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Re: The debates

Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:15 pm

Cmon Fowler, a simple Google search proves the Hillary story false

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Re: The debates

Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:48 am

hey, I goofed up, :oops:
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Re: The debates

Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:14 am

h2ofwlr wrote:I happened to see a headline from Fox news that said Hillary gained 4% and Donald lost 2% after the debate based ona 2 way race. (Now 49% to 44%). So what are the REAL polls, meaning the 4 way race?

It's not a popular vote to win so there isn't a whole lot of relevance in a poll designed to determine what the results would be if that were the case. It's possibly an indicator of who fared better in the debate, that's about it. With the media being extremely biased the way of Clinton it makes a guy wonder if the change isn't the tail wagging the dog. Had the general consensus by all the pundits been that Trump had won, would he have gotten the same [supposed] spike instead? Is the voting public that much like sheep?

It's all about what they're polling in the states that are toss-ups and getting to 270 electoral votes, if I remember right.

The internet has become extremely un-useful for a lot of information. Type in 'presidential polls' and see what comes up....pure dogshit, and a lot of it. It takes a significant amount more time that'd it used to in order to scroll through and decipher what poll has merit.

I'm sure one could just go to Gallup or a news source they trust but those were typically what came right up not all that long ago.

Maybe my computer sucks or I just feel like bitching this morning...

....anyways, if Trump wins he will not win the popular vote. Hillary is going to trounce him in CA, NY, etc., and pick up a sizeable amount of popular votes that he won't surpass because I'm thinking the states he wins will be much closer. The only large population state he might be able to trounce her in is TX, that's it. I'd bet she'll take CA by a much wider margin than he takes TX. The rest of the hard-red states don't have the population and again, even if they did I don't think the margins will be wide enough.

For Trump to win the electoral map is going to need to be near identical to 2004 Bush over Kerry. I legitimately think he's got more than a decent shot. It wouldn't be that far fetched for him to become president with the popular vote swinging like what you shared.

If that happens it'll probably be the end of the electoral college---which would be terrible. I love it and think it's an awesome way to do it....great, great balance it brings.

In the end I really don't care that much. The world will keep turning. Obama was going to take all our guns too. Things change very slowly unless they're reactionary. If that's what the founding fathers wanted they truly were brilliant.

Guns is the most untouchable issue that exists. More untouchable than abortion. By no means do I want Clinton, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

Always fun to speculate and try to sound smart on the 'ol interwebs.
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Re: The debates

Tue Oct 04, 2016 3:07 pm

What have read, Trump must win FL, NC and OH to have a chance to win. Then he also needs PA or at least 4 other smaller swing states to beat The Bitch.

Too bad the butt hurt Repubs could not fully support Trump, as then he'd beat her no problem. Basically they could have gotten out the vote for him. They are squandering not just POTUS, but many other congressional races being they are not pushing to get out the vote for POTUS

And getting out the vote is Haillary's problem too, remember many of Nobama's supporters were young people and women, and many women loathe Hillary and the youngins look at her as an old bag.

Bottom line is who ever can get their supporters to the polls wins.
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Re: The debates

Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:59 pm

So, Republicans not supporting Trump and following principles are assholes.

You over value the Presidency and undervalue the 3 branch system.

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Re: The debates

Tue Oct 04, 2016 7:55 pm

lanyard wrote:You over value the Presidency and undervalue the 3 branch system.
So true. The value of voting for President is overrated and the value of all of the other folks on the ballot vastly underrated.'ve been preaching about the goberment taking guns for so long that I think even you are starting to believe it. :lol:

The republican party is a mess. Their strategy (assuming they have one) seems to be based on over confidence in winning elections by simply putting a warm body on the ballot. In the process they are driving people away. The decided not to put in place a supreme court justice because they assumed they would win the Presidency and control the driving the party further right they leave party members no room for compromise and open themselves up to be seen as hypocrites. Somehow I am sure this will all work out...whether it is the total collapse of the party and the rise of a third party to power or maybe another far right party will blossom leaving the moderate republicans???


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Re: The debates

Thu Oct 27, 2016 8:42 pm

All this wiki leaks stuff gonna change anything?

On one hand it's great to know the stuff they are releasing. On the other its awfully concerning russia is trying to influence our election

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Re: The debates

Thu Oct 27, 2016 8:57 pm

Well, so far they seem to be doing better than the press and congress.

Russia has more to gain economically by disrupting status quo than either the press or congress. The news cycle requires that status quo remains, somehow they continue to make money because people continue to watch.

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Re: The debates

Fri Oct 28, 2016 1:03 pm

Now the FBI is reopening the investigation...this whole thing is crazy

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Re: The debates

Fri Oct 28, 2016 1:14 pm

Whoop-T-Dooooo..... who they going to arrest, 5 russian hackers?

The FBI couldn't put enough on Hilary for self-dealing, how the hell they going to prove anything that Putin said, "Hey fellas, work with this Snowden guy...."

And why Trump won't release his taxes: he doesn't want everyone to know he's really not a billionaire. His personal financial statement is likely a wreck. Once you deduct the debt he owes China his primary asset is tax carry-overs from filing bankruptcies.

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