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Re: Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:41 pm

Stute Slap wrote:
tola18 wrote:
Stute Slap wrote:Still can't believe how many people think DD is a real show or the Robertson's are real.

Nobody thinks it's strange that a true red-neck, hardcore duck hunting, camo wearing, southerner is doing interviews in GQ magazine?????

The whole thing is an act, these statements were scripted, everything they say is scripted, the camo, long hair and beards are costumes.

You think the company was made in 1973, to make a TV show in the 2010's? :shock: I've watched most of the Duck Commander DVD's and loved the way they hunted and lived life long before Willie got greedy and made a corny (yet funny) TV show.

I think they made a company in 1973 and had a genius marketing strategy to sell their products which was to act and dress a certain way on their videos. Which is a great idea. I can't believe there are people on this earth who believe it's real life....the duckmen videos were just as fake as Duck Dynasty. That's a fact jack. Their hunting videos are awesome but it's not REAL, it's MARKETING.

All of them but Jep have had a beard all along... So I don't think they are wearing "costumes".

They are just as much costumes as the band KISS's get up, it's all part of the act.

More than anything, the GQ interview that Phil did should show you that he is not "scripted." The guy has the McNuggets to say what he means and stand by it rather then bend over backwards to make everyone happy. He has his beliefs, I have mine, you have yours.

It was 100% scripted, look at all the publicity this has got him!! I saw there was over 68,000 comments on Yahoo this morning....I have never seen that many on any article before. Again a genius move by Phil, right when things were starting to cool and fade away he brings himself right back to the spot light, bigger than ever.

AND he bent over backwards as soon as SHTF.

What he said didn't cause any harm... whether you think it was right or wrong is up to you... but this story has brought forth so many hypocrites and already annoyed the hell out of me.

Phil is a genius, plain and simple. He is also pretty dang creepy if you ask me....who the heck brings up "a man's anus" ha ha what a weirdo. I just marvel at how stupid society is though and believe it's "reality".....that's what I get a kick out of. Probly the same people that think Lizard Lick towing, those shows about Alaska, and The Hills, are real I guess.

So how is it that he "bent over backwards" I copy pasted his statement he released, where is the bending??

“I myself am a product of the 60s; I centered my life around sex, drugs and rock and roll until I hit rock bottom and accepted Jesus as my Savior,” he said in a statement sent to FOX411.

“My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together.

"However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”

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Re: Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:57 pm

Yes - I think a lot of people believe a lot of it is true, a lot more than what is real. It is evident by most people on this forum and facebook, etc. It is nothing short of amazing.

I would say most people believe the Duckmen videos aren't scripted for example.

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Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:07 pm

Stute Slap wrote:Yes - I think a lot of people believe a lot of it is true, a lot more than what is real. It is evident by most people on this forum and facebook, etc. It is nothing short of amazing.

I would say most people believe the Duckmen videos aren't scripted for example.

That last quote wasn't meant for you sorry must have hit the wrong section.

I don't think it's real I just think the man should have the right to say what his opinion is if he pleases, that's all I'm trying to defend
Last edited by dwendt on Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:08 pm

9manfan wrote:^
Stute, do you honestly believe most people think Duck Dynasty is their everyday lives.....come on...

I'd be willing to be quite a few people do.

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Re: Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:55 pm

Wow this thread sure blew up since this morning.

Let's recap-we've covered gays & religion so how about some politics for the trifecta :lol:

I blame Fowler for this bloodbath-as punishment he should be spanked by a 22 year old Asian chick

Lots of emotion & opinions-that's entertainment :!:

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Re: Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Thu Dec 19, 2013 4:30 pm

Is Phil a genius...I would say no. Has he mastered marketing and smelling out a way to make some good dough...absatively. The fact that this thread exists is proof enough for me.

It never ceases to amaze me the credence that is given to people who are simply just trying to entertain us and make a buck at the same time...whether it's an athlete or screen personality. :? O I don't want to know what that says about the intellect of the public.

I for one find the show entertaining...but I certainly don't take moral or ethical advice from the Robertson family with any seriousness.


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Re: Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Thu Dec 19, 2013 4:49 pm

WALKER wrote:Wow this thread sure blew up since this morning.

Let's recap-we've covered gays & religion so how about some politics for the trifecta :lol:

I blame Fowler for this bloodbath-as punishment he should be spanked by a 22 year old Asian chick

Lots of emotion & opinions-that's entertainment :!:

It's funny you mention politics, I almost blamed Obama for all of this.

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Re: Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:00 pm

I love how the rollers are backing Phil the guy who when he was 18 was dating a 14 year old girl. They sure know how to pick um. Or else anyone who starts haten on gays they back up at any cost.
LOL Funny stuff.
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Re: Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:02 pm

dwendt wrote:
I don't think it's real I just think the man should have the right to say what his opinion is if he pleases, that's all I'm trying to defend

He can say what ever he wants too.

But if you owned a feed mill and one of your employees was bad mouthing fat farmer wives all day could you suspend him from work? Would that be OK in your world? If he affects his employer I think a employer should be able to do what they want with him (unless he's union).
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Re: Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:09 pm

I thought this was a funny retort on fb:

I usually avoid polarizing political topics, but Since the Duck Dynasty fiasco is the news story of the day,and it involves matters of human rights based on the Bible, it's fodder for this page. So, here’s my take: Dear Duck Dummy, Your bronze age beliefs are...well...just that, bronze age. Your claim that being gay is a sin, based on a book authored by a bunch of deserteer troglodytes is no more valid or meaningful than the Hellenistic claim that the earth was suspended in space resting in the palm of Apollo. It’s an ignorant claim, and in a day and age where ignorance is inexcusable, I’ll go so far as to say you’re just f*******g stupid. Regarding homosexuality, the Duck Dynasty Dummy said, “It’s not logical.” --- And what, it’s logical to believe the claims of a book riddled with tales of talking snakes and donkeys, men who trump death and instead fly to heaven in chariots of fire, demon possessed suicidal swine, virgin born zombies and an impending apocalypse which will divide humanity into 2 diametrically opposed groups, one going to heaven and one to hell. THIS is your idea of logic?!?!? Here’s the low down. You’re just a grown up version of “Honey Boo-Boo.” You’re cheap entertainment at best. You’re the butt end of a joke about backwoods, Bible thumping, gun toting rednecks with less than 6th grade educations. That’s it. That’s all you are. That’s all you've been, you've just not known it till now. Keep in mind that America is much larger than your cave in Hickville, Louisiana; while you have the right to any opinion you wish, America also has the right to turn off their televisions. Grander still, television networks have the right to cut you off --- I guess you know that by now. That’s how it works in the land of LOGIC, you knuckle dragging troglodyte. -Chris
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