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Mergie Marauder
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Re: The "big push" and tail end of the duck season for 2016

Sat Dec 03, 2016 6:58 pm

Kilt me a few b bills today. Sure nice when they come and belly up to the bar at 15 yards. Got to finally hunt one of my favorite points with the se wind.

Seen a few other groups of divers swimming around where I was. Few mallards around and no geese.

The numbers seen wasn't nothing to get excited about but it was nice to kill a few and keep the season going with only one skunk day so far.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: The "big push" and tail end of the duck season for 2016

Sun Dec 04, 2016 5:47 pm

Nice work. Tons of Geese around but they are tough to pattern. They showed up at 12 in one field I'm watching. Another field was 3:30.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: The "big push" and tail end of the duck season for 2016

Sun Dec 04, 2016 9:13 pm

gimpfinger wrote:Kilt me a few b bills today. Sure nice when they come and belly up to the bar at 15 yards. Got to finally hunt one of my favorite points with the se wind.

Seen a few other groups of divers swimming around where I was. Few mallards around and no geese.

The numbers seen wasn't nothing to get excited about but it was nice to kill a few and keep the season going with only one skunk day so far.

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Did you get out today for the last Hoorah, Gimp?

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Re: RE: Re: The "big push" and tail end of the duck season for 2016

Sun Dec 04, 2016 9:29 pm

lanyard wrote:[quote="gimpfinger"]Kilt me a few b bills today. Sure nice when they come and belly up to the bar at 15 yards. Got to finally hunt one of my favorite points with the se wind.

Seen a few other groups of divers swimming around where I was. Few mallards around and no geese.

The numbers seen wasn't nothing to get excited about but it was nice to kill a few and keep the season going with only one skunk day so far.

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Did you get out today for the last Hoorah, Gimp?[/quote]
Nope. Spent the day being a lazy azz. The back needed an easy day.

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Re: The "big push" and tail end of the duck season for 2016

Mon Dec 05, 2016 7:37 am


Was a sad day to see it end. Mallard numbers are outstanding.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: The "big push" and tail end of the duck season for 2016

Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:29 am

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Re: The "big push" and tail end of the duck season for 2016

Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:35 am

^^^ That is a nice bunch of drakes for sure.

As I was outside working yesterday, from 3PM and on I could hear Tundra Swans and few flocks of geese and the Swans were still heading SE as of 12Midnight. At least a dozen times I heard them. They are getting pushed for sure. Brandon MB 19 out right now and are getting over 12" of snow thru tomorrow. Same temps for Regina SK. Below zero temps expected by mid week, like -18 Friday AM for Brandon.
God, help me be the man that my dog thinks that I am.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: The "big push" and tail end of the duck season for 2016

Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:52 pm

Hunting in Wisconsin for last two days. Ends tomorrow. Shot some gadwalls tonight but no duck movement of a migration. Swans migrating but no ducks. It gets good here when backwaters freeze but that will be in a day or two. Will be to late then. Oh well.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: The "big push" and tail end of the duck season for 2016

Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:54 pm

Cause the migration is done here.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: The "big push" and tail end of the duck season for 2016

Tue Dec 06, 2016 6:26 am

Whoa.... I heard it ain't even happened yet!

The last two weeks of Oct and first week of Nov this state was full of birds and never saw a cloud or had a wind over 15 mph.

When Alabama opened they were shooting divers on the coast.

I'm not faking that the continental counts are real, there's some serious pixie dust there.

But it surprises me how many hunters think that there is a mystical 3 weeks or month where whenever they get a Saturday off to hunt, they will find a day or 5 that they are assholes and elbows deep in "northern" birds.... then everything freezesxand they don't see a bird again.

I've dinner it all over this state, in No Dak and So Dak, but stick around a decent duck area well after sunset. Watch the birds heading to roost in the twilight. Listen to the birds shout contentedly to each other.... maddening as hell.

Watch hunters fight for the same 10 spots in a lake. Watch the localized birds that know those 10 spots pull all the birds to them. See 9 of 10 rigs with the same fast grass scissors blind..... nothing wrong with it, but I had days this year watching thousands of birds going any damn place they pleased, very comfortably saying , "I see you ass hat", as they fly by, like the little kid that thinks they're hiding because they can't see you but their butt is sticking out behind the couch.

Minnesota generally sucks because our sloughs are holding ponds. Our lakes are not managed for their ecosystem but for their recreation. Our DNR is tasked as park managers. Our state leadership is a bunch of ninny knitting stocking darning metro slick chuckleheads that think a shower and trip for pheasants is a solid man card experience (with a couple exceptions).

The state's population is exceptionally urbanized to the point no one will move out state for manufacturing jobs, our average age is increasing, and the only population growth this state sees is Hispanic, Asian, and African. We are net loss on skilled workers and over loaded with college educated non-makers if things.

And given the slate of early candidates to replace Governor Mumbles, none of that is going to change.

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