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Mergie Marauder
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Re: There May Be Hope Yet...

Fri Nov 23, 2018 1:58 am

Bullet21XD wrote:Biggest problem is, too many of our hunting "brothers" would call TIP and rat a mofo out for shooting the gotdam things.

Other hunters are real POS's.

I've always tried to relay that too.

Farmers aren't going to call you in, your average citizen isn't going to call you in, cops & CO's? They're typically lazy pieces of shit losers that would really like to avoid filling out paperwork like the plague.

The only one a hunter or fisherman has to fear?


My philosophy is this---we all break laws.

Just think about it. Every time we're all on a well trafficked roadway we're bumper to bumper and shoulder to shoulder with law breakers.

Speeders, drivers that are high, drunk, or in my case---usually both (kidding....kind of), one out of eight drivers doesn't have insurance, and think of how many assholes are driving home to kick their dogs, smack their kids around, or beat their wives?

Game laws are essentially pointless in the big scheme of things. I often fish Mille Lacs by myself but do so while trolling four lines (two on planer boards).

Am I saying you have to agree with my not giving a shit about the single fishing line per person law?

Absolutely not. I'm not asking anyone to condone my actions. I'm just asking everyone to mind their own fukcing business.

I've weighed out the risk/reward of what I do and if/when I get caught?

Well, I take my tickets like a man and never bitch at whatever LEO got the jump on me. It doesn't happen very often so I typically come clean and tip my cap to them. You'd be amazed how many times that's got me off. Seriously. It's not half but it's in the 35%-40% range.

Anyways.....ignoring whatever law I'm breaking isn't the same as condoning my actions. I don't condone guys beating their wife but guess what? It's none of my fukcing business....maybe she has it coming. Not my place to judge, sure as shit not my place to do anything about it.

Other people can break whatever laws they want and I'm not going to give a shit unless it directly effects me---as in someone trying to kill me. Otherwise, do whatever the hell you want and if I see any of you breaking a law, especially out hunting and fishing? I'll gladly look the other way and silently wish you good luck in not getting caught. If you do? You rolled the dice....don't bitch to me if you get caught....and I'll do the same. I guarantee you I wasn't the asshole to call you in. Learn from it and do better next time to avoid getting caught.

I've never seen any positive benefit for anyone that's called any LEO....for either the person calling it in or the person they're calling in on. It affects both negatively in every circumstance that I've ever seen firsthand.

Break your laws, I'll break mine, and let's all try to be better people by avoiding being hypocritical enough to judge someone for breaking a law they don't personally choose to break----because I guarantee you've broken laws they've never broken too. It works both ways. Don't be a bad person. Don't be a hypocrite.
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Re: There May Be Hope Yet...

Fri Nov 23, 2018 2:44 am

Shiiit, has Bullet ever bought steel shot shells yet?
God, help me be the man that my dog thinks that I am.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: There May Be Hope Yet...

Fri Nov 23, 2018 4:39 pm

I still shoot mostly steel...simply because it's cheaper than good lead loads. I just make up for it by the abundance of dead ducks by the end of the year.

And yep...I pretty much hate all other hunters/anglers. I don't violate too often, usually one offense a day...multiple times! But the others...the hypocrits...will be the same hippy f.a.g smokin weed in the next rig over that calls you in. I ain't ever ratting anyone out, but i've been called in...a few times...with all calls leading to no citations. They're all just a bunch of whiny losers.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: There May Be Hope Yet...

Fri Nov 23, 2018 10:03 pm

lanyard wrote:"Die, Cormorant, Die" Sideshow Bob and Doug....

Bonus points if you can get both references

German for “thee cormorant, thee. Don’t get the Doug reference though

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