Mergie Marauder
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Re: New DNR Commisioner

Fri Jan 11, 2019 5:05 pm

Sounds like it's time to remind the DNR.

Sounds like it's time for another duck rally!
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Re: New DNR Commisioner

Fri Jan 11, 2019 6:40 pm

I’ve volunteered to help do spring netting with the dnr a few times and I can tell you they work very hard, work long hours and are passionate about what they do. So I have a lot of respect for the fishery employees of the dnr. No clue about the other departments.

Our state doesn’t manage the waterfowl areas we already have. To think things will get better if we raise stamp prices is foolish. Unless the dnr gets on board with moist soil management I don’t see them making any significant changes for duck hunting in our state.

There are a few public areas that produced solid hunting last year and they hardly saw any pressure for how big they are. They are no motor so they keep all the lazy hunters out. I think most people who constantly bitch about duck numbers are just lazy or chitty hunters. The dnr can’t fix that.

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Re: New DNR Commisioner

Sat Jan 12, 2019 12:32 am

This state will never be seriously managed for anything outside fishing. Follow the money and economic impact. Fishing leads the way and that's where a majority of resources/effort will be allocated. Does anything else in this state attract attention like fishing does? Do people travel here to do anything else besides fish? Not really.

What are we going to do, spend all this money restoring waterfowl habitat and then put out a huge ad campaign on how MN is the new ND?

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Re: New DNR Commisioner

Sat Jan 12, 2019 12:40 am

If the waterfowl "branch" of the DNR "business" were a branch in a real world business, it would have been spun off or ceased operation long ago. It's not profitable and is a resource sink with negative return and a bleak future for being "profitable"

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Re: New DNR Commisioner

Sat Jan 12, 2019 9:22 am

State Slap should start a GoFundMe page to raise money to lobby the legislature to raise the the lic to $250. Go post that up on the MW FB page and see how that goes over and I'll sit back and watch while eating some popcorn.

Serious question - does SS have dementia or been in the nut house lately or been hanging with FF and munching on 'shrooms or received too many electro shock treatments?
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Re: New DNR Commisioner

Mon Jan 14, 2019 2:33 am

h2ofwlr wrote:Serious question - does SS have dementia or been in the nut house lately or been hanging with FF and munching on 'shrooms or received too many electro shock treatments?

I have no idea whether you're trying to infer this as a positive or negative set of events.

Sounds like a bitchin' Tuesday to me!!
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Re: New DNR Commisioner

Mon Jan 14, 2019 2:40 am

Nershi wrote:I’ve volunteered to help do spring netting with the dnr a few times and I can tell you they work very hard, work long hours and are passionate about what they do. So I have a lot of respect for the fishery employees of the dnr. No clue about the other departments.

Fisheries guys are the worst when it comes to apathy and protecting the status quo....see Mille Lacs as case evidence A.

They're so worried about protecting their forty years of precious data they won't scrap any piece of their management plan.

I'm not arguing that they aren't working long hours, aren't passionate about what they're doing, etc.

I'm sure the half century old or longer fisheries survey they're doing if for nothing else but to continue on with the status quo, is a real break from the status quo.

Good for them since the fisheries surveys are important.....but only kind of reinforces my point about them not being passionate to do anything different than what they've been doing forever.
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Re: New DNR Commisioner

Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:50 am

FF from my understanding each regional fishery department are able to make their own management decisions subject to approval from the higher ups. Our region has actually done some pretty cool studies and have made management decisions changes based on those studies. Some of which went against their long term management plans they had in place. They have not just followed status quo. It’s been nice to see them open minded when working with the interested groups of fisherman in regards to a species or particular body of water.

If you pay attention to special regs you can see this in different regions of our state. One good example is the special panfish regs out in the detroit lakes area. Which is something I’ve been talking to our regional dnr folks about looking in to.

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Re: New DNR Commisioner

Mon Jan 14, 2019 10:14 am

Wish there were more regs for panfish in Minnesota.

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Re: New DNR Commisioner

Mon Jan 14, 2019 2:09 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:State Slap should start a GoFundMe page to raise money to lobby the legislature to raise the the lic to $250. Go post that up on the MW FB page and see how that goes over and I'll sit back and watch while eating some popcorn.

Serious question - does SS have dementia or been in the nut house lately or been hanging with FF and munching on 'shrooms or received too many electro shock treatments?

I guess I am the only one serious about conservation on this site!!

I would do drugs with FF, although I'm not a big mushroom guy.....last time things got a little dark.

Fowler - I'm not on FB, but I might join with all this talk about this hunting page full of idiots seems like fun. Is it a duck hunting page, general hunting page, or what is it called exactly? Also can I join with a fake name? I don't really want to get "friended" by people I went to highschool with and have all that anxiety of not accepting, then running into them at Chic Filet and we both know I didn't accept their friend request and it's all weird.

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