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Re: RE: Re: New DNR Commisioner

Tue Jan 08, 2019 3:14 pm

get-n-birdy wrote:Maybe she'll be able to change farming practices and harvest pots of gold efficiently from rainbows for funding.
The governor will raise taxes for the people who are living with the cows and rocks. The cidots will get on their knees and praise him for it. They dont listen the citizen who actually sees it first hand.

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Re: New DNR Commisioner

Tue Jan 08, 2019 3:23 pm

get-n-birdy wrote:Maybe she'll be able to change farming practices and harvest pots of gold efficiently from rainbows for funding.

Brilliant comment. Funny. Witty. Clever. Also superbly accurate and on point.

Beautiful writing there get-n-birdy.
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Re: New DNR Commisioner

Tue Jan 08, 2019 5:43 pm

lanyard wrote:
Bailey wrote:So are we getting a new 50 year duck plan for a million breeding ducks in minnesota?

If she wanted to make a mark she'd pull that turd off the shelf and set it on fire.

Unfortunately, I'd anticipate the resource sink hole that is Mille Lacs, unstoppable invasive species, wolf management, and trails will be the focus because there are more rich white folks that get their panties in a bundle over those than they do about ACTUALLY going hunting and fishing.

Landwehr put that thing on the shelf the day he came into office and it must have collected 5 inches of dust by now. If you want a good laugh I found this doing a google search. Well they got 6 years left to get 60 thousand plus new hunters to buy licenses!!

Building on the 2001 plan to Restore Minnesota’s Wetland and Waterfowl Hunting Heritage, the DNR proposes an ambitious new vision
in collaboration with conservation groups, state and federal agencies.
Among these are:
Boost the state’s average breeding duck population from 636,000 to
1 million birds producing a fall population of 1.4 million birds from
• Restore hunting opportunities that existed during the 1970s.
• Average of 140,000 resident hunters with high satisfaction rates.
What’s different about these goals? The bar has been set higher and
the buy in is bigger. Biologists, habitat specialists and conservation
partners who collaborated on theses goals are committed to making
this plan more than just words on paper. By 2025, we will add 600,000
acres of habitat. With support and determination, we will make the goal
of 2 million acres a reality.

Accelerate efforts to restore 1,800
shallow lakes, including wild rice lakes.
Working together on the following efforts will increase our potential for
boosting Minnesota’s duck population to average 1 million breeding
• Support forest management to include cavity-nesting trees.
• Work with organizations to add nest boxes and structures.
• Support expansion of waterfowl education for youth and adults.
Extra efforts to improve duck hunting
2. Focus on habitat
Looking for ways to use the latest technology to protect the state’s
best duck breeding and migration habitat while keeping working lands
working, the DNR began meeting with federal agencies, conservation
and agricultural organizations in 2004.
This discussion led to a collaboration known as the Working Lands
Initiative, an effort to focus on high-quality prairie wetland complexes
that are critical to waterfowl and shorebird production.
Specifically, this means hunters will see greater emphasis on creating
four- to nine-square mile wetland and grassland complexes that provide
nesting habitat in spring and rest areas during fall migration.
At its heart, the Working Lands Initiative is about using satellite mapping, biological data and conservation programs to protect the state’s
best duck habitat while keeping farmland in production.
Protecting 2 million acres of duck habitat would be impossible without
a long-term commitment from many partners. As a result, the new duck
plan calls for even greater coordination and collaboration among conservation partners. Together, citizens need to support Wetland Loan Act
legislation, the Working Lands Initiative, federal farm bill conservation
provisions and local initiatives to protect wetlands.
Hundreds of thousands of acres are already being proposed for long-term
protection through federal, state and private programs. And there’s much
more to do.
So, the DNR looks forward to working with you to improve our shallow lakes, increase nest boxes, protect resident hens, reduce the affects
of invasive species, and accomplish other actions that will make a difference for this and future generations.
3. Enhance teamwork
Citizens Advisory Committee WMA proposal
Federal Farm Program Easements
FWS Long Range Acquisition and Easements
The potential for meeting the 2 million-acre challenge can be seen in other
established wildlife habitat acquisition plans.
Toward 2 million acres
Total: 600,000 acres by 2025
• Provide waterfowl sanctuaries, refuges or rest areas every 50 miles
within the major waterfowl habitat areas across Minnesota.
• Improve hunter satisfaction, performance and recruitment through
education partnerships with a long-term goal of averaging 140,000
hunters with a high satisfaction rate.
• Continue targeted enforcement through DNR Waterfowl
Enforcement Task Force.
• Increase average duck abundance during fall migration. Continue
monitoring to provide duck abundance estimates.

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Re: New DNR Commisioner

Tue Jan 08, 2019 5:47 pm

What they failed to realize in their 2025 plan is we only have one more year before all the ducks are gone in the Dennis Anderson 2020 plan.
Last edited by lanyard on Wed Jan 09, 2019 8:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: New DNR Commisioner

Tue Jan 08, 2019 9:26 pm

Targeted waterfowl enforcement?

Is there a part of this fine state that is experiencing rampant waterfowl poaching?

Please tell me where and I’ll make the decision as to whether I should roll the dice and hunt or poach there. Maybe both, as opportunities present

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Re: New DNR Commisioner

Wed Jan 09, 2019 5:07 pm

I think they should drastically raise license prices, like to $250 for a duck stamp, and $350 for a small game license. Money is what is needed to improve the situation, the prices are ridiculously low. People will pay it, it's nothing compared to the increase in shells/waders/etc. Most people spend more than that at the bar every weekend.

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Re: New DNR Commisioner

Wed Jan 09, 2019 6:48 pm

Stute Slap wrote:I think they should drastically raise license prices, like to $250 for a duck stamp, and $350 for a small game license. Money is what is needed to improve the situation, the prices are ridiculously low. People will pay it, it's nothing compared to the increase in shells/waders/etc. Most people spend more than that at the bar every weekend.

Yeah boyyyyy.

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Re: New DNR Commisioner

Thu Jan 10, 2019 10:08 am

Stute Slap wrote:I think they should drastically raise license prices, like to $250 for a duck stamp, and $350 for a small game license. Money is what is needed to improve the situation, the prices are ridiculously low. People will pay it, it's nothing compared to the increase in shells/waders/etc. Most people spend more than that at the bar every weekend.

Have you been eating off of lead plates and cups this past year?
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Re: RE: Re: New DNR Commisioner

Thu Jan 10, 2019 11:10 am

Stute Slap wrote:I think they should drastically raise license prices, like to $250 for a duck stamp, and $350 for a small game license. Money is what is needed to improve the situation, the prices are ridiculously low. People will pay it, it's nothing compared to the increase in shells/waders/etc. Most people spend more than that at the bar every weekend.
Not everyone shoots 25.00 shells, use 900.00 waders, 800.00 jackets and 150.00 a half dozen decoys. Oh and not everyone goes to the bar. Probably been 2 years since I stepped into one.

But this post proves what I've been saying on Facebook to all the "got to haves"...youre going to price yourself put of the game by buying all the overpriced shit. Soon you won't find a jacket under 700.00, gloves under 100.00 and a hat under 80.00.

sent from deez nutz lay'n on yo chin
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Re: New DNR Commisioner

Thu Jan 10, 2019 11:20 am

Sounds like someone fell off the short bus while he wasnt wearing his helmet with those costs of licenses.

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