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Re: The debates

Sun Oct 02, 2016 8:53 pm

StuStiltman wrote:Best thing about living in a super blue state (regarding voting) is that it truly doesn't matter who you vote for. No matter what, mn will give up its votes for Hillary. Great for those of us who want hillary to win, bad for those of us who want trump to win. But, theres a silver lining, if you (as I will) throw your vote away for a 3rd party, you can, with no guilt, do so. I'm free to throw my vote away to the most obscure party on the ballot and know that in no way did I have an impact on the election, since Hillary's getting our vote anyways.

It isn't throwing your vote away. Voting third party is the only way your vote counts if you don't live in a swing state.

It's not counted like votes are in the electoral college. It's a 'popular' vote count for third parties. Their goal is to get 5% of the popular vote in order to get federal campaign financing.

If people in this country weren't so phucking stupid we'd have a lot more party options.

When five people are sitting at a table and are asked their opinion on an issue the discussion will always be relatively cordial. If someone is an asshole at least two of the other four will group together to assert they're doing as much and make them fall back into the line of civility.

When two people are asked about their stance on an issue it's human nature to become adversial and take a "us versus them" attitude for the side your opinion represents. Your goal becomes to beat your opponent more so than find a mutually agreeable solution to the issue. It is inevitable it becomes Bloods versus Crips or Vikings versus Packers...where you're rooting for a side and picking a team instead of discussing the issue.

A representative republic (what for some reason is called a democracy in this country) was never intended and should never be intended to be a two party system. The two parties we have ensured their control and dual monopoly (duopoly???) a long time ago. It's the lone issue they can always agree on. Hence 5% for federal campaign funding and 15% polling to get into the televised debates. Ross Perot will almost assuredly represent the only time in my life a third candidate is sharing the stage with the other big two dbags.

Federal funding should be at 2% and anyone that can poll at 5% should get into the debates.

Nader all those years wasn't running to win. He was running to get 5% and thus establish the Green Party as a real party that is entitled to funding. The first inevitable hurdle that needs to be cleared on a parties way to relevance and credibility.

If people in non-swing states, like MN, would pledge to vote the highest polling third party be it Libertarian or Green, as long as the polling for the big two stays outside the margin for error we would have a lot more viable options.

As much as I'd love to say I voted Trump, unless it gets within the margin of error, I'll stick to my self made pledge to vote for the highest polling third party candidate... I always do.
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Re: The debates

Sun Oct 02, 2016 10:24 pm

Fish Felon wrote:As much as I'd love to say I voted Trump, unless it gets within the margin of error, I'll stick to my self made pledge to vote for the highest polling third party candidate... I always do.

That's where I'm at.
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Re: The debates

Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:43 pm

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:Maybe in '92...she wasn't bad back then

How old were back then, 10? :lol:
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Re: The debates

Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:52 pm

7 haha, but looking back at pics, not bad for a 90's chick

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Re: The debates

Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:41 am

Does your current squeeze know about your thing about much older ugly women?
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Re: The debates

Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:10 pm

Ah yes, the good old early 90's Clintons. Shocking how many people want them in the White House to avoid the 'dishonor' Trump would bring to it.

Published: February 18, 1994

WASHINGTON, Feb. 17— Bill Clinton had some explaining to do.

Ever since he spoke last week of his fond recollections of his El Camino pickup, his audience at a Louisiana truck plant and those who watched his comments replayed on television have been left in titillated confusion.

Mr. Clinton confided that he had lined the truck bed with Astroturf, adding with a sly grin, "You don't want to know why, but I did."

I can't remember if this was before or after a woman came forth alleging he raped her.
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Re: The debates

Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:42 pm

JFC I simply can't believe that another go-round with the Clintons is more than likely. Hands-Down the biggest pieces of trash ever to step foot in the White House...and I've been to the White House...actually saw Bill Clinton while there.

The guy was so undisciplined he lost almost the entirety of his second term because he couldn't stop himself from having an intern not even half his age suck him off in the oval office and jizz all over her dress.

Think of that? Lewinsky had to of walked out of the oval office in the middle of the day with our president's cum all over her.

Real classy!

What's even more appalling is that despite him doing this type of shit repeatedly and banging porn stars Hillary never left him.

What does that tell you?

Slick Willy would be kind of cool if he was a Quagmire type single-buddy that lived up the street from you...

...but even that would probably end up being more sad than cool.

The Clintons did not do shit while in office. His presidency happened to coincide with the boom---the biggest new marketplace for the expansion of business that will ever happen, the advent of the phucking internet. A balloon with a face drawn on it with a marker taped on top of a mop handle and put in charge of our country at the time would have had a 62% approval rating.

Obviously I've got my share of classless stories but two things I've never done and never will do are: cheat on a significant other or force myself on a woman. And guess what? Guys like me should not be there you have it, why we're all entitled to judge the Clintons.

Say what you want about his politics but I do have respect for Obama as a man. After eight years of Willy and then eight years of W it's amazing how few tabloid headlines have come out of the White House during his presidency. In this day and age that is remarkable. There'd be no way to stop those from hitting the public-sphere except one:

They don't exist.
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Re: The debates

Mon Oct 03, 2016 1:38 pm

Fish Felon wrote:JFC I simply can't believe that another go-round with the Clintons is more than likely.

No shit. And if she gets in - she names 1/2 of the SCOTUS which will set the tone for decades to come. We can kiss our guns rights away over the next 30 years. :twisted:

I happened to see a headline from Fox news that said Hillary gained 4% and Donald lost 2% after the debate based ona 2 way race. (Now 49% to 44%). So what are the REAL polls, meaning the 4 way race?

I believe Donald's immaturity (it came across that way to me at least) last Tuesday screwed the pouch for many of the undecided. :evil:

And in the last few days, Don supposedly has not paid any income taxes....
-edited out link-

Like I said all along - 2 of the worst people that should NOT be running for POTUS. And why I am voting for Libertarian Johnson.
Last edited by h2ofwlr on Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The debates

Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:03 pm

Wow, that's AMAZING! How did the photoshoppers not consider perspective or shading when putting the words "Ballot Box" on those Rubbermaid containers?

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Re: The debates

Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:09 pm

He's smart not paying taxes, at least his accountants are. F he gives how many millions to charities what is his "fair share"? Everyone bitches about paying taxes, he finds a way not to and he gets crucified for it. I'm sure everyone here says to themselves " I am so happy writing out this check to the government to pay my fair share". He pays plenty, it just doesn't get paid to the government. I'd rather have charities spend my money as well

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