of Neanderthals who just want to pull a trigger. I get it, they want to sell licenses, but there has to be a better way. If that is indeed the "Culture", then there is a great divide between people that go duck hunting and actual duck hunters.

What are you talking about? I couldn't disagree more.

The DNR has catered to a handful of elitist snobs who push for backhanded regulations that are intended for them to pull the trigger more while openly stating (it's past the point of implying anymore) that if you want to actually go duck hunting [especially early] with the hopes of shooting an occasional limit you're some blood-thirsty redneck who doesn't give a shyte about the resource.

We're the only state, or province, on the continent who's wildlife management officials have created the fabricated notion of "local ducks" and the need to protect them. Everywhere else on the continent views them as migratory and manages them as such, hence the continental migratory bird treaty. We treat them like they're our freaking pets and if killed they're gone other ducks will locate and use that pristine and fertile wetland because some dork documented the same hen using it for four years in a row....

Voluntarily choosing a limit of 4 when the entire continent was 6 or higher, Voluntarily choosing a 2 wood duck limit when the entire continent was 3 or higher, and hands down the biggest supporting piece of evidence to my argument was not holding a teal season when given the option...even after the DNR's concern for over-harvest of local ducks was alleviated and proven to be false in every other state that chose to hold a season.

What examples can you list of the DNR implementing any regulation that was more liberal than what was widespread everywhere else that catered to these "trigger happy Neanderthals" you speak of?

I honestly can't think of anything they've done that would support your opinion. I'm interested to hear what caused your formation of it.
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Re: Shallow Lakes Program

Mon Apr 25, 2016 9:13 pm

Fish Felon, you prove some great points, and in reality I think we are talking about the same things. My point wasn't about the conservative bag limits, and the MnDNR's inability to grow a pair and give us an equal harvest opportunity, it was that there are all these lakes getting water control structures, creating premium habitat, but none are getting set aside as refuges to foster the congregation of migratory birds throughout the fall. My theory is that they are doing this to provide more access and hunting opportunity, where in reality, it would help to set aside some of these areas, creating pockets of birds. I have field huntable numbers of mallards that congregate annually on a private pond that isn't hunted, and the pond is poor quality habitat. Just a thought, but I do agree the "MN waterfowl elitists" need to stop talking and we need to rely on science instead of feelings when setting regulations.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Shallow Lakes Program

Tue Apr 26, 2016 8:26 am

The ducks have too much refuge as it is. In all corners of the state, a duck doesn't have to fly far to find sanctuary.
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Re: RE: Re: Shallow Lakes Program

Tue Apr 26, 2016 8:49 pm

Bullet21XD wrote:The ducks have too much refuge as it is. In all corners of the state, a duck doesn't have to fly far to find sanctuary.

Yup if you pay attention while out in the sticks you would be surprised by the amount of sanctuaries in the state.

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Re: Shallow Lakes Program

Wed Apr 27, 2016 7:33 pm

The notion of holding birds for field hunting opportunities is about as elitist as it gets, especially in MInnesota. Eliminating opportunities open to the public to improve hunting for a select few landowners, or the select few who have permission is backwards. I get what is being said as it pertains to pressure, and I agree that pressure is a negative. But I would actively protest any change that is done that removes opportunity for anyone who doesn't have permission to nearby private land.
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Re: Shallow Lakes Program

Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:11 pm

It seems like we have a conundrum now. You're basically saying you don't want birds around unless they are available for anyone to hunt, but then then if there's pressure, there won't be birds, which is OK because people are at least getting out.

I guess when thinking about this I am just thinking about the area I hunt. There isn't much pressure, farmers let people hunt, but there just aren't birds. I was selfishly thinking if there were areas of water set aside in this area for birds to rest, the opportunity would be good for everyone. But I get what your saying if you extrapolate this to areas of higher pressure.

I don't know what the answer is to give the public hunting opportunities and to also create habitat that keeps birds around longer.


Re: Shallow Lakes Program

Thu Apr 28, 2016 8:22 am

You do not need to create quality habitat for field feeding birds to roost. Any fishing lake clean or dirty works due to the emergent vegetation law.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Shallow Lakes Program

Thu Apr 28, 2016 8:22 am

You do not need to create quality habitat for field feeding birds to roost. Any fishing lake clean or dirty works due to the emergent vegetation law.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Shallow Lakes Program

Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:13 pm

Trigger wrote:The notion of holding birds for field hunting opportunities is about as elitist as it gets, especially in MInnesota. Eliminating opportunities open to the public to improve hunting for a select few landowners, or the select few who have permission is backwards. I get what is being said as it pertains to pressure, and I agree that pressure is a negative. But I would actively protest any change that is done that removes opportunity for anyone who doesn't have permission to nearby private land.

I get that there a difference between keeping roosting geese in an area for the benefit of field hunters vs. pressuring ducks out of an area ( although I still believe ducks pressured off a slough/lake/whatever don't go far untill the weather/food supply dictates that they must). But I've got to say, the points you just made are the same ones I've made supporting early goose over water.
Last edited by StuStiltman on Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Shallow Lakes Program

Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:24 pm

Bullet21XD wrote:The ducks have too much refuge as it is. In all corners of the state, a duck doesn't have to fly far to find sanctuary.

I don't know about actual sanctuaries, but it amazes me how if there's one unpressured hole in 10 square miles how many ducks find it.

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